Love, Zombies and the End of the World?


Slowly I sat up, blinking. The sun was bright today, even though it was 8, from what my wrist watch's hands were pointing at.
"Finally you're up, Charli," Aidan was loudly whispering from the other side of the room. I could see the automatic in her hands, part of the barrel sticking out the boarded up window. "There's a ton out there, it was probably from having the light on last night"
"Damn," was all I could say. Slowly I stood and walked over to the bucket of ran water. Dipping my hands into the cool water, I splashed it up towards my face, wiping away the night's grime. I could already tell it was going to be a tiresome day. Using my fingers, I swept them through my hair, untangling my red hair. I need a hair cut.
"Hurry up with grooming yourself, What are we going to do about them?" Aidan was shooting daggers at me. Instead of hurrying up, I gave a shrug then continued going at my own pace. First I took a rag and washed my neck then underarms. If looks could kill, Aidan would be getting rid of my body already. This made me giggle.
"What's so funny Addams?"
"Oh nothing," I gave her a grin then turned to face the wall, pulling on my favorite and only pair of skinny jeans over my underwear. Grabbing my jacket from where I left it the night before, I pulled it on, grabbed my bow and quiver and moved to stand by Aidan. "How many?" It was time to be serious.
"10 from what I can see. Not to count the ones on the sides of the building. I also think I heard some around.. seven thirty at the back door" She took a glance down at her watch while giving a yawn.
"How long have you been awake? If you want, go take a nap and I'll take care of them from the roof."
"And let you have all the fun, hell to the no," We both gave a short laugh before moving to go up the stairs, grabbing various guns, ammo and more quivers full of metal tipped arrows.
I could smell the rotting flesh from 3 stories up. It was disgusting. I know they aren't living anymore, but can't they tell how bad they stink?
"Damn dead," I said out loud, shaking my head. I pitied them. I hope I never end up like them, being a zombie was definitely not on the top things I want to be when I grow up.
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@.@ oh my god. Took me forever to figure out what I was doing! Lol.
This is my first Zombie original Story.
I'll keep writing, I had just wanted to get this up.
Probably will post more tomorrow.. I need to get to bed soon. :I