Status: "and in that moment, i swear we were infinite."

Dream Catchers

two can keep a secret

Everything was just going great.

Aubry knew helping Zayn was a bad idea. She knew he was hiding something the minute she spotted him with that dull joint and smirk on his face. His know-it-all smile was just a stunt to give in to him. He was in need of shaving his chin, giving Aubry a small chill because she didn’t approve of that ‘dirty look’.

After about 5 pm, Aubry rushed over to Sasha’s. She couldn’t bear to be with her mother one more minute. Looking out her car window, the sun was about to set, making a small light shine along the horizon on her block. Stopping at a stop light, Aubry knew there was something going wrong in her head. Like in the movies, she felt a little pressure on both her shoulders, imagining two miniature Aubry’s on her shoulders. Aubry was going mad and she didn’t like it.

“What is going on?” she squealed, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck rise up.

Hi Aubry,” the one on the right side said. It was own self, all dolled in a while dress, with loose curls falling near her back. With her guessing, she was the right one of her conscience.

“Erm,” Aubry blinked, pressing on the gas. She didn’t know for sure if she was seeing things. Aubry rolled her windows up, not wanting to let anyone see herself like this.

“What is going on?” she repeated, a little more worried. “Why are you here? Why can I see myself on my shoulders? What is happening?”

We’re not exactly here, sweetie,” said the Aubry in white - the good one. “We’re a piece of your imagination, and here to help you.

“I don’t need help.”

Maybe not physically, but emotionally.

“You’re no Doctor Phil,” Aubry argued lightly, parking about a block away from Sasha’s home, which was clear in view. She looked to her left shoulder to see a spunky Aubry dressed in all purple. She despised the color purple. She never like it, and she never will.

“So why are you here exactly? Why can I see you?” Aubry asked again. Bringing her hair to one side, she knew she was going more mental.

Denise and I are here to keep you on the right track.”

“Denise? Who’s Denise?”

She’s the one on your left shoulder. Also know as your temptations.” she said with her fingers in the air making air quotations around the word temptations. “I’m known as the one who helps you choose wisely.

“What’s your name?” Aubry wondered out loud.


Aubry nodded, placing her hands on her thighs, realizing that her jeans were a little too tight on her. She knew they were new. Aubry hated when her clothes don’t fit her. She sighed before she spoke again.

“What were you saying about helping me again?”

Denise and I are here just to help you see better as you’re taking this path of yours. We, as your conscience, noticed a toll on some of your new friends,” Amy shook her head as she stopped on that last note she made.

Yeah, you need to watch yourself.” It was when Denise finally said a word. She clicked her tongue, wrinkling her nose slightly. She took a seat on Aubry’s shoulder, nodding at her own statement.

“I can watch over myself.”

Sweetie, no matter how strong a person is, it isn’t wrong to admit that you need a little cement once in a while,” Amy whispered, placing her hands on her waist. She shifted her weight, still standing on Aubry’s shoulder.

Cutting to the case,” Denise interrupted, smoothing out her blouse, “We need you to stop thinking about Niall and Zayn. I know you’re a growing teen and all, with all the hormones, but you need to stop and think of what exactly you are doing.

Before Aubry acted surprised about Niall, she realized that Denise and Amy were bits of her imagination. She let out a small sigh before she spoke again.

“I don’t like Zayn.”

Is that the best you could do?” Denise snickered. Was Aubry really having a fight with her conscience?

“I’m sure I don’t,” Aubry whispered. “I like Niall. I’m sure of it.”

That’s what you think, pumpkin.

Before Aubry could argue helplessly, Amy beat her at it.

Let me be the first to tell you that Zayn isn’t all what you seem,” Amy whispered before they disappeared back into Aubry’s demented mind.

The highlight of Aubry’s day: talking to her conscience.

As Aubry walked out of her car, she couldn’t help but noticed that styled up hairstyle that was overrated once she seen it. Aubry saw Zayn walking around the corner towards Sasha’s home, hunched over something. He was holding a small bag, tightly. A guy wearing a grey hoody was walking in the opposite direction from Zayn, holding the same bag as Zayn.

Aubry knew for sure that Zayn wasn’t all of he seemed.


You fucking asshole.” As much as Aubry hated swearing, she did it often. She grew up with the dumb dialect, thinking like it was her please and thank you.

Zayn brushed his fingers against his chin, feeling the little hairs forming on his slender skin. He cocked his head to the side, acting surprise with Aubry’s sudden tone.

“Can you watch your language, please? We don’t want Chad afraid of us or using that same tone with his mum,” Zayn snickered, looking over into the pot of pasta. With his lazy eye and sore shoulders, Zayn tried to cover his stiff figure and tired eyes.

“One, Chad’s in his room watching Toy Story 2. He wouldn’t be able to hear me if I screamed. Two, you spilled some hot water on my knuckles, it burns, you know.”

Zayn watched as Aubry placed her hand over cold water. She sighed in relief as she grabbed some ice and applied it softly. Aubry hated getting burnt. She hated the little marked scars that it leaves once it heals.

“I didn’t know, I’m sorry,” Zayn whispered, looking down.

Aubry met his eyes, losing it in an instant. She swallowed, not wanting to get lost in his marble eyes. She just couldn’t think of his butt hole like that.

“I really am,” he said again, meeting her eye level.

“What act are you trying to pull here?” she snapped.

“What?” Wide eyed, Zayn nibbled on his bottom lip. Using the counter as his support, Zayn crossed his hands over his chest, ready to hear what she was about to go about.

“One minute you’re a jerk and the next you’re all sweet and loving. What are you trying to prove to me? That you’re a good actor, because you got it,” Aubry said sarcastically. She watched as his expression turned to being hurt by her words. She shook her head, “Don’t act stupid. You think you’re all hot stuff because you know my secret?” Aubry scoffed. She let out a wicked chuckle, shaking her head slightly. “Think again, bad boy.”

Zayn knitted his eyebrows together, turning his whole body towards Aubry. “What are you bloody talking about?”

I saw you, Zayn.

Zayn followed. “You were spying on me.” He said it more of a statement than a question. “No surprise… from you.”

“What’s that suppose to mean?” Aubry breathed. She’s never been this annoyed with someone before. It was infatuation. She hated the feeling.

“Of course you would be following me, a lasse like you would kill to be with someone like me.”

“How much longer of a dick can you get?” Aubry mocked. She shook her head, “Hell, I haven’t met anyone who has a major ego as you. Open your fucking eyes and deal with that fact that you can’t fool everyone. This so-called bad boy image isn’t convincing anyone. Just admit that you’re weak, Zayn.”

“You don’t know shit about me.”

“I know you’re doing drugs.” Aubry felt relieved. “And I don’t need proof because I know by the look of your face right now, you are guilty.”

Turning back to the pot, Aubry felt like kicking herself.

“Now, stop assuming shit about me if you don’t want to be accused as well, bad ass.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Crazy chapter. I hope you got the beginning where she was talking to her conscience. I needed that in here. Another note, Zayn was pretty irrational here. Any thoughts on him?

Niall, you special snowflake. :)