Status: one shot based on an idea i had

Not Just Any Girl

The Spy

The next day Kyoya went missing again, Tamaki set up a mission to find out what Kyoya was running off to do. He decided to start in the garden again. He went to the gazebo and found Kyoya sitting on the bench with a girl in his arms.

“He ruins everything” she cried and Kyoya muttered something to her. She wrapped her arms around him and he kissed her head. Tamaki smiled, it was nice to see him being so kind.

“Listen, I’ll see if I can get you into a job somewhere else…”

“No!” she said her head shooting up. “I wanna get there on my own, I don’t need you to get me in anywhere.” She said pushing away from him. Kyoya frowned. He remembered how hard it was to convince her to even let him pay her medical bill when her hand was broken. She grabbed a back pack and started running away from the gazebo, but Kyoya grabbed her wrist. That was when Tamaki realized who it was.

“Iva,” he stopped and she looked at him. He held her hands, to Tamaki, he looked like he was thinking. “I understand” he said softly. “I’m just tired of hiding from everyone and I want you to be successful just like you want.” He said and Tamaki suddenly became confused. “Why do we have to hide?” Kyoya asked. Iva looked up at him and pushed him away.

“Because I don’t want everyone thinking I’m using you!” she shouted and tears began forming in her eyes. “That bastard says I’m just using you for your money. He says I can’t go anywhere unless I use my body!” she said as the tears fell down her eyes. Kyoya took Iva in his arms tightly. She tried to push away but he held her to him.

“Iva” he said as she tried to get away. “Iva stop.” He said and she fought harder.

“Let me go! I’m done pretending you care about me!” she said and Tamaki sat stunned as tears started to fall from Kyoya’s eyes.

“I’m not pretending.” He muttered. Iva heard him, he knew because she stopped fighting. It was quiet for a moment, nothing but the sound of Iva’s crying into his jacket. “I love you.” He paused and wrapped his arms around her. “I want you to get into a good job, so I know my father will like you.” He said softly. Iva looked up at him.

“Why?” was all she could say through her tears. Kyoya blushed.

“I want him to welcome you into the family.” He muttered into her hair. She looked up with wide eyes. The edges of Kyoya’s lips turned up. “I’ll make sure when I get the ring, the proposal is better.” He gave a laugh. Iva seemed confused for a moment, but then she smiled. She reached up and pulled Kyoya’s head down, giving him a kiss.

“It’s just so beautiful!” Tamaki cried out loud from his hiding place. The couple turned startled at the outburst. It wasn’t very long before Tamaki started raving about the marriage that was suppose to come.