Sunrises on Love

Chapter 11

*Aidan's Pov*

I never gave much thought about my peoples' legends. They were bedtime stories, just funny and interesting stories that my mother and before he left, my dad, would tell me. After he left, they stopped, mom didn't like telling them as much as I didn't like hearing them. It was hard to continue something that he started when he was gone. He is probably out there telling his new wife and his new kids those stories and I couldn't bare to hear them once I figured out that's why he left me, why he left us.

Anyways, since the legends stopped I just never thought about them. Sure we learned about them in school. Paul, Jared and I used to pretend we were werewolves and fool around. But now, that I have been basically forced to think about them, why am I scared? The legends told the shape-shifters were the protectors of our tribe, of our land. They wouldn't hurt us, they didn't eat people.

So I sat up in my room, crying softly and staring at the rain dripping down my windows. Mom gave up on trying to get me to talk and just pegged me as feeling sick. Paul had admitted he loved me, he told me I was his everything, something I had dreamed and wished for basically my whole life. Yet I sat here.

Suddenly everything sank in. Why did it matter if they changed into giant fluff balls? They were still people. Jared was Jared and Paul was Paul. He loved me, just like I loved him. A smile appeared on my face as I rushed to get out of my room out of my house. I had to find Paul! I ran out into the pouring rain bare foot and only wearing shorts and a thin tank top. My breathing became labored but I pushed on, I had to find Paul and I had to tell him I loved him. The thought that this may be my only chance never came to mind. But then, death has a way of creeping up on you.

*Paul's Pov*

She shut the door on me and I felt worse than before. I wanted to die right then and there. Until, for once I was thankful for my super hearing, " I love you too Paul, more than you will ever know." Everything changed, I smiled and walked away. Knowing she would come around eventually. I just hoped it would be soon and not take months like Kim, Jared's imprint when she found out.

Still, I knew she loved me, that's all I need to get me by, for now. I can't wait until I can hold her hand, hold her and kiss her. I can't wait until she is mine. Not that she isn't already, technically speaking of course. She is mine but she isn't and gah never mind it should be obvious.

A howl pierced the air and I picked up my pace, running into the woods, stripping my shorts, tying them to the cord around my ankle and phasing.

( *=paul's thoughts, ^ means Jared, " is Sam and {is embry)

* What's going on?*
{ Leach obviously} I growled at Embry's smart ass answer.
" Enough you two, Embry go get Jared, he is at Kim's and most likely didn't hear-"
^ I heard^
" Fine, Jared, Paul go east and around to the north and Embry and I will go west and head South, hopefully it was just passing through and is long gone"

I nodded my giant head and took off in the right direction, Jared not far from me. ^ How did it go with Aidan?^ My mood picked up again at the thought of my imprint and I replayed what happened and what I had heard. ^ Nice! Maybe she will come around then^ {Yeah we don't want another Kim situation} Embry chimed and Jared growled out a warning. I laughed and proceeded to block them all out. Aidan's image in my head kept me going. We must have been out there for like six hours, all of us were dead tired and wanting to get to Emily's for dinner. Just as we were going to phase back, "PAUL!!" a female voice screamed in sheer terror. *AIDAN?!*
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay another chapter!
Hehehehehehehehe Thanks to all me subscribers I lovers you! And to Tyler for pushing me to write.
Also to disney movie songs for giving me inspiration. and to the the guy i like for also inspiration although you dont know it!
