So Much for My Happy Ending

This is where it ends.

Gabi’s Point of View

~Three Weeks Later~

One by one, I’ve learned I couldn’t trust anyone in this town. It was weird. I used to be one of the most well liked teenagers in this town, and somehow Mr. Way turned them all against me. I slowly sank into a depression. My friends finally cornered me at home one day, telling me they were intervening. My mother was out. She told me all the time that I was a little slut and that she was disgusted by me. It always made me cry. I’d flee to my room, sobbing and throw myself on my bed. Then, I’d get out the old photo albums, where my dad, mom, and I were at the beach. Where my friends and I were laughing and giggling at slumber parties with my mother bringing in a tray of cookies in the back. There’s even one that my dad had taken with my mom cradling me at the age of ten when I had scraped my knee. Her mouth was moving in a silent I love you, frozen on the word “love”, as she had attempted to comfort me. That was always the final picture I looked at, for my father had died the next day in a fatal car accident.
Kayley gently took the album out of my lap, and I was suddenly aware I was blinking away tears.
“You have got to stop doing this to yourself, Gabi.” She said softly. “It isn’t helping you.”
I opened my mouth to speak, but Tori cut in. “She’s right. You’re home now, with us. You’re safe.”
My throat constricted, making it hard for me to breathe. “S-safe?! No, I’m not! He’s still around!”
They exchanged a look. “He who?” Kayley pounced.
“Never mind,” I quickly answered.
“It’s funny you caught yourself like that,” Tori started to smirk at me.
“Because he has friends everywhere.” They said in unison, high-fiving each other.

My breath stuck in my throat as I stared horrified at them. As I looked into their eyes, I saw no difference between their eyes and Mr. Ways. It was as if he had possessed everyone who could help me to isolate me.
Tori’s eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong?”
Instead of answering her, I did what I do best and ran out of my house. I wiped at furious tears as I ran towards the lake. I slowed when I reached the dock, carefully walking towards the end of it. I could almost hear Tori and Kayley’s mocking laughter in my ear. I reached the last wooden plank on the dock, staring down at my reflection in the water.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Mr. Way’s voice demanded behind me.
I didn’t turn. I wasn’t startled. And I didn’t cower as his footsteps sounded heavily behind him. Instead, I swallowed and prepared to dive into the angry waves.
“Don’t you-!” Mr. Way started to yell at me, to tell me not to go into the water. Before he could finish his sentence, I dived into the shockingly cold water. I swam as fast I could into the undercurrent and let it pull me further into the water. No one understood this lake. It acted more like a river. I looked back and saw Mr. Way staring at me as I tasted the salty kiss of death and went under.
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comment for a sequel?