Sunrises on Love

Loneliness is a terrible thing

It has been about a month since I have seen or heard from Jared or Paul. I tried texting, calling, hell I even went to their houses', but nothing. All I get is voice mail, their mother or father in Paul's case would say they were sick or not home. The last time I went to see Jared, Sam Uley answered. He told me it would be best if I stayed away, if I just forget that we all have been friends since we were ten. How do you forget seven no eight years of friendship?

Last week was my birthday, November 6th, also the eighth year anniversary of Jared, Paul and I's friendship. I still remember that day, one of the best days of my life.

* Flashback*

" Aidan Mariana Hawk, get back here, you will ruin your dress!" My mother yelled from the house full of almost every family member I could think of, except my dad. I was upset, what little wouldn't be if the only thing she wanted for her birthday was her father? I kept running to the only place that could make me smile. The tree house in the woods. I had found it the year before when I was looking for my cat, that my mom had said 'ran away' but was really dead, but like I knew that I was nine.
Anyway, I got to the tree house and started climbing the ladder, be for getting to far a voice called out " Hey who do you think you are this is our tree house!" Startled, I fell back onto the dirt forest floor. " S-sorry, I've never seen anyone here before! Where are you?" The small door opened and out came two young boys, about my age. " So your the one that has been in here, we thought it was a grown up, they aren't allowed in here. I'm Jared and this knuckled head who scared you is Paul." Paul glared at him and smacked his shoulder which started a small slap war.
I giggled, " Hi, I'm Aidan, c-can I come up?" They shared a look and then shrugged simultaneously, "Sure, why not?" Paul said and I climbed up. We went in the house and sat down on the wooden floor. " So Aidan, why did you come here?" Jared asked handing me a cherry flavored Capri sun. "It's my birthday and my mom invited my whole family and I got upset. I hate big parties and she made me wear this awful dress." They nodded and we hung out for awhile.
"Well guys, it's been fun but my mom is probably getting worried...Hey! Do you guys want to come to my party?" They nodded excitedly and we ran back to my house. Ever since then we have been inseparable, until now that is.

*Flashback end*

That was the best birthday ever, even if my dad wasn't there. A knock on my door brought me from my thoughts and my mom came in. She sat next to me "You've been pretty quiet up here. What are you thinking about?" I laid my head on her shoulder, " My tenth birthday, when I met Paul and Jared." She smiled, " Yeah you almost gave my a heart-attack when you ran out into the woods" I laughed. " Yeah and your face when I came back with two strange boys and ruined dress" She laughed and I joined in. "You gave me quite a few scares, especially the day your dad left." I looked down onto the ground and she hugged me closer. "Why does everyone leave me mom?" She shushed me, "Oh honey, Paul and Jared didn't leave you, just give it some time, they will-" She let out a gasp of pain. " Mom?!" Suddenly, my floor was covered in sticky water. "Mom did your water just-" "Break? Yes." I stood up and almost slipped, gross. " Get to the car, I'll grab your overnight bag and we will call Ethan on the way!"

I ran as fast as possible as mom carefully and as fast as she could go to the car. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I found her sitting there taking those shallow breathes they show you in those class thingies. "Mom come on!" She shook her head " I can't, call an ambulance" I pulled out my phone and dialed the hospital number I memorized just in case. " Hello Forks general Hospital How can I help you?" "Yes my mom her water broke and I can't get her to the car!" The lady told me that people were on their way, she asked my when her water broke and I told her ten minutes ago. After we hung up I went over to mom " Okay, she said that the babies won't come for awhile given that your water broke ten minutes ago. Just breathe, I have to call Ethan" She nodded and continued her breathing exercises. "Aidan what's wrong?" Ethan asked when he answered.

" Mom's water broke! The ambulance is on the way meet us at the hospital." All I heard was frantic swearing and then the line went dead, which caused me to laugh despite the given situation. I sat next to mom and grabbed her hand as she moaned in pain at a contraction. "It's okay mom the ambulance will be here in-" Just as I said that there was a knock at the door. I ran to get it and ushered them quickly to my mom.

" Its too late, we have to deliver them here" one said and the other ran to get supplies. I looked at mom and we shared the same look. Oh shit
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Longer chapter. sorry no Paul or Jared, next chapter, maybe