Love, Zombies and the End of the World?

Chapter 2

After Aidan had thrown her empty handgun at Ethan, we went back down stairs, I careful not to step on any of the dead. I may have played a lot of twisted video games back when there was time to play on a console, but death was real fucked up and totally changed my view on some things.
"So, how long have you girls been on the road?" Benji glanced my way, making me advert my own grey eyes the other way. Now was not the time to start fancying someone, especially when they could be torn open any day.
"Since the beginning. We had a plan to move to the nearest Wal*Mart and followed through with it," Aidan explained while biting into a pear. "We had a lot more with us, but you know, everyone makes a mistake sometimes.. You'd think they've seen a zombie movie before." Aidan shrugged her small shoulders. Her blond hair was coming out of the neat pony-tail she had put in earlier. One strand that fell from it was bothering me.
Stupid ocd, I cursed it mentally. It's not a good thing to have when the world is burning down, though I was slowly starting to get over the mess.
"So it seems," Benji huffed before standing up. "Ethan, Derek, we need to go figure out a plan for where to go next." Both men stood up and took their leave after Benji up the stairs. Derek wasn't as tall as Benji or Ethan, probably standing at a short height of 5 feet. His hair fell to his shoulders, giving him a slight rocker look, though he wasn't as thin as a rocker might have been, but was rather built, his muscles slightly bulging from the hunter green shirt he wore.
Looking around the small room, I took notice that out of the 5 guys that were still left, only one didn't have his eyes on us. How odd I thought to myself, my mind running off with the thought that they didn't really save us and possibly might just use Aidan and I for their pleasure. Hoping that wasn't the case, I slowly stood up, keeping my eyes on the harder looking male that stood a mere 5 feet away. I looked him up and down, He did the same. His olive colored skin matched his short, dark brown hair and almost black eyes. He had the same type of guns on his back as Benji, Ethan and Derek. I wondered where they got all the weapons and if they were willing to share the info.
"I'm Charli," I rose my hand for a shake, hoping he'd shake it so I didn't look like a complete idiot. I almost smiled when he did shake my hand. His hand had a ton of calluses.
"Patrick," He gave what seemed to be a smile, though I couldn't tell. At least I knew they weren't a threat now. I don't know how many times I had found some women left to die with everything torn up and not from the dead either. I slowly gave him one of my small smiles, hoping to find a friend in the future.
At the same time, a bunch of different voices could be heard, all chorusing names.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Aidan's hands rose up in the air, already she was demanding quiet. "I didn't catch your names.. You all spoke at the same time. One at a time.. please?" She gave a frown, pointing at the tallest male, silently telling him to go first.
"Shane" The next one spoke,
"Jim" Then the next,
"Nice to meet you all," Aidan and I spoke at the same time, in turn making us look at each other and giggle loudly. We were best friends before the outbreak and so far, nothing as changed that. The guys gave us some looks, but we didn't care. People were giving us those looks wayyyyyyyy before the outbreak happened.
"So girls, what do you say?" Ethan had warmed up to us slowly, I mean, Aidan. "Want to join us and have a way better survival rate." Derek, apparently being the genius of the group, had shown us a few maps, survival rate charts, and something that Benji drew up, a chart of the hotness of the group would go up with Aidan and I. This made both of us laugh. I wondered if Benji fancied one of us.
Aidan and I looked at each other then moved to the other side of the room, whispering quite loudly
"They are all quite handsome.." I gave a grin, looking upon Aidan's eager face.
"But quite loud..." I saw from the corner of my eyes a slight frown on Ethan's face, which made me smirk.
"Indeed... And I'm not to keen on that Benji character.."
"I'm sure he fancies you though.."
"Hm... What a deal breaker.."
We both gave a nod then took the short walk back to the three, no, 8 now, men, foolish grins on our faces. They all had looks of bemusement, clearly puzzled, but in fact having heard all of our conversation.
Aidan and I looked to each other then back to the guys and grinned
"Yes, yes we do"
♠ ♠ ♠
OHAI guys! o.o
I did it, chapter 2. 3 if you actually count the whole thing on chapters, but whatever. Lol. c:
Thanks to Lynnekinz6, my Best friend. o.o
I would have posted earlier, but I was at my grandmother's, painting a picnic table and my Mum. ;3 I won that battle! xD
Anyways, 'Nuff bout me. Hope you guys like it so far. This chapter so far has taken me the longest, not that I'm complaining. It's getting easier and easier to write these.. :3
Comment and tell me what needs to be added! c: