Status: Updating when bored and stuff.

"What About Us?" Well, What About Me?

I've tried everything, friends to alcohol; friends to alcohol.

I looked down at the red plastic cup in my hands, impatiently tapping it along it's sides with my rough, fingers which had been through years of guitar playing and overpriced caffeinated drink making. I wish I could say I was forced into coming to this party with my significant other, or that I actually wanted to be here stuck listening to the loud music who's bass echoed throughout the house and many drunken bodies dancing all around the couch on which I sat but with my brother being the biggest partier in all of San Diego it was hard not to get sucked into these things.

I sighed as I saw a pair of feet approach me and looked up to see who I had been expecting to see.
"You know, the point of parties is to enjoy yourself, right?" He said and grinned that goofy smile of his as he took a sip out of red cup, the only difference being his had his name written on it.
"Jaime... I can't, you know I just don't want to." I said to the younger man as I looked away, looking towards the kitchen where everyone was yelling from excitement as they all took a round of shots.

"Look, Vic" Jaime said and I looked up at him to show he had my attention. "You've been down ever since they started dating" he motioned to the couple over in the corner of the kitchen who seemed to be on another round of shots, making cheers to each other with their shot glasses as they gave each other a sweet, drunken kiss. "Did you think I wouldn't notice?"

My body froze and I could feel my fingers tighten around the solo cup. "H-how did you know?" I asked as I slowly looked away, feeling the sudden burn on my cheeks indicating I was blushing. I didn't think anyone would figure it out this quickly.

"Vic, I'm your best friend, I would have found out eventually." Jaime said, taking a sip from his cup before continuing. "Don't worry, I won't tell Kellin you have a crush on his little girlfriend." he winked before walking away. Once my friend was out of view I sighed in relief. Jaime was observant, but he wasn't that observant, obviously. I took a sip from the cup, letting the alcohol filled content burn my throat before getting up off the couch.

A few minutes later I found myself finishing my fifth drink and stumbling out of the house. Was I drunk? No. Was I definitely tipsy? Yes.
As I walked out of the house and down the porch I threw my cup on the front lawn and started walking in the general direction of my house, taking the detour so I could get the chance to think to myself as I wallowed in self-pity, wishing one day that everything would be different.
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I literally have no idea how to submit stories to this website, so please bear with me. But yes, tell me what you think because I'm bored and I'm writing more as we speak because holy crap I have no life, and if you leave comments I may or may not respond. Again, I'm learning. And it's short but it's an intro chapters and intro chapters aren't always my best.
Title credit goes to Untitled by Eyes Set To Kill.