Love, Zombies and the End of the World?

Chapter 3

* Benji's P.O.V *
~Several Days Later~
The girls had been great since we teamed up. They taught us how to use bows, we taught them how to make better shelter. The guys liked them. I think Ethan fancied Aidan, which I was happy about, that poor guy had bad relationships before the outbreak. Aidan was a huge help. Charli was a huge help for the younger guys that needed help with their gun skills. She became close friends with Patrick, though I wasn't sure if anything was going on between the two. Just the thought made my heart drop some.
Right now, the 10 of us were sparring with our hands. The guys were teaming up on Aidan and Charli, though I must say, the guys were getting their asses handed to them. They could use that. I stood against a back wall, watching the 9 spar. I wonder where the girls learned to fight. I think I heard something about Aidan being a pacifist around the fire the other night. How odd. Did the outbreak change her thoughts? Hmm. I'd have to ask.
"Benji!" Derek gave a holler, sitting up from where he fell. His hair falling out of the short ponytail he gave himself earlier. "Come help us!"
"No way," I smirked, it was much better watching the guys. At the moment Aidan and Ethan were going one on one. With each throw Aidan threw, Ethan easily blocked it. Slowly Ethan moved closer to her, though the 5 foot 4 inch girl stood her ground, jutting her elbow out at his side. A few seconds later, Ethan had his arms wrapped around her in an embrace. I'm not the romantic type, but I would have been awe-ing like the rest of the guys.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. Quickly turning to the side, I grabbed a fist, heading straight for my cheek. Just the force of the punch to my hand made me want to shake it to get out the sting. Pushing the fist down and releasing, I found Charli's face tilted up to mine, a grin on those lovely lips of hers.
I will admit, Charli was exactly the type of girl I would have been in a relationship back in California. She had a great smile, a great personality, eyes that everyone could drown in and not to mention the small curves her slender body had. Maybe she would have even been the girl I brought home to meet the folks, but sadly, that wouldn't even happen in the future. My parents were unlucky, being 2 of the first 100 dead in the small town I grew up in.
"Spar with me, Benji," Charli said softly before taking a step away from me while raising a finger to beckon me towards her. I could feel everyone's eyes on us. The two "leaders" sparring, finally. Slowly I took 2 short strides towards her, a soft grin on my face.
"I don't want to hurt you, Charli.. but I'll go easy on you," Slowly I watched her grin turn to a frown, her happy aura slowly turning to a displeased one.
"Then I'll just have an easier win."
"Trust me baby, you won't"
"Want to bet?"
"What do you want to bet?" I will admit, I could be quite the gambler. Too bad there wasn't any casinos being run by zombies. That'd be quite the attraction site.
"If you win..." Charli would purse her lips, clearly thinking. "You can have a kiss.."
"Go on..." Once she kissed me, she wouldn't stop. This was a good bet.
"And if I win, I get to have a cheap shot to your nuts," Ouch. "And it won't be right afterwords either. It'll be like that one show, How I met your Mother, the slaps-giving episode." She seemed pretty confident she was going to win, but she had much to learn, I was one of the best.
I held out my hand for a shake, "deal."
"Watch out afterwords then," she took my hand and shook it once before turning and walking to the other side, quietly conversing with Aidan. When was this damn thing going to start?
"She's so going to win," I heard Jim say. So much for loyalty, Jim, I yelled mentally at him.
"No wayyyyyyyy," Shane shook his head, his lips pursed. That's my man, with no homo intended.
"Ready to start this thing?" Charli was a few feet away now, a confident grin placed on her lips. I couldn't wait to kiss those lips.
"I was ready when you said you'd kiss me, baby girl."
Her left brow rose, clearly taking in what I had said.

* Charli's P.O.V *
Benji was an idiot, that was clear. He clearly didn't see how bad I had knocked Ethan on his ass, probably to busy making googly eyes at Aidan. I wish I was fancied by one of the brothers.. I even fancied both of them a little. They gave Aidan and I a lot to think about and we learned quite a bit from them all.
Derek rose his hand in the air, a small pink napkin in his hands. I gave a guess that he was going to tell us when to go. It wasn't until then, that I realized the guys had made a wide circle around us. I could hear bets being placed, mostly cigs or booze. I wouldn't mind an ice cold beer right now, actually.
"Fight!" Derek dropped the napkin, it fluttering to the ground. I was momentarily distracted by the way it fell. I guess that Benji took this time to rush me, possibly taking back that he was going to go easy on me. He must of really wanted that kiss. Or maybe to look good in front of everyone. This would have made me blush if I didn't already have red cheeks from sparring with everyone else.
I quickly side stepped to the right, just barely getting by Benji's fist, just kicking out left leg, hoping to trip him. He did stumble over it, but not enough to fall. Damn.
"Well wheres that kiss?" Benji had a stupid grin on his face. It was sometime later, we were alone in one of the rooms, everyone else was trying to find the items the bet.
"You cheated.." I groaned, I swear he did, but everyone disagreed. Back stabbing bastards they were.
"You know I didn't. And if there were still working video cameras, I would replay the tape over and over.."
"Shut up before I kick your ass."
"Like you did earlier?"
I turned, took hold of his shirt and pulled him so he was tilted down, crushing my lips to his. He made a sound of surprise, which made me smirk. Slowly his hands made their way to my waist. I don't know what over came me, but I started really getting into the kiss, our lips moving in sync, my hands moving on their own accord to settle in his sandy hair. Every so slowly, his tongue worked its way into my mouth, our tongues battling for dominance. His hands slowly moved to my ass, pulling me against him.
"Should I come back some other time?" I knew that voice. Shit.. it was Aidan's...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys, mostly Tay, for not updating sooner. I've just been doing a lot lately..
I hate guys. They all suck. Stay away from them girls.!
Hope you liked it.
Look up Lynnekinz6, she has a great story going on about twilight wolves. It's a romance. o.o <3
I hate romance. Why am I still writing this story?