Sunrises on Love

Ending of a good day

The rest of the car ride was quiet, as usual. Normally Jared picks me up and the ride is eventful and fun. Though Paul and I are super close, we don't have much to say to each other unless Jared is there. Jared is talkative, I only am if I have someone to talk to, where as Paul isn't big on talking. Paul is more of a 'doing' sort of guy.

Jared was already waiting for us, I jumped out of the car and ran to hug him. " Why didn't you pick me up?" He smirked and looked toward Paul's general area, my face fell. " Jared you jackass, he doesn't like me like that and he never will. SO.JUST.DROP.IT!" I all but screamed across the student parking lot and walked away. I should never have told him that secret. I have known Paul since I was ten, so it's inevitable that I grew to love him as more than a friend. It's really hard, I mean come on! He is amazingly good looking, he is nice(despite popular belief), funny, and can always put a smile on my face(when he wants to) and his eyes....I could look into them forever.

Ever since I told Jared about my 'crush', has tried non stop to get us together. If Paul had half of the amount of feelings for me as I did for him, he would have already done something about it. I've seen it for Christ sake! There have been countless of times where Paul has just gone up to a girl and asked her out...well more like lets go have sex in a janitors closet. Paul usually doesn't have girlfriends, there has only been two girls that have been his girlfriend, and that was because they were good in bed. Jared needs to give up and mind his own business.

I huffed and plopped down in my seat of my first block Chemistry class. I had this class with Jared, he was my lab partner. Paul had Trigonometry, which never failed to make Jared and I giggle profusely. And yes, Jared does giggle. Jared entered the room and sat in his seat next to me. " Aidan, I'm sorry okay? I'll stop I swear" I smiled and nodded " Fine, just don't do it again." Before he could say anything the teacher came in and put us to work.

The rest of the day passed by and I was sitting in my chair next to Paul in our English class when my phone vibrated from my pocket. I sneakily pulled it out and opened the message from my mom *TWINS!!!!! ONE GIRL AND ONE BOY!! Looks Like We Both Get What We Want Huh?* It took everything in me not to jump up and shout out my happiness. Paul saw the giant smile on my face and mouthed 'what' to me. I forwarded the message to him and Jared and put my phone away as the teacher looked over at me. When the teacher looked away from us, Paul opened the message and a smile broke out onto his face, both him and Jared know how excited I am about having a little i'm getting two!

Paul mouthed 'congratulations' just as my phone went off and Jared said the same thing only with a bunch of smiley faces. I must have walked around with a huge creepy grin on my face the rest of the day. It wasn't until I got home that I got the feeling that something bad is going to happen. Those feelings made my mind immediately go to my mom and the babies. What if something happens to them? What if Ethan leaves just like my dad did? My siblings can't end up like me, they are supposed to have a complete family, from the very beginning. The thought scared me enough to make me curl up on my bed and cry.

That is how my mom found me. Curled up and sobbing my eyes out in my room. She made me tell her and tried to reassure me that Ethan wasn't leaving and that everything will be okay. When Ethan came up he took me from mom and also tried to get me to calm down. He told me he would never leave, he loves Mom and I and the babies too much to go anywhere that we couldn't follow. But I couldn't shake the bad feeling. What would actually happen was something I never in my wildest dreams could have guessed.