Love, Zombies and the End of the World?


* Aidan's P.O.V *
Everyone was shell shocked when Char had lost, having had put all the guys on their ass at least once. I decided she wanted to kiss Benji so she purposely lost, and after what I walked into, I decided that was the case.
After I had suddenly blurted out if I should come back at a later time, I took 2 steps backwards, turned on my heel and fled the scene. I immediately went to Ethan, telling him what I saw.
"I knew it was going to happen," Ethan spoke, laughing softly. "It just happened quicker than thought because of her bet.."
"True.. I can't wait to tell the guys!" I thrust my fist in the air, giggling. Hopefully this would distract Ethan from our bet. .
"You can wait a bit longer or did you forget?" Leave it to Etahn to remember.
Giving my sweetest smile, I shook my head side to side. I bet pig tails would have given me the more innocent look, or do the exact opposite.. To bad today I had my hair wavy instead "I thought we could after I told the guys."
"They can wait.." We had bet the same as Charli and Benji. Damn Char for not winning. Slowly Ethan made his way towards me, really adding to the creepy look. Smiling shyly, I took a step forward, meeting him halfway. He tilted his 6 foot self down and our lips met. I swear I was in my 7th heaven. Looks like Charli isn't the only one who got a hot kiss today.

* Charli's P.O.V *
How the fuck had I let that happen earlier? It was a few hours later, dinner time. Right now Patrick and I were starting a fire and opening cans of vegetables. Or rather he was starting a fire and I had the can opener. We made a good team. So did Benji and I.. The thought of kissing Benji again made me blush. Patrick noticed.
" and Benji?" He didn't look phased at all.
" Wait. How do you know?!" This was a surprise to me. Then I remember who had stopped the kiss from escalating. Aidan. I let out a loud groan. "Fucking bitch.." I grumbled. I was going to kick her ass..
Patrick started laughing loudly. It was the first laugh I had heard from him. It was one of those booming laughs, one that made you turn your head when you heard it. It was also very contagious. Soon we were both laughing, my laugh matching his booming one.
"I'll have to ask him if you're a good kisser"
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I am on my phone typing this so it's a tad smaller than usual, but if I feel like it when I get home, ( I'm stuck at Denny's because of a stupid storm) I might write another chapter. Or take a nap. That'd be nice.