Sunrises on Love

Beginning of a good day

The sun is way to bright, was my first thought when I woke up. I mean honestly, who likes to open their eyes after nine hours of darkness to that! No One That's who! Though...I really should remember to close them before going to bed at night. *Oh Well* I shrug and move to my bathroom to shower. Ten minutes later I wrap a towel around my shivering and wet body before skipping to my room to get ready for school.

I open my small closet and pull out my blue and grey striped off the shoulder top and went to grab my grey skinny jeans from the laundry room and then walked back to my room to get dressed. My phone started to vibrating, effectively scaring me as i was pulling on my pants causing me to fall over. " Aidan Mariana. Be quiet! People are trying to sleep" My step-father yelled from his room down the hall.

My real father walked out like the ass he was, when I was about seven. He took me to the zoo, and left me there. HE FUCKING LEFT ME THERE! I stayed there until my grandmother picked me up, one of her friends saw me alone and brought me home. My mother was in tears when she saw me and wouldn't let me out of her sight for awhile. The divorce papers came in the mail a couple months later, from an unknown address and that was the end of it. We never heard anything about him again.....YAY! Anyway about eight years ago my mom met Ethan, he treated her right and loved me too. We got along great, I love him, He Is My Dad. They married three years ago and now my mom is pregnant. Yay I'm gunna be a big sister!

" Sorry Dad!" I yelled and picked up my phone, it was a text from my friend Jared, *Hey Shortstop, can't pick you up, Paul will. See you first block!* I laughed at the nickname * Hey Forest, :( awe damn, I was hoping we could dance..jk Lol.. its fine I get to ride his motorcycle xD.* After answering I buttoned my pants and moved to do my makeup. I applied some eyeliner and mascara and brushed my long caramel brown hair. After putting my white feathery hairband in I grabbed my converse and slipped them on. As I finished, there was a knock on my door and my mom came in. "Hey Mom" I said and hugged her, " Hey Baby, Jared picking you up?" I shook my head and grabbed my bag " No Paul is today, when is your Ultrasound?". She slowly lowered herself onto my messy bed and rubbed her swollen stomach lovingly. " Um one thirty, I think, Ethan is gunna drive me" I nodded and sat next to her. " Which sex are you hoping for?" She smiled knowingly " Baby I know you want a little brother, but I'm hoping for a girl. I Loved raising you, and Ethan really wants another one too...he wishes he could have raised you from the beginning." I nodded and sighed, Ethan was the best dad I could ever want. But sometimes I wish my biological father would have been there. From what I could remember, we were really close before he left.

" I wish he could have to mom, I'm happy you found each other. And yes, I do want a little brother." She smiled and kissed my forehead, " Alright dear, Ethan made breakfast, I'm going to shower, eat. If I'm not out by the time you leave, have a good day sweetheart, love you." I hugged her " Thanks, good luck, text me as soon as you find out, love you too." I gave her one last hug and skipped out *I skip a lot* Just as I was walking down the stairs my phone rang. " Hola Taco Bell, may I interest you in a taco supreme?" I smiled when he laughed. "No thanks senorita I would like my best friend to get her ass out here so that we may go to the hell hole we call school" Paul said and I could tell he was smiling." Ohhh sorry sir we are all out of that, please call again later" I giggled as he sighed." Please Aidannnnnnnnn" He whined, god his voice is so sexy. "If I must, see you in a second whine baby" I hung up and ran down the rest of the stairs. " Bye Love you!" I yelled. " Hey heads up" Ethan called out tossing me an apple, "Mmm Thanks Dad, See you"

Paul was waiting by his old blue pickup truck " Wheres the motorcycle?" He shook his head, everyone knows I love motorcycles. " Didn't bring her sorry Aid" I faked a tear rolling down my face with my finger then hopped in the truck. " Soooo Paullllyyyy, whats been going on?" He smiled " Not much, just same old same old" I nodded and stared out the window.