Sunrises on Love

chapter 8

* Paul's Pov*

Aidan's eyes met mine and she started screaming. I could feel my heart break, shatter more like it. I could feel my emotions swell and I knew I had to get out of there before I phased in front of her, again, and scared her even more. I pushed past Sam, who tried to grab my arm to make me stay but I shoved him off and ran into the green forest. My imprint was scared of me. I was a monster who would love me.

*Aidan Pov*

Jared pulled me closer to him and quieted my screams. "J-Jared what the hell is going on?!" I asked, he just rocked me back and forth and rubbed my back." I'll explain later on Aid, just calm down, no one is going to hurt you trust me" I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep, again, to his calming hug.

**Time Skip**

I awoke to someone shaking me, rolling over and opening my eyes I saw a beautiful women with three scars running across her face. They didn't do anything to decrease her beauty, they actually made her better features stand out and more noticeable. You would have to be blind to think she was anything but beautiful. " Sweetie I made dinner, pasta, Jared had said it was your favorite. Would you like some?" I smiled and nodded appreciatively, "Yes. thank you...?" She smiled, "Emily" I hugged her, I was a very hugging person. "Thanks Emily, I'm Aidan" She laughed and hugged back. We walked into the kitchen to find Jared, Embry a kid from school that I recognized, and Sam. Paul was no where to be seen.

I wasn't sure if I was happy or sad about that. I loved that boy, but he turns into a giant wolf. He hurt me, both physically and emotionally. Was he still the same Paul? Emily brought me out of my thoughts as she placed a bowl of pasta in front of me. " Before I eat, I want to know what's going on" I said and pushed the bowl farther away. Everyone froze, obviously hoping and thinking I had forgotten about the events that had taken place.

Sam cleared his throat, " Aidan, we are Shape shifters, all of us , Me, Jared, Embry, and Paul" My eyes widened, all of them? Jared must have noticed my tense form and came closer. "Aidan we won't hurt you, we protect people." I shook my head,tears filling my eyes." Why would you keep this from me?" He looked taken aback, "You aren't scared?" I rolled my eyes, " Of course I am! But I am angry too. You left me! Why?"

" Aidan we can't always control our tempers, we had to keep you safe. We did it to help you" he pleaded coming toward me as I was backing away. " No! You could have told me, I would have understood that you guys needed your space. I would have given it to you. But you had Sam tell me to forget you, you ignored my phone calls, my texts, you missed the birth of my baby brother and sister.You did everything but help me! You are a selfish man, and so is Paul. Jared, you knew how I felt about Paul, you knew it would hurt me. I thought you guys had left me like my father did." I was full on crying when I finished.

Jared slammed his hands down on the table "Dammit Aidan when are you going to realize that not everyone is going to walk out on you!?" He yelled. " When it stops happening!" I screamed and bolted out the door, Jared and Emily calling after me. I didn't care that it was freezing, or pouring rain. I had to escape, I couldn't breathe, everything I had thought I knew was wrong and the things I thought were untrue were coming to life.
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I am so sorry for the late update
I have had a lot on my mind and couldnt focus on writing....Love sucks just saying :D

Hope you all like it xxx