

Sitting at a table with a bad hand, Cass sighed and laid the cards down beside her iPhone which was continuously flashing. She had all her notifications sent to her phone, and some days she regretted it, but it wasn’t one of those days. Picking up the flashing device, she looked at her notifications and was glad to have a distraction from the game.
Six hundred mentions on Twitter and an equally sizable amount of comments on Instgram. Clicking into Twitter, Cass began replying to the messages. Across from her, the girl she played with tapped her nails against the faux wood table top.

“Are we gonna play? Or do I need to surgically remove that phone from your hand, Cassy?” Mya asked clearly losing her patience. It was the fourth time since they started that Cass had picked up her phone.

“Probably the latter,” Cass replied, pushing a lock of her black hair behind her ear as she sent out a Tweet.

@CaptnCassAmour: Just lost four hands of Poker to Mya… Maybe I should learn how to cheat.

“Besides, I haven’t won a single hand since we started. Don’t you want more of a challenge?” Cass asked, taking her green eyes off the phone to actually look at the girl.

“Well, if you actually tried, you might win,” Mya said as Cass’s phone once again started the incessant flashing. “For the love of God, will you shut that damn thing off?”

“No.” Cass returned her gaze to her phone and clicked on a new Tweet.
“Why don’t you play with Viv? She’s a whole lot better than me at this game.”

Mya simply glared at Cass in response before rolling her eyes and getting the other girl to play. Cass moved from her seat to the back of the area where her old Yamaha acoustic guitar sat. It was well taken care of and still looked in good shape, but the pick board had faded over the last five years. Picking up the guitar, she could see the few scratches that it had gotten over the last couple of tours.

As the tour bus began to move again, Cass started work on another piece. She had a solo acoustic project that she’d been working on since she was sixteen, but since Audacious Amour’s rise to fame there wasn’t much time for her side project. Just as she began work on the chord progression, Sam walked into the back lounge.

“Those Assholes are in need of a wake-up call,” Sam shouted as she sat down beside Viv. “Please tell me you’ve all been thinking of a prank while I was gone.”

“What happened?” Rosie asked, a tinge of worry crossing her face.

“Just the usual, stuck up attitudes and bitchy remarks,” Sam replied sounding almost bored. “I swear you’d think they were the girl band.”

Cass couldn’t help, but chuckle at the remark. It was as close to the truth as anyone could get. Putting down her guitar she moved to sit with the girls, her mind was already thinking of ways to ruin One Direction’s day.

“They aren’t really worth a prank,” Cass said as she checked her phone once again, the light still flashing as more notifications rolled in. “But if you want to do something like, oil the stage before they go on, I’m totally in.” Grinning, Cass could just see the boys falling all over the stage as they tried their best to keep balanced. It would be hilarious.


At the front of the bus, Louis sat thinking about what his first move would be. The girls of Audacious Amour were at the back of the bus and he knew he had to do something; he just couldn’t stand the thought of being stuck with them for six months. Looking over at Harry, an idea popped into his head. If they could make the girls quit the tour, they wouldn’t have to deal with the girls or their horrible music.

“So, what do you lot say, we get those girls to quit?” Louis stated as he pulled at the collar of his white and navy blue stripped shirt.

“How do you suppose we do that?” Harry asked, an eyebrow raised in amusement. “Go to the back lounge and say, ‘Oh girls, don’t you think it’s time to quit.’ That’ll go over real well Lou.”

“No you prick,” Louis said, tossing a small object at the curly haired boy who dodged it. “I was thinking that we make living on this bus unbearable for them, show them up at the concerts, you know the stuff that’ll get that blonde worked up.”

“So basically, you want them all so worked up that they either quit or are thrown off,” Zayn said a grin forming on his lips.

“Exactly,” Louis replied as a smile lit up his face.

“That’s pretty messed up mate.” Zayn stretched and fell back comfortably in his seat. “But if it gets rid of those girls, I’d be willing to help.”

“Good,” Louis stated with a nod, a smile pulling at his lips and putting dimples in his cheeks. “Then leave it to me. I know just where I want to start.”

Heading off to the bunk area, he pulled out his phone and sent out a quick tweet.

@Louis_Tomlinson: On tour with Audacious Amour. Ready the cannons!