Sunrises on Love

chapter 12

*Aidan's Pov*

It's hard to describe the amount of emotions that flash through you when you are on the brink of death. Was I on the brink of death? No. But at the present time it sure felt like it.

She was beautiful, abnormally so. Flaming red hair, with eyes to match. She moved with a cat like grace that most girls could never accomplish in a lifetime. Along with her grace, she held a deadly vibe. Was I jealous? Hell yes. But also scared out of my mind.

"Mmmmm looks like dinner has just arrived."

I gulped, "dinner?"

Before I could react she was right in front of me. I tryed to step away but her hand reached out and latched onto my wrist tightly. Involuntarily, I winced "let go of me!"

She smirked and squeezed tighter.


I screamed writhed trying to get away from her. Her other hand moved to hold my head still and she moved towards my neck.

I opened my mouth and screamed as loud as I could "PAUL!!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Very short and just a filler/random chapter to get my willingness and creativity flowing, sorry about the super long hiatus, i will try to continue but i may just stop writing this story, uh if anyone wants to take over for me let me know?