Sunrises on Love

chapter 10

*Paul's Pov*

As I looked up at the two story house I felt scared. If you knew Aidan's family and how nice they were you wouldn't be scared. But this WAS Aidan's house, and I was terrified. What happens when she doesn't except you? What if she slams the door on my face? How would I live then?

I shook my head, pushing those thoughts away and out of my mind. This was Aidan, she was too kind-hearted to do that. Eventually she would come around, with time and lots of patience. Finally working up the courage, I walked up the driveway and knocked on the door, holding my breath.

After two minutes and a couple more knocks the door opened, revealing my beautiful imprint. Her blue eyes were blood shot and tired, her normally bouncy caramel locks were hung limp and she just looked rung out. But she was still beautiful to me. "Paul?" she whispered as her eyes widened. Well here goes nothing.

*Aidan's Pov*

"Paul?" I whispered, why was he here? To hurt me? No! My Paul would never hurt me intntionally, the last time was an accident. My Paul? Where did that come from? A feeling told me that he was mine and that no one could ever have him.

"Aidan Mariana Hawk, I love you. I love everything about you. You are beautiful and amazing and I can't get you out of my head." My mouth fell open. Well say something! The voice in my head yelled at me. But I couldn't, I think I was in shock. "I know your probably confused and shocked but please just let me explain everything. I promise, you will understand everything, why we ignored you, why we are what we are and why you mean the world to me."

I wanted nothing more than to take his hand and let him explain things. But I just couldn't. I could not take his hand. I could not ket him explain anything. I wasn't ready, I needed time to think things through on my own. To process all these new feelings and discoveries.

"Paul, please go, I need time, to think things through on my own. Just leave me alone, both you and Jared. Please just go" I whispered the last part as my voice was starting to fail me. The pain and tortured look I got in return shattered what was left of my already hurting heart.

I slowly shut the door, not willing to listen to his reply, knowing that would kill me farther. Tears spilledndown my cheeks as I sobbed. I slid down the door and landed on my ass. But that was nothing compared to how I felt at the present time. "I Love You Too Paul. More than you know." I choked out, thinking he couldn't hear me. But unknown to me, he did, and he walked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its short but i am on my nook and my friend tymaetrains (has an amazing zombie story) was really bugging me about this. So here Tyler just for you

Im still sorting through some problems of my own so i am truly sorry if my updates are slow
