I Wish


The room was silent. The only sound came from the ticking from the clock on the wall. My fingers were clasped together tightly, and I sat right on the edge of the couch. Louis and Harry occupied the same couch, perched on either side of me. Niall, Zayn and Liam were sitting on the one across from us. We’d been sitting here for ten minutes now, not talking.

“Rylee –“ Louis started, but I held up my hand at him and he stopped talking. I took a deep breath.

“I’m going to go take a shower and hopefully it will help me clear my mind.” I said shortly. They all nodded as I got up, hurried back into the strange room I had woken up in, and into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me, as well as the door across the huge bathroom that led to Zayn’s room, and pulled off my tank top and pyjama bottoms. Now left in only a pair of underwear, I stepped over to the large shower.

“How the hell do you work this thing?” I muttered to myself, eyes locked on the keypad next to it. I located a button that said Rain and clicked it. The entire roof of the showers started to water fall. How on earth was I going to be able to shampoo with that? Or see for that matter. I pressed the same button, and it stopped. Another button said 24 Stem and when I pressed it, a circle sized portion of the ceiling in the middle started to pour water. I decided it was the best I would get, so I dropped my knickers and stepped into the shower.

“Holy shit that’s cold!” I yelped, jumping out from under the stream. There were two buttons on the wall, one red and one blue, so I pressed the red one a couple times, leaving my hand under the water. When it warmed up enough to my comfort, I stepped back underneath it.

Finally, I started to think.

This was the most confusing thing that had ever happened to me. I had just woken up in Eleanor Calder’s life. What did this mean? Did this mean that she was living my life? Did Eleanor Calder wake up this morning in my tiny flat with Dog curled up against her neck? Would she come looking for me, demanding her life back? I would, if I was her. Maybe I should go find her and tell her what’s going on. Or maybe my old life just didn’t exist anymore. Maybe I was put into Eleanor Calder’s life and she still lived her life, only as if she never met Louis.

“Stop thinking about her. What are you going to do?” I told myself, running my hands through my hair as the water streamed over it. A button labelled jets on the wall caught my attention, so I pressed it. Jets of water streamed out of the wall, hitting my body exactly where the muscles were tense. I sighed, letting them work out the kinks.

I had two options here. I could either tell the boys what was going on. That I had made a wish to have Eleanor’s life and now here I was. I had no idea what was going on, and I wanted to go back to my life. Or, I could take advantage of it. I could pretend that I had woken up this morning after a strange dream and was convinced I hadn’t woken up yet. I could pretend I had known these boys for ages; that Louis was my boyfriend and I was happily in love with him. I could live the live I’d always wished I could have. It’s not like I was leaving much behind in my old life. The only things I’d miss would be Alena and Dog. My dad died three years ago and my mom left us when I was four. I didn’t have a family.

“I guess it’s decided then. You’re going to live Eleanor Calder’s life.” I announced. An uneasy feeling in my stomach told me this might not be the best decision, but I pushed it aside. I was going to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity. Maybe it made me selfish, but that’s perfectly okay with me.


“So what would you lads like for breakfast this morning?” I asked, plastering a big smile on my face as I skipped into the living room after my rather eventful shower. The five boys looked up from the TV where they had been playing Mario Kart, surprised looks on their faces.

“You’re alright now, Ry?” Louis asked. I nodded, grinning.

“I must’ve just woken up on the wrong side of the bed or something. Now, pancakes or eggs?” I asked, gliding into the kitchen.




“Both it is then!” I said, smiling happily. I turned on two burners on the stove and placed two large pans on top of them to heat up. Opening the fridge door, I pulled out a carton of eggs and butter. I located the pancake mix in a cupboard, and placed it on the counter space next to the stove. “Now I just need a bowl.” I muttered to myself, opening and closing cupboards. Finally, I found one. Unfortunately, it was on the top shelf. I groaned and started to jump, trying to reach the bowl. Suddenly, a warm body pressed against my back and reached up. They grasped the bowl easily in their hands and placed it on the counter in front of me. I spun around and found myself face to face with Louis.

“Hey.” He muttered.

“Hey.” I whispered back, my voice catching in my throat. His hands pressed against my sides and my heart rate sped up. Suddenly, he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. Despite my shock, I happily kissed him back.

“Get a room, love birds!” Harry yelled, throwing another pillow in our direction. We pulled away and laughed, pressing our foreheads together.

“I’m happy you’re okay.” Louis said and I nodded, a grin on my face.

“So am I.” He kissed me again before re-joining the boys in the living room. I turned back to the frying pans on the stove, the grin not leaving my face. I could really get used to this.


I strolled down the streets of Los Angeles, a happy grin on my face. My grandparents lived here when I was younger, so I vaguely knew my way around. It had been years since I had been here though, as they had passed when I was fourteen. The boys seemed uneasy when I asked to go out and shop after breakfast, so I assumed in this life my grandparents hadn’t lived here, or even existed really, so I declined mentioning that fact. I finally convinced them of it, saying that I’d allow Paul to come with me. So here I was, striding down the streets of LA, Paul walking next to me giving me confused looks every so often. Apparently, he’d never seen me this happy before.

“I’d like some Starbucks, I think.” I said to Paul.

“Do you want me to come inside with you, Ry?” He asked, and I shook my head.

“Nah, I’ll be alright. Did you want anything?” He shook his head in return and I shuffled into the coffee shop. A burst of muttering came from the right side of me when I walked in, and I turned my head around to find a group of girls, around the age of sixteen I guess, whispering to each other and looking at me. Remembering that I was now dating Louis Tomlinson, and they probably knew my name just as well as they knew Eleanor’s, I sent them a grin and a small wave. They grinned and waved back as I entered the short line up.

After collecting my strawberry blended lemonade from the barista, I smiled at the girls once more before rejoining Paul outside.

“Where would you like to go now?” He asked. I shrugged, scanning the street slowly as I pulled my purse further up my arm. I spotted a cute looking boutique across the road, and pointed to it. He nodded, and we waited until the street was clear to hurry across it. “I’ll wait outside.” He said, grimacing at the mannequin in the dress in the front window. I giggled and nodded, entering the store by myself.

It was empty save for the two sales girls behind the counter in the corner of the room. I waved at them when they smiled at me, and headed to the opposite side of the store from them, beginning to scan the racks of shirt, humming to myself lightly. I pressed the straw of my drink to my lips as I turned away from the rack and towards the one behind me.

“Holy shit.” I exclaimed, pressing my hand to my chest. I had turned around to find myself face to face with a girl. She had white as snow skin and a black bob haircut. Her eyes were purple, and I told myself they must be contacts. She was wearing a pair of black leggings, black combat boots and a black hoodie. I raised my eyebrows at her. “Can I help you?” I asked. She smirked at me.

“I know your secret.” She said. I cocked an eyebrow.

“I don’t know wha-“ Before I could finish my sentence, the girl had turned away and walked right out the door of the shop. I made a face. What a strange girl. I turned my attention to the shop workers to see if they’d noticed the weird behavior, but they were talking like normal.

“Excuse me!” I called. They turned to look at me.

“Can we help you with something, ma’am?” One asked. I nodded.

“Yeah, did you see that girl who was just here?” I asked. They looked at each other, then back at me and shook their heads.

“You’re the only one in the shop, ma’am.” The other said. I frowned. So they hadn’t even seen her?

“Oh. Right. Okay thank you.” I said, before hurrying out of the shop.

“You alright, Rylee?” Paul asked as I stepped over to him where he was perched on a bench. I nodded, furrowing my eyebrows.

“Paul, did you see a girl wearing all black with short black hair come out of the shop I was just in?” I asked. He shook his head slowly.

“Nobody has gone in or out since you went in.” He said. I frowned and nodded.

“Alright. I think I’m ready to go back to the hotel.” I muttered and he nodded, standing up and starting off down the street. As we walked, I looked up and down the street around me, searching for the strange girl, but she was gone. I shook my head, deciding to forget about her. I didn’t have a secret.

Except for the fact that I was living somebody else’s life, but there was no way anyone else would know about that. Right?
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I loved the response I got on this story !
Thank you guys so much, I'm happy you like the concept just as much as I do. I'm really excited to get this story really going, I have tons in store for it. It's not going to be a super long story, I don't think, maybe 20 or so chapters.
Please don't be a silent reader, I love to hear your feedback ! When people give me long comments, it makes me want to update even more.
I'm off to go work on a chapter of my other story, Superhuman, so brace yourself for that one!
Love you guys,