Sunrises on Love

Damn feelings

Eventually I calmed down and mom and Ethan left me alone, after some convincing of course as I haven't had one of those episodes in a couple years. Why can't I shake this feeling that something terrible was going to happen? That is the worst possible feeling for me, mostly because I can't figure out where the feeling came from. I had a good day, everything was going good and then it came out of no where, and thats what scared me most. Sighing I flipped on my t.v and tuned into Monday Night Raw, and just my luck... Randy Orton was making his entrance in a fight against John Cena. "I hear voices in my head they council me they understand, they talk to me" I samg alomg excited because I love Randy Orton and hate John Cena.

Yes I watch wrestling. Yes I know it is fake. But come on, what girl doesn't like hot sweaty guys wrestling each other? Well I don't know about anyone else..but I do. Like it or not I don't care. After the match, which Randy won, I flipped off the t.v and got ready for bed in my sweats and tank top.

The next morning I did my usual routine amd got ready for school. Like usual, Jared texted me, *Hey Aidan, Paul and I are both sick, won't be going to school Sorry* I frowned as Paul texted something of the same. Great, what am I supposed to do in class now?
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Sorry its short but i kinda lost my thought process...The chapters will be short when i use my Nook cause its hard to type on it. They will be longer if im on a computer
Also Sorry to John Cena offense but i prefer Randy