Colliding Hearts

To See Him Again

Aubrey stirred awake, blinking a few times in the passenger seat before rubbing away the sleep from her droopy eyes. She dreamt of him again, of Bruce.

It’s been quite a while since she had last seen him, and now at fifteen, she was suddenly standing beneath the large manor once again. This time though, without her mother. Sighing in deep sorrow, Aubrey met the dark brown eyes of the social worker, who shuffled to her side from her ugly black car, and who gently took Aubrey’s skinny arm to lead her up the manor steps.

“Mister Pennyworth.” The social worker, who’s name was Karen Miller, said stonily as soon as Mister Pennyworth revealed himself. He wore his typical uniform, a pressed suit with a simple black tie.

Alfred glanced down at Aubrey, looking down at her with sympathy so powerful, it almost stifled a sob from within Aubrey’s chest. She had to look down at her toes to hold it all in, taking a couple of deep condescending breaths which were ragged and rough.

Aubrey hadn’t yet cried due to her mother’s death. Not even once. The only clear indication that she was truly devastated was the darkness in her once vibrant eyes. It was quite a shock the day her mother passed on due to the swelling cancer in her breast, and the cancer spreading out into her blood stream. It was quite a shock to everyone to say the least.

She didn’t even notice Alfred’s steady hand resting against her shoulder, guiding her into the warmth of the manor.

Karen Miller was finally gone, and so were the tears and sobs that threatened to spill. Although Aubrey was still depressed, she was calm, and collected, and smiled slightly up at Alfred, who looked at her with simple concern.

The large mahogany doors shut tight behind them as they moved into the spacious front room, with high ceilings and exquisite decor. The manor never failed to take Aubrey’s breath away.

“Let me show you to your room before Master Bruce gets home from school.” Alfred spoke, leading Aubrey up the vast stairs, in tow with her small luggage, the only most important things in it. There wasn’t much... she didn't need much. A lot of her old stuff reminded her too much of her mother.


“Who are you?”

It was later in the day, Aubrey sat perched on a kitchen stool, her elbows resting gently on the counter. A cup of steaming Earl Grey sat in front of her, rather untouched. Aubrey swiftly turned her head to meet those of a girl’s her age, who had dark brown hair down to her shoulder’s, and pretty features. Was this Bruce’s girlfriend? A pang of jealousy coursed through her heart. She swallowed thickly, trying to get rid of the strange feeling... You have no right to be jealous Aub.

There was a sharp look in the girl’s eyes; sharp curiosity.

“Au-Aubrey.” Aubrey stuttered quietly; sadly. The girl seemed to notice her sorrow filled voice, and frowned.

“You must be relative of Alfred. I’ve heard about yo-you’re loss.” She said, stuttering slightly, afraid of having to have brought up the sensitive topic, but she smiled sympathetically. Aubrey simply nodded, and managed a baby smile of her own, appreciative of the girl’s attention.

“I’m Rachel by the way... Rachel Dawes.” Her smile grew slightly, but there was still uncertainty in her eyes.

“Rach?” It was him. Bruce.

Aubrey felt herself pale, she clenched her mug of tea till her knuckles turned white. Thankfully, no one took notice of how nervous she really felt, and she had a couple of moments to compose herself.

Aubrey?” His voice rung out, loud and clear, echoeing against the walls of the kitchen. Aubrey lifted her head up, meeting his wide eyed gaze with a soft smile. She dropped her hands from her mug and sighed.

“Hi Bruce.”
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Okaaay, sorry.. this was not much! I just wanted to get out a chapter and let you guys know that I'm still working on this! Sorry about not updating fast enough.. it's just that I was away a lot this summer, and school started this week so I was busy.
I'll try and update soooon, maybe even today because I have time? I think. Haha