Sunrises on Love

chapter 6

Paul stared at me during the whole class, limp jaw and everything. Seriously? Who does he think he was to ignore me for weeks on end and then just stare at me like I was a piece of meat? Like one of his whores? "Stop fucking staring at me" I whispered and continued my writing assignment. "Sorry, hey so whats your name?" My eyes widened in shock and my pencil dropped from my hand. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? " Excuse me? That is fucking amazing Paul. I guess eight years of friendship really didn't matter to you or Jared for that matter!" I half whispered and half yelled.

"A-aidan? Oh My God Aidan I'm so sorry. I just got better from being sick and I guess I'm still kinda out of it." I shook my head in utter disbelief. "That is the biggest load of bullshit and you know it Paul Lahote. I never want to see you again. I don't want you to talk to me, hell don't even look at me. If you can throw away eight years, then so can I" Just as I finished my statement, the bell rang and I gathered my things and stalked out, leaving behind a very speechless, hurt and angry Paul.

My tough front didn't last very long cause as soon as I made it to the girls bathroom, tears fell out of my eyes. Why did I have to fall in love with an asshole?

* Paul's Pov*

Her words echoed in my head, only fueling my anger, not at her, no never at her, at myself. Before I phased in front of the whole student body I ran out of the building and into the woods. My clothes ripped as the change took over, bones changing, the blind fury ripping through my body. It wasn't painful, not anymore. I ran, as fast as my wolf legs could carry me.

*Paul? What are you doing out of school? What happened?* Sam asked. Everything that just happened replayed in my head, allowing Sam to see everything that went down. I whined and lowered myself onto the ground. I messed up, will she ever forgive me? * She's your imprint Paul, she will feel the pull and when she calms down, talk to her* I shook my giant wolf head * I forgot her name Sam! We have been friends for eight fucking years and I forgot her name after what? A month? She will never forgive me. Her dad walked out on her and she probably thinks that Jared and I did too* Before he could say anything I blocked him out and ran. I ran to clear my head, to release my anger and think.

My thoughts kept drifting to Aidan, such a beautiful name as it suits her tom-boyish personality. I remembered all the times we had. The day we met, the times she beat me in football, Jared was on her side so it wasn't fair, but the smile she had was enough to keep me quiet about it. Gosh, she was so beautiful, no one could out shine her. She was always the girl that could get down and dirty, she wasn't afraid to play rough. But she was kind, amazingly so. She would help anyone if they needed her. She never had a bad thing to say about anyone, not even her father. The only thing close to negative about him was her saying he wasn't her dad, he was just a sperm donor.

Sure, she swore like a sailor, but only if there wasn't a respectable adult around or children. If there was and she heard Jared or I say anything bad, then she would slap us on the back of the head and make us apologize. She had perfect grades. she was everything I was not. That's why I Love her. That is why we fit so perfectly together.

*Aidan Pov*

Eventually I wiped my eyes and exited the bathroom. It was lunch time and I didn't feel like eating. With a heavy sigh I grabbed my things and left school. A good drive would clear my head, maybe the beach too. So I got in my car and sped off not really paying much attention, knowing the way like the back of my hand. There was a slight breeze when I got to First Beach and it made the weather, which was unusually warm, perfect. I sat on a rock and stared out into the vast open water. Remembering how much fun I used to have here. I remembered when Jared, Paul and I played 'heroes' here. Jared was Batman and Paul was Superman, they wanted me to be Cat woman, but I refused, wanting to be a mermaid. "That's stupid why would you want to be a dumb fish for anyway?" Paul had said. " Mermaids are pretty!" I argued, my tom boyishness had yet to kick in."Well then why are you gunna be one then?" Paul mocked. As angry as ever I pounced on him and started hitting him.

" I'm leaving, and I will never speak to you again!" I yelled and ran home. Needless to say, He apologized the next day, as Jared forced him, and everything was fine.That was when we were all so innocent. We didn't have a care in the world. Why can't we go back to that?
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Chapter 6!! My friend made me do it now when i was going to do it tomorrow. Oh well hope you like it :)