Love, Zombies and the End of the World?

You won't loose me or vice versa

“Charli!” My friends screamed as the undead tore them open, spilling blood and guts. I didn’t know this though because I was too busy running away from them and the dead, running for my life, not saving theirs. I couldn’t go back there and face the fact that I’d have to kill my friends. I glanced over at Aidan; she was running beside me, the only one to have made it out of the horde without a wound. Angry tears were making streaks down her dirty cheeks. We just lost every single person we cared for. Even as we hid in the closest M&T bank, I could still hear their screams, all of them screaming my name.
“Charli, Charli, wake up,” Someone was shaking my shoulder. Slowly I opened my eyes, my first thought, Am I still in the bank? No, the faces that loomed above mine and the reassuring hand on my shoulder told me otherwise. I was in JCPenny’s, laying on one of the many that they had put out for show. “Charli, are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep, you woke us all up.” Aidan’s face was full of worry, her hair flat against her head. As I looked around the group, noticing I had thirteen people looking at me with either worried or annoyed expressions. Taking Aidan’s hands in my own, I gave a light squeeze before nodding.
“It was just a nightmare, I’ll be fine. I’m sorry I woke everyone up,” I added sheepishly. A few, including Niall’s friends shook their head and walked to their beds, either climbing on top or under the blankets whilst grumbling. I really was sorry that I had woke them up. I guess this was apparent on my façade because some of them softened their hard looks. Patrick came closer and took my other hand, squeezed it then kissed my forehead before walking to his own bed. A few others of the guys said good night before moving to the guard posts they had been assigned while Aidan climbed on my bed, giving me a small smile. “I’ll be fine, I swear Aidan, just a nightmare, don’t worry so much”
“I’m not worrying, I just want to make sure you can get back to sleep again,” I noticed the heavy eye-lid look she was giving me. She definitely needed more sleep than I did. I was wide awake as is.
“I’m not tired, but you definitely are. Go back to sleep, I’ll be fine,” I said for the third or fourth time while slowly moving to get out from under the covers. Before she could protest I got up, pulled her off my bed and led her to hers, moving the blankets out of the way before letting her lay down again. I noticed how she chose the same bed spread she had before the outbreak. Maybe she was missing the good ole days like I was too. “’Night” I spoke softly while throwing the blankets back on her, smiling before I moved to grab my bow. We had found a hunting shop in the mall, found arrows for me and everyone else stocked up on guns and knives.
As I was about to walk into the actual mall part, someone grabbed my wrists and turned me around quickly. “Where do you think you’re going without anyone else?” It was Niall, his dyed blond hair looked wasn’t brushed, but looked perfect, per usual.
“Where does it look like I’m going, Niall?” Lately things had gotten tense between us, his usual happy nature slowly disappearing. I can’t count how many times the thought that he was one of those sick bastards that raped female survivors and left them there to die crossed my mind, but then the doubt came, He was a famous singer, had friends and a good life, why would he do such a thing?
“You shouldn’t go by yourself. No one’s there to save your ass if you get surrounded”
“I can handle myself, I survived for months going out by myself.”
“Yeah? You had Aidan with you, didn’t you?” He looked angry in the dark light.
“She was a pacifist for most of those months. It was just me killing these, things,” I spat the word. These undead, zombies, had taken away my friends and family and the fact that Niall was jumping into my business annoyed me.
“That so?”
“Yeah, it was. They told me all about it,” another voice cut in, I recognized it as Benji’s. Things had gotten awkward between us too. Mostly my fault. After that night of heavy make out and petting, I had put a distance between us. Now was not the time to get caught up in a romance that could potentially ruin any chance of survival for anyone else. I didn’t need to lose any more friends because of this ridiculous apocalypse.
“I see. Well I’m heading to bed” Niall said in a rather blunt tone, turning around and making his way to his group of buddies. I watched him walk away till he was out of sight, hoping he wouldn’t decide to come back and go with me, just like I hoped Benji would go to bed, but what were the odds of that happening? Zip?
“Thanks” I shifted on my feet, staring at my bare feet. “I think I’m going to go grab some shoes and head out for a while, I’ll be back.”
Just say okay; just say okay, I chanted in my head.
“Let me grab a knife and we can head out together.” Dammit. I’d be forced to talk to him or worse, let go of my worries and attach myself to him by the lips and hips. Why’d this man have to be so damn attractive and not realize that I wanted to be left alone? Moving quickly, he jogged to go grab a knife and possibly shoes, I wasn’t sure if he had any on. While he was doing that, I knelt down, grabbing my converse and slipping them on. It would have been bad if they were already stretched out; it was not a good thing to have a blister and try to run from the undead.
“Over there,” Benji gave a whisper, his pointer finger pointing out a half-eaten zombie about 50 feet away. Poor thing must have been munched on before standing up. He reminded me of Aidan’s brother, the same height of Aidan, light skin color and a ripped band tee. The zombie was probably buying shit at Hot Topic or Spencer’s when he got bit and changed. With an arrow in my bow and the string pulled taut, I focused on the zombie and let go, the arrow burrowing itself into the dead’s skull with a sickening break of his skull, then another sickening sound as he crumpled to the ground, unmoving. “Nice, good shot” Benji was complimenting me on my good shot. It was only another hour till dawn, a time when the dead moved a lot more. It was odd, really. The only times when they really moved was at dawn or dusk, unless they were “infected” and ran like hell whenever. Those bastards were fucking fast.
“Thanks,” I gave a small smile, knowing my cheeks were probably a rosy pink. He gave me a grin before moving closer, glancing around before settling his gaze on me, clearly looking for zombies or even our own friends.
“How come you’ve been ignoring me for the past week, Char?” His hands rested on my waist, pulling me closer, our bodies almost touching. All the sudden I craved for his touch. He seemed to have the same craving because his hands slowly pushed up my shirt, his hands now pressed to my bare hips, his thumbs rubbing small circles.
“I just don’t want to get to close, then lose you, or vice versa.” I took a gulp, noticing for the hundredth time that he was much taller than me.
“You know Char, you won’t lose me, or vice versa” He started whispering, slowly leaning down, my head tilting up, our lips so close to touching. I yearned for his lips. I bet the want was apparent on my façade, but he didn’t care or wasn’t done talking yet. “I hate that you ignored me this week, but I can tell that hurt you just as well.”
“I’ll agree with you because it is true,” I admitted softly, my cheeks turning to a darker pink. “I just didn’t want to get close and have you torn away, but now that I know neither one of us is going to give up without a fight, maybe it’d be worth holding you again,” I teased, a shy smirk forming my lips. Why hadn’t he kissed me yet?
“Sounds like a plan,” He started to lean down again, but wanting to speed things up a little, I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my lips roughly to his, my eyes clenching closed while my hands wound up in his long hair. Just playing with the strands I knew that he needed a haircut. Slowly our lips started to move in sync, his tongue sliding against my bottom lip, asking for entry, which I, again, willingly complied and opened my mouth, his tongue taking over as dominant.
“I’d hate to break up the party, but we’re hungry,” Aidan’s voice rang out over the laughter of all the other guys.
What the fuck is it with Aidan and coming at the wrong time?
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Wrote this up in about 45 minutes. It seems so much longer when typing than reading.
I won't be posting any chapters for the next few days because of Summer School.
Geometry's Hard, Okay?