Status: Updating when bored and stuff.

"What About Us?" Well, What About Me?

That kiss tastes like summer.

We made our way to a club, where everyone seemed to already be having fun. Mike, Jaime, and I walked in and separated rather quickly. I made my way to the bar to have a seat and ordered a beer. A few minutes later Mike came up and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and looked at him, he seemed to have a somewhat decent looking guy with him.

"Vic, this is Mat, he's an old friend of mine. Think you guys can hang for a while so I can go look for the others that I'm meeting up with?" Mike never really asked for much when we were out at clubs together so I shrugged, agreeing to babysit someone who looked perfectly capable of watching themselves.

Mat sat awkwardly next to me for a few moments before attempting conversation.
"So, you're the infamous Vic?" he asked, and gave a small side-smile. He was pale and had wavy brown hair that just reached above his eyes. The way the ends looked, it seemed he had had a haircut recently. Cute.

I flashed a small smile back at him. "Yeah, that I am." i said chuckling a bit. I didn't know Mike talked about me, it made me a bit worried to know what he says about me. He wouldn't say anything bad but he probably wouldn't mind telling an embarrassing story or two. Mat put his hand out for me to shake and I took it, shaking it. It took a moment for either of us to let go but eventually we did. Mat ordered a beer and a few shots.

"Are you sure you want all of that right now?" I asked him, looking a bit concerned at how eager he was to get a drink, like he craved the alcohol in front of him.
"Yeah, I'm just going through a lot right now, that's all." he said and took a shot, making a face at the burning of the alcohol running down his throat.
"Well, I'm here to listen, if you want to." I said, taking the last sip of my beer before ordering another. I decided to open a tab at the bar because I felt like I was going to need it. Mat sighed and looked over at me, a sad look on his face.
"Okay, well don't tell anyone, but my boyfriend and I broke up last night, and it's just really... getting to me. I mean, it's understandable because we dated for two and a half years, but even so, I just wish there was something I could do." I looked at him shocked; one, because he was pretty well kept together considering the end of his long term relationship, and two, because I honestly didn't think he was gay.
"Oh, I'm sorry..." I said, knowing that that was probably the worst thing I could've said. I patted his shoulder lightly. "I haven't really been in any... long term or serious relationships, but I do know what it's like to have your heart broken, and it sucks, but you seem strong and I think you'll make it through it. You probably deserve better anyways." I said and gave a sympathetic smile. I really was horrible at this stuff.
"Do you mind me asking how you got heart broken?" he asked, taking a sip from his cup and looking at me, clearly concerned.
"It's a long story, this guy... and it's just a really long story, but uh, could you do me a favor?" I asked, biting my lip and looking over at him. He nodded, telling me he would. "Could you... not tell Mike about the guy, or that I like guys... or tell anyone for that matter?" How everyone didn't know I liked guys was beyond me, but I never really had the balls to tell them, so every once in a while I'd date a girl or two to keep up my facade. He smiled and nodded again before looking back down at the barcounter.

Minutes later we were in a drunken conversation, laughing at whatever the other said and taking sips of whatever drink the bartender put in front of us next.
"Well, Victor," he said, adding emphasis to my name. "I'll have you know that I am an A-plus beer pong player." I laughed at him and his drunken state and responded.
"Well, Matthew, I still think I can beat you at it." I said and smiled, adding emphasis to his name. He burst out laughing all of a sudden.
"My name, is Mathius, Mat is short for Mathius." he said and giggled, taking a sip of his drink. "Let's dance." he ended the conversation by pulling my arm and leading me across the club to the dancefloor. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was just the mood, but dancing felt good. I felt bad for anyone who had to witness my horrible dancing though, but the alcohol made me not care. Mat laughed at my dancing and I laughed at his.
"You're a horrible dancer." he shouted so I could hear over the music.
"Yeah? And you're a horrible beer pong player." I said with a smirk. He must've found it funny cause he laughed anyways and pulled me closer.
"You have to put more hip into it." Mat moved his hips, I moved mine in a mimicking motion and next I knew we were grinding on each other to what was probably the worst pop song ever, but we didn't care. I turned around to head back to the bar but in that very moment I felt Mat's warm lips against mine and I tasted the alcohol from his mouth. I wasn't really expecting it to happen, but I gave in anyways, letting him give me kisses and lead me out of the crowd to a destination that was unknown to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, Mat is obviously an OC. I added him in because I do what I want and I really just wanted an OC ok. Don't kill me. And we just found out that nobody knows of Vic's ~sexual orientation so we'll see what happens.
Anyways if you want I can get a picture of Mat if you're really that interested, but I hoped you liked this chapter, and I'm bored and it's like 11 at night so I'm writing more and yolo. And on a sidenote I really enjoyed writing this chapter because Mat and Vic are cute and Vic is somewhat happy or well kinda. He's drunk so w/e.