Colliding Hearts

Absence ; Gone

There was an awkward silence that filled the entire kitchen. Aubrey’s smile faltered at the look of shock on Bruce’s handsome face, a soft blush burning her cheeks. He stared at her with a sharp gaze; as if worried she might disappear again.


It was a few days later, Bruce came home after spending his afternoon at Rachel’s, his cheeks slightly flushed from the brisk late afternoon wind.

He called out for Alfred, who came from the kitchen with flour dusted on his apron, and the sleeves of his expensive button up.

“ Have you seen Aubrey today, Master Bruce?” Alfred questioned, as they both walked into the kitchen. Bruce rubbed his face gently with his hand and shook his head.

“ No, I didn't...”

“ I am quite worried... She left without even a peep. She has been gone for quite a while."

“ I’m sure she’ll show up soon, she's sure to get hungry."

“ Quite so, Master Bruce. My extraneous worrying might take a toll on me someday.” Bruce managed not to show his true feelings about Aubrey’s strange absence. He masked his emotions well, it was a skill he managed to learn after his parent's death.

He excused himself briefly to run up to Aubrey’s room. As soon as he pushed open the oak doors of her room, his eyes trailed every square inch. He took a few steps towards her dresser, his eyes focused on the photo in a simple wooden frame.

It was of a younger Aubrey, her little sister, Vera, her mother, and her father. He picked up the frame, and let his eyes linger on the relatively happy family. It reminded him so much of his own family portrait, the same smiling faces...

Bruce wondered briefly of what happened to Aubrey’s younger sister, and even her father, but he knew asking her wasn't exactly a good idea. He would wait for the perfect moment to ask on such sensitive topics.

With one more glance upon Aubrey’s room, Bruce shut the bedroom door behind him, before walking back to the kitchen.

♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, a very short chapter, nothing really happens... I don't want to add more, because I don't feel like I can. So you will have to wait patiently for the next chapter! :) I think this chapter is just a little bit of a filler, that's all!
The next chapter will be up hopefully today! Hopefully! Depends on how I do with ideas on what happens to Aubrey... this chapter might be the last of the pre-Batman. I'm excited for some Bats to appear, but I'm trying to be patient.