Love, Zombies and the End of the World?

Chapter 1

"Shit!" Aidan's gun clicked, the clip empty. There was only 3 left, 10 in each. It wouldn't have been enough to get us out of here, even with the quiver of arrows I had left.
"Grrrrrah," a zombie moaned as it scrambled towards Aidan. With the speed of an Archer, I grabbed an arrow, placed it, pulled it back and released, the arrow burrowing between his eyes.
"We're not going to make it unless a miracle happens, Aidan," I said softly, though I knew she heard me. She only gave a nod, pushing the clip into the handgun, clicking as it was put in place.
With her handgun and my bow, we still barely dented the crowd of zombies that piled out of the door, more and more taking place of the fallen.
"Charli, I just wanted to tell you, I kissed your brother!"
"We're even then, Aidan!" Her mouth made an "O" shape before she shot more daggers at me with her eyes. I smirked before taking the last arrow out of my quiver. Aidan, her last clip. "Aidan.. I don't want to end up like them."
" I know, Char.. Neither do I.. " We both had a solemn look or at least until gun shots were heard coming up from the stairs. A few of them turned around and started heading the other way. Throwing my bow over my head and shoulder, I pulled out my hunting knife and ran at them, shoving the knife to the hilt in each dead's head, shouting as I did so. Aidan did the same, though she sliced off their heads.
"Anyone bit up there?" A voice came up from the bottom of the stairs. It was a male's voice. Strong but wary.
"Nope," Aidan popped the "p", grinning to me. Saviors. I thanked whatever lived in the clouds. We really did have something watching out for us.
We could hear some heavy steps on the stairs, sometimes a crunch of a bone or squish of some odd body part. I could never get used to that sound. I was surprised when two, gorgeous men came walking up the stairs, each holding a m16, and countless other guns on their back, most I couldn't name. Along with that, each wore a small pack, probably ammo, leather finger-less gloves, each wearing a different colored bandana around their necks. The taller one wore a beanie, spots of sandy hair escaping the beanie. The other guy left his black hair disheveled, like he had ran his hand through it a thousand times. Slowly the taller guy raised his hand, seemingly asking for a shake. Maybe he was the silent appointed leader. Raising my brow at his hand, he slowly dropped it back to his side, his easy smile fading slightly.
"Hi.. I'm Benji Corrigans and this is Ethan, My brother," he pointed a thumb at the other guy who at the moment was standing a foot behind Benji. "We heard shouts coming from here, so us and the guys decided to check it out. Glad we made it in time.."
"Uhm.. Thanks.. I suppose.." I was glad too. "I'm Charli Addams and this, " I did the same he did, and pointed a thumb at Aidan, "is Aidan Hawk." She gave an awkward wave, clearly just impressed of the two guys standing in front of us as I was. "You guys are the first survivors we've seen for 2 months.." I rose my hand and ran it through my hair, I was sure a pink blush crossed my cheeks.
"Well, we're not the only ones here. They're busy downstairs clearing out stragglers"
At this time, a voice rose from the bottom of the stairs, another male, a clear southern accent.
"Clear. You should see the panties we found down here!" They were Aidan's. This I knew for sure, which made me giggle while looking over at Aidan, winking. It was clear these guys didn't have much female companionship. Aidan gave a loud groan while her face turned red.
"So.. How much do I have to look forward to those panties?" Ethan spoke for the first time, grinning.
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Omahgod. o.o took me forever to finish the first chapter.. I kept getting interrupted or told to eat something. >. <
Well... uhm... Does anyone like it so far?
Head's up, most of the chapters are going to be short for a while till I can get into the right type of writing. I usually role play (if anyone know what it is) on the interweb and right in the past tense so it's a challenge.
OKAY, enough about me worrying, hope you guys like it! x3 <3 2 readers so far! @.@