Status: Updating when bored and stuff.

"What About Us?" Well, What About Me?

Cannot spend another night in this home.

The next morning I walked to work in the pouring rain, something that hadn't happened in a while. I thought it was horrific symbolism for the mood of last night and the somewhat irritating hangover that next morning. Before leaving the house I made sure to grab some pain meds for the hangover induced headache and made sure to wear something with a hood, along with my beanie. I'm currently 24 and still working in that same local coffee shop that I started working in just when I turned 16. Since being in a band still hasn't paid off and going to college did require some funds, I decided to keep my coffee shop job until the band either made it or someplace else offered a better job.

My job isn't bad, it's not overly great but I can't complain. The free coffee and the somewhat friendly regular customers made up for the rude businessmen and cleaning that also came with the job. Kellin quit a long time ago, and hasn't bothered visiting, so it was livable.

I made sure to get to work early to open up, and made sure I got everything ready so that when my shift was over I could just leave and head to band practice without being late again, provided everyone still wasn't hungover.

The shop had only been open at a maximum of 10 minutes when I heard the dinging of the bell above the door. I had my back to the door, busy preparing some of the pastries before turning around. "Hello how may I help-" I said before seeing the all too familiar face. ""

Seeing Kellin's face brought back too many memories. Too many memories that were too unbearable to live through again. His expression was blank and he looked like he didn't want to be there, and quite frankly I didn't blame him. "I'll just take two large coffees." Kellin said, his morning voice still somewhat there. Avoiding him was such a difficult task as I made the coffee, especially when he tried talking to me.

"I didn't see you at the party last night." Kellin simply stated, just making conversation, he could clearly feel the tension in the air too.
"I didn't stick around long." I said blankly, shrugging as if it wasn't too big of a deal. "I don't party much these days." Kellin hummed in reply and paid for the coffee as I put them on the counter between us. I put the transaction into the cash register and gave him his change, not making eye contact before turning away to finish the pastries. When I thought he finally left I sighed and turned around to see him still standing there.
"Is there something wrong with the coffee...?" I asked, reaching for the coffee to fix whatever was wrong.
"Why, Vic." I could hear the pain in his voice.
"Customer satisfaction, that's why. What's wrong with it?" I asked taking the coffee but he took it back from me anyways. I looked up at him confused.
"I mean, why after what, five years or something like that you haven't talked to me? Not even once." He said.
"Look Kellin, I'm no in the-"
"No, I'm not finished. We were best friends, and you don't even talk to me anymore. You avoid me at all costs, and Mike says there's a lot going on with you. Why haven't you talked to me?" he asked. I looked up into his eyes and they seemed sincere.
"Communication and friendship is a two way street you know." I mumbled and walked back over to my pastries.
"Vic, you don't understand.." Kellin started but I cut him off before he could even make up an excuse.
"NO, Kellin, YOU don't understand." The anger in my voice was much more obvious than I intended and I slammed the milk carton on the counter. I looked at him once more to realize that my response probably made the situation even worse. Great.

"Vic, I still wanted to be your friend..." He said, the pain in his voice more obvious now. I shook my head and sighed. Kellin took that as his cue to leave.

Once he was gone and my temper settled I finished my shift at the coffee shop for the night before heading home. I walked into my house to get ready for band practice to see that the band was already there.
"Oh, hey guys." I said as I passed the living room and made my way over to a pile of laundry where I grabbed the top shirt and changed it really quickly. "Is practice here tonight...?" I asked, their presence confusing me more and more by the minute, until I noticed one of them was missing. "Where's Tony?"
"He's sick, with mono." Mike replied, not taking his eyes of the television which I hadn't even realized was on until now.
"Oh." I said, making my way towards the kitchen and making a quick sandwich before coming back out. "So, what're the plans for tonight?" I asked, hoping they didn't require me being around people. I planned on sitting home in my pajamas all night, watching whatever ABC family marathon they had on this weekend.
"Well, Jaime and I were going to go out. Want to come with?" My brother asked but I just shrugged.
"Long day at work, I'd rather not." I said, taking a bite of my sandwich.
"Yeah, we heard about it, hence why we're all going out. Now let's go." Jaime said and pulled me up off the couch and outside.

The last thing I wanted was to go out. I knew I was going to regret this later.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't really know how well this chapter would turn out, but I thought we should bring Kellin back into Vic's life, so voila. I might do a Kellin pov eventually, once I get an idea of what I want to happen, exactly. Any suggestions or requests? I'm pretty good with those.
woeisrebecca: awh thanks for the sub/rec c: I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. I hope you continue reading. (and maybe even commenting, woo~)