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A Small Encounter

It was the beginning of fifth period and I was already late. I sighed heavily, closing my locker that got me late in the first place.

I slung the bag over my shoulder and scurried down the empty hall, staring at my schedule

Free period…rm.20...Ms. Camp

I sighed, stuffing the schedule in my pocket. That’s when I hit something… someone.

“Umph,” I groaned, almost falling backwards due to the impact. I just heard a breathe being caught as I stumbled. Two strong hands caught me. I looked up through the bangs that spilled over my eyes. It was the curly haired mystery boy; Harry

“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, locking my gaze. I couldn’t find words.

“No-um. I, uh. It was my fault. S-sorry.” I managed to stutter like an idiot. He gave me a small smile and dropped his hands from my arms. He placed a hand on the back of his neck.

“I’m Harry.” He gave me another small smile. I watched him warily.

“I’ve heard.”

His face fell a bit. “Oh?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Big man on campus? Silent guy? I’ll be filled in later.” Surprisingly I kept my voice. I wasn’t one for jocks.

“I see… well you can choose what to believe. Jessica?” he questioned. I was surprised he remembered my name. I nodded as he did. “See ya’.” He gave me another quick glance before heading down the hall.

What did he mean? were there untrue things that I’d be hearing? He seemed… nice. He seemed… sweet. But he couldn’t be. Not with that Niall guy being such a jerk already.

I shook the thought away and headed towards class. The teacher excused me-since it was my first day. I spotted Eleanor who told me to come sit with her. People were still staring at me a little. I shrugged it off and sat in an empty chair next to her.

“This is Louis and Danielle,” she introduced quickly.

“Hey,” they said in unison-obviously twins.

“Hi,” I smiled back.

“So. Why were you late?” Eleanor asked quickly.

“I… uh. Ran into Harry. In the hallway-”

Eleanor gasped. “What happened?” she gushed. I looked at her strangely. What was the big deal?

“Umm… I ran into him. He caught me before I could fall-”

“He touched you?” she interrupted, making a fake fainting sound. It was quite funny.

“Uh. Yeah?”

Danielle smiled and Louis rolled his eyes. “People say he only touches popular girls,” Eleanor gushed.

“Well. He couldn’t let me fall. it wasn’t a big deal…”

She nodded. “What else?”

“Well. He apologized.”

“Seriously?” Louis asked this time.
“Yeah? Why?” I asked questioningly.

“He’s a silent guy. Like the head boss,” Danielle laughed a bit.

“Go on,” Eleanor urged.

“I apologized too. It was my fault. Um. He introduced himself-” Eleanor’s eyes widened.

“He said ‘I’m Harry.?'” She tried to do his impression. It was pretty weak, making me laugh.

“What’s the big deal?”

Danielle spoke this time. “He doesn’t really introduce himself a lot. People just hear…”

“Oh? He seemed surprised when I said I heard who he was.”

“What?” Eleanor almost yelled. My eyes widened. “You didn’t introduce yourself?”

“No. I said I heard. It was kind of weird because he said I could choose what to believe.”

“There’s the mystery,” Eleanor sighed dreamily. I rolled my eyes.

“What does that mean?” I asked, truly interested.

Louis spoke up. “A lot of rumors go around,” he shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal.

“Come on,” Eleanor scoffed, throwing her arms in the air. “They are too a big deal. For one- people say he’s mean-”

“He seemed nice to me,” I interrupted.

“He probably is.” She looked zoned out after that.

“Anyway,” Danielle continued, ignoring Eleanor. “Another rumor is that he’s still a virgin.”

“Yeah right,” Louis scoffed.

“Really? I’ll side with Louis on this one.” He smiled weakly.

“It is kind of hard to believe…” Danielle agreed.

“OH!” Eleanor shot up, causing me to jump. “Another is that he’s actually looking for a girlfriend.” Her eyes lit up.

“That’s a big deal?” I questioned.

“Styles isn’t known for relationships,” Louis confirmed. I nodded.

“Anyway. What else happened?” Eleanor asked, bringing my thoughts back to the hall. It wasn’t a big deal.

“Umm. He asked if I was Jessica.”

They all kind of gasped. “Seriously?” Danielle smiled.

I nodded. “What’s the big deal?”

“Your new and he already remembered your name,” Eleanor said as if it was obvious.

“So?” I was totally lost. She rolled her eyes.

“Go on,” Danielle encouraged.

“He said see ya. That’s it. It’s no biggie.”

Eleanor scoffed. “See ya? He’s obviously wanting to see you around.”

“Okay. You guys are weird.” I laughed slightly Louis joined in.

“Eleanor's a little… obsessed,” Danielle admitted.

“Am not! I don’t like him like that. I just think he’s hot.”

“Okay,” Louis said sarcastically.

For some reason… I didn’t get what was up with this Harry Styles. He was the head jock apparently, but something was different.
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