I Never Wanted ...

For a while, Matthew felt safe, realizing that nothing would happen to him or the rest of the band as they started the next song, a couple of more song and the concert would be once again over, they would try to calm down and hop in their little van to go to the next venue. Letting out a breath of relief, Matthew listened to what his brother had to say but kept his eyes on the crowd and flashed some of the girls on the front row a genuine smile and a wink after they had screamed his name on the top of their lungs.

However, even that genuine smile and receiving an equal genuine smile back from his fans in front of him couldn't scare away the bad feeling he was having, now on stage more than he had felt it backstage. Matthew shook his head out of his thoughts again and noticed that his brother had stopped talking for once, taking this as a sign, Matthew slowly strummed his bass and nodded at Mateo, taking the opportunity to start the next song.