Kiss & Tell

"Mystery Girl"

Replays of last night was running into my head. I wonder everything. It was so perfect and how he kissed me, when he held me, how he spent all day shopping with me and didn't complain at all.

He dropped me off at my house around 10 pm. Laura wasn't mad, she saw all my clothing and said I did a good job. Dan texted me and told me to have sweet dreams. I swaer to God he was perfect. Not one flaw in him.

I fall asleep that night and wake up at 10. I change into skinny jeans and apull over MCR jacket. I straighten my hair and go downstairs.

Everyone was there, sitting in the living room talking. "Ad! Get over here! Look at this!" Matt said.

I go over and Matt hands me the laptop.

There was an article on me and Dan in Pupfresh!

The article is about how they spotted us shopping all date and how we were on a "Date". They named me Mystery girl. I finished the article and began laughing.

"They stalked us!" I was still laughing.

"So I guess you'e mystery girl!" Max said.

I smiled and laughed.

Josh came running into the room with a paper in his hand.

"It says Dan and Ad are secretly dating! Dan you're getting so much hate on Twitter! Haters gunna hate on the Flint-master!"

"Josh you're such a diva!" I said.

"I already know, we just saw the article and I've looked at my twitter." He smiled.

"Okay, you okay about the hate? And I'm no diva!"

"Yeah, i'm fine It doesn't bother me."

"Yeah. Well there's a party tonight with All Time Low and The Maine. They invited us. We going?" Max said.

"Will there be girls?" Chris said.

"Tons. Get ready now. I wanna go out for lunch, then walk around a bit and then head to the party." Max said.

"And you going to tag along?" Dan asked.

"Yeah sure but not the party, I don't do them."

"Okay, I'm taking it that you're ready?"

"Yeah, I am."

The boys went upstairs to get ready?

"Well the boys need to get ready so.." Dan said pushing me closer and letting our lips touch.

We kissed until we heard people coming downstairs, Dan and I stopped kissing and acted like he was saying something funny.

"Yeah lets head off."

We went to the closest Cafe, it was a tiny french one owned by two adorable french couple.

We ate our food and headed into town. I wanted to go into the bookstore, so Dan took me into it while the others went into the store next door.

I found a book called Go Ask Alice. I payed and left the store with Dan by my side. We saw the boys come crowded with fans, they saw me and went to me too.

"Can I h ave your autograph?!" One said.

I was confused, I looked at Josh and he smiled and did a thumbs up to me.

I signed papers and took pictures. It was really awkward.

"Are you and Dan dating?" A girl with blue hair asked.

"Uhm, yes, no, maybe, i think, I don't know." I smiled.

"Well, you should, you guys look adorable!"

"Aw, thank you." I laughed.

Finally all fans left and we returned shopping.

We shopped few a few extra hours. The time was 5:30, we went back home and settled down for a bit.

"Well, it looks like you get fans now." Max said jokingly.

"Oh great." I groaned.

Time flew and it was 8. They boys left and Dan kissed my before he left. I found myself alone so I called my friend Olivia.

Me: Hey!

Olivia: Hey! How the fuck can you be living with Chris and not even tell me!

Me: I texted a few days ago! He's really sweet! He's going to be my step brother soon!

She screams


Me: I didn't tell you everything yet girly. I think i'm dating Dan.

Olivia: I saw! and you think!?!

Me: Yeah i don't really know. but don't tell anyone!

Olivia: yes captain, i'm so jealous!!

Me: I could hook you up with one of the band mates here my love, but I got to go, a book is calling my name. bye!

Olivia: Bye!

I hung up the phone and went to my room, I found the book I got today. I began reading it, and didn't put it down for hours. I finished the book at 1 in the morning. I was crying at the end of it. I didn't want to put it down, It was just so sad!

I got up to put the book back on my shelf when I noticed Dan's light turn on into his room. I look out my window to see him in his room making out with some random chick, he shut the door behind and push her towards his bed. I see clothes fall all over the place and the lights go off.

I fall to me knees. I can't believe him! I thought he liked me! I can't let myself cry over some guy that was sleeping with someone next door. I guess everything that happened in the last few days didn't even matter.

I crawl into bed and fall asleep.

I woke up to my phone vibrating. It's 12 p.m. I get a text from Dan.

Dan: Morning Beautiful, i'm on my way there, hope you had a good night:)x

Me:I can tell you did.

I get up and put on my MCR jacket and leggings on. My hair is still perfectly straight. I head downstairs and see everyone in the living room but Dan.

I sigh inreliefknowing he wasn't there, I said hi to everyone in the room and went into the kitchen, and where I found Dan leaning against the counter with a cup of water in his hand.

"Good morning beautiful." He tried pulling me over for a kiss but I stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. How was your night?"

"Uh, uhm, fun. Thanks for asking. Now tell me what's wrong."

I poured myself a glass of water. "So how was that girl last night? I guess she was fun."


"I was putting my book away and I saw you bring a girl into your room, take off her clothes and turn off the lights!"

"I was piss drunk I don't remember even bringing a girl home last night. It wasn't me inside my head. I swear. I don't even think we slept together. If we did, it didn't mean anything I swear. It didn't I don't have sex unless I really mean it. I'm sorry. I-i'm sorry okay? I never ment it, it ment nothing to me. I swear. On my grandfathers gave! You can stay mad at me, I don't care, Just know It never ment anything to me. I'd do anything to get you unmad at me."

"Hmm... anything?" I smirked.


"Dye your hair back to brown."

"Give me an hour." Dan said and ran out of the house.

And an hour passed and Dan came back... with brown hair.

"You got your brown back!" Josh said. "Hot."

"I told him and he listened!" I saidexcitedly.

"You got him on a leash! Good going." Matt winked at me.

"Am Iforgivennow?" His face was next to mine.


And he kissed me, infront of everyone.