Sunrises on Love

chapter 7

It was almost dark by the time I had realized I should leave the beach and go home, tomorrow is Saturday and the twins plus mom come home, I have to clean. Sighing I got up and turned toward my house. Something moving near the forest edge caught me eye. It was Jared and Paul, walking into the dark trees, shirtless. What the hell? It is like thirty degrees outside. Despite my better judgement, I followed. Quietly I walked behind them, they didn't even notice.

After abut twenty minutes I tripped over a branch and fell onto my knees. "Fuck" came out of my mouth before I could even think about stopping it. Both of them turned around and looked directly at me, shit I'm screwed. " Aidan?" Jared asked, and they were suddenly standing above me."Uh hey guys" I gave a big innocent smile but they just glared at me.

"What are you doing? Why were you following us? You could get hurt out here?!" Paul shouted at me. After everything that has happened recently and all the stress I was under my temper flared to life. " I can do whatever I please, you are NOT the boss of me Paul!" I yelled stepping close to him and pushing him back. It was like pushing a boulder, and he barely moved. His body started shaking, just like it had in class earlier. "Aidan step back!" Jared yelled to me, to which I glared in return. " You think that you can ignore me for a month and act like I don't exist and then when I do something that you don't like you can just boss me around! Well think again you ignorant assholes!"

While I was speaking Paul's body shook and convulsed more. "Aidan Mariana Hawk Move!" Jared yelled again. "NO!" and then it happened. Paul's body convulsed once more and then it was like his body ripped itself from his skin. I felt something strike my ribs and I fell onto the cold earth, eyes shut in pain. I could feel blood streaming from my mid section but ignored it. I looked up and instead of seeing Paul, I saw a giant grey wolf in his place.

The Paul-wolf shook it's giant head and growled, making me freeze in place scared shit less. Jared moved and stood in front of me "Paul man calm down" he said. I made to stand up and groaned at the pain and sunk back down. Jared turned and kneeled down, Paul growled at him, "You hurt her!" Jared yelled at the wolf. The wolf whimpered and turned to leave, "Paul!" I yelled, trying to make him stay. He looked back at me but still ran off into the vast forest. As soon as he left my sight, a pain grew in my chest. I yearned for him to just come back.

Suddenly it dawned on me, "t-t-the legends-" I didn't get to far before the blackness that was creeping in on me took over.

*******Time Skip******

"When will she get up?!"

"Calm down! She will wake up when she wakes up"

"Shut up I'm trying to sleep" I groaned and sat up wiping my eyes and wincing at the pain in my ribs. I looked up into the faces of several people, some I knew and some I did not. That's when it hit me. Paul is a wolf. The legends I used to listen to as bedtime stories, are true. I met the eyes of Paul, my best friend, the man I loved and let out the most ear piercing scream.
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Another chapter! sorry it may be short
I also just realized I have to change the description of the story itself cause it doesnt really go with it anymore

Anyway enjoy!! xxxx