‹ Prequel: Tattoos and Cigarettes
Sequel: Coma Therapy
Status: Complete :)

Find Your Own Way

Never Again

Waking up to everyone crowded around her Arianna raised an eyebrow. Looking around she realized she was in the hospital. She couldn’t remember coming here.

“You’re awake,” Johnny stated causing everyone’s attention to snap to her.

“How’re you feeling?” Brian asked giving her hand a small squeeze. “Do you want some water?”

Realizing that Dan was missing she shook her head. Did he leave already?

“I’ll go get the doctor,” Matt said kissing his wife’s cheek.

Three days had passed since she had first passed out. The doctor’s were confused as well when they brought her in but after some tests it was brought to light that she had just taken too many pills. Brian and Michelle just hung their heads and refused to leave the room until their baby girl woke up.

“What happened?” Arianna asked bringing her hand up to wipe her tired eyes. “Why am I here?”

“You passed out honey,” Michelle said going to the other side and brushing hair out of her face. “Dan brought you home and was freaking out, he didn’t know what happened.”

Bowing her head Arianna wouldn’t meet there gazes. She remembered taking a few more pills than she normally did, but she didn’t understand why she was here.

“You’re here because you had an acute overdose, the doctors pumped your stomach when you go here, did some blood work,” Brian explained bringing his hand under her chin and lifting it so he could look at her. “Why’d you take those pills Ari?”

Biting her lip she shook her head. Tears were building in her eyes. It was such a stupid reason. She knew she didn’t have a chance but seeing it in person punctured a hole in her heart.

Walking through into the room Dr. Sanborn smiled happily at the small family. They hadn’t been sure when Arianna would wake up and were quite surprised to hear that she had woken up on her own. “Hello there,” he greeted grabbing the clipboard at the end of the bed. “I’m Doctor Sanborn, if you want Ari, you can call me Joe.”

“Can I go home?” Arianna asked looking hopeful at the young doctor.

“We’ll have to run a few tests and run your vitals after that you should be fine to go,” Dr. Sanborn said looking over to her father. “Can I talk to you and your wife outside?”

“Of course,” Brian stated dropping his daughters hand and following the doctor out the door.

“Have you thought about getting your daughter a counselor?” The doctor asked cautiously. Some family’s got very defensive when this got brought up. “I really feel that if she would agree to go she could get the help and wouldn’t,” he paused looking through the door to the young girl. She was crying. “continue down this path.”

Nodding her head Michelle squeezed Brian’s hand. They would definitely get her some help. If only she agreed.

“Alright, someone will be in shortly to bring her for some testing, you should be able to bring her home within the next hour,” the doctor said smiling and walking away to his next patient.


Walking through the door of her home Arianna sighed happily. She hated hospitals. Going into the living room she jumped onto the couch and closed her eyes. Home sweet home.

“Ari,” Michelle said quietly following her daughter. “Can we talk baby girl?”

“We are talking,” she replied opening her eyes to look at her mother. “What’s up?”

“We, me and your father, think it’d be best if we brought you to see a therapist. Would you be okay with that?” Michelle asked hoping she wouldn’t get defensive. She really hated that she was having to deal with this again. It was hard enough twenty two years ago with Max but now with her own daughter is was gut wrenching.

“I suppose,” she agreed looking up to see her father. “What the guys aren’t staying?”

“They’re going home to their own families,” Brian said sitting in an arm chair. He was extremely happy that she had agreed to see a therapist. He wouldn’t know what to do if she refused.

“So how about we order a movie?” Michelle suggested picking up the remote to the television. “Something funny?”

“Yeah why not,” Arianna said yawning. “Can we order some pizza, I’m starving.”


“Hi,” Michelle stated quietly to the receptionist, “we have an appointment with Mr. Green.”

“Alright, just sit down over there and he should be with your shortly,” the receptionist replied, bored.

Not even five minutes later a short plump man came out of his office smiling. Arianna couldn’t help but think he was creepy. He probably hid sluts under his desk for them to suck him off while he listened to other peoples problems.

“I’m Henry Green, it’s nice to meet you Arianna,” he introduced himself sticking his hand out. He had sausage fingers. There was no way she was shaking his hand. “Alright then, would you like to get started?”

Rolling her eyes she looked over at her mother who just mouthed to her to follow him. This would have to be the worst hour of her entire life.

Sitting down in a hard chair Arianna stared around the office. The walls were an ugly brownish color, there weren’t any pictures or inspiring messages, a couple of shelves full of books. How boring.

“So Arianna, how are you today?”

“Fine,” she replied shortly staring out the dirty window. Didn’t he ever clean it?

“I’m doing pretty well myself,” Mr. Green told her. “Do you know why your parents wanted you to come here?”

“Of course I know,” Arianna snapped staring at the man. “How did he get his degree? He must’ve cheated,” Ari thought to herself.

“Why’d you start taking drugs?”

“They’re fun. And everyone else was doing it; didn’t want to be the one to look like a loser,” she explained rolling her eyes. Why was she even talking to him? He was just stealing their money. He would be no help to her.

“What’s your drug of choice?”

“What’s your drug of choice?” she mimicked. How pissed would her mom be if she just got up and left? She couldn’t stand this guy.

“Arianna I’m here to help you, you need to talk to me,” he spoke. His voice made her shiver and not in a good way. It was nasally, full of phlegm.

“I don’t need to talk to you,” she muttered staring out the window again. “I’m only here to ease my parents worry.”

“Alright, so you care about them? You don’t want to disappoint them?”

“You know what,” Arianna spat glaring at the man. She was not going to tell him all this personal information. It was non of his business. “Fuck you.”

Getting up and yanking the door open Arianna sent her mother a meaningful look of “this is bullshit” and walked out of the building. She would not be going back even if her life depended on it.
♠ ♠ ♠
5 comments meant an update so here it is! Thank you to JaedeVendetta,Through-the-Night, foreveraoutcast, age of aquarius., and loINve for commenting. It means a lot.

I've decided that 5 comments is just too easy, there are over 20 of you subscribed, so with that said, 10 comments gets a new chapter. As always any comment (unless it's the last one needed for an update) gets a preview of the next chapter.

I just finished writing chapter 8 and I can tell you that so far it is defintely my favorite and I can't wait for you guys to get there with me. I have big plans for Ari, big, big plans.