I Never Wanted ...

First (and only) chapter

He didn't know why, but Matthew Leone had a feeling deep down that something would go wrong at the show tonight. And because of that feeling, he was driving his band members crazy, who didn't seem to be feeling anything strange about the whole day, yet, Nathan, the youngest one of the twins, had reassured his brother that if something happened unplanned, he would be there with him. Yet, knowing that he was just annoying the other band members, Matthew chose to keep the feeling in the pit of his stomach to himself for the rest of the day, he was extra careful with his bass and how he handled it and especially during sound check, he had been nervous and kept glancing around for anything that could go wrong at the show tonight.

If anything, it wouldn't be the band's performance for they were ready to go and warmed up to greet their fans in a matter of hours. Matthew sipped from his coffee, knowing well enough that drinking a hot drink before the show and then spinning around several times wasn't good for his stomach but he didn't really care at that exact moment, all he wanted was the feeling that something would go horribly wrong that night gone from his head.

Looking at the rest of the band, he couldn't help but smile and shake his head at them as they were just laying down on the ground and each other, the small backstage room was bare and so the band had decided to crash out on the ground, sitting on each others laps or leaning on each other as they relaxed before the show. Matthew fiddled with the longer sleeves of his jacket before he grabbed the neck of his bass again and pulled it closer to his body like a shield.

His fingers softly strummed the strings, making a small smile appear on his lips. He remembered when he had first picked up bass, planning on taking lessons but the teacher had told him he had way to small hands to do so and had immediately told him to give up, needless to say, Matthew only saw this as an encouragement to teach himself and show the teacher that he could indeed play bass.

After they heard their manager in the hallway, coming closer to where they were crashing out, the members of Madina Lake shot up and dusted themselves off, choosing to run out of the room before their manager would even have to enter it and tell them to get ready. Matthew took a deep shaky breath, trying to calm the nerves raging through his body. Not that he was nervous for the show, the feeling of something going wrong was still plaguing his mind and so making him sweat and his breathing rising rapidly.

Matthew told himself that he was overreacting and that he shouldn't even be acting like this, this was another night, another show full of the kids that he loved for supporting them. He grabbed the neck of his bass tightly in his hand, not caring that the strings were starting to hurt him and his knuckles were turning white from the lack of blood. Breathing through his nose, Matthew closed his eyes and leaned against the wall of the hallway that lead towards the stage, it was a few minutes before they had to go on, only a few minutes for him to try and calm himself down.

“Hey you alright? You look a little pale there,” he heard Nathan's voice in front of him but didn't open his eyes when he nodded. He could feel his twin brother's eyes on him before Nathan placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, telling him without words that his brother was there for him. Hearing footsteps edge away from him, Matthew kept trying to take calming breaths and stop the raging thoughts going through his mind.

Knowing that he was overreacting, Matthew took a final deep breath and loosened his grip on his bass before he ran up the stage as last one, just behind his brother who already looked like he was in a somewhat hyper state of going on the stage. His eyes connected with the crowd and for a moment, and probably the first moment since he had woken up, he felt relaxed and calm.

A small smile grew on his lips as he looked at the crowd in front of him and strummed his bass. The crowd in front of him were rather cheerful to say at the least, they hung on every word Nathan sang with their whole hearts and jumped up and down to the beat of the music, keeping their arms securely in the air for when Nathan would decide to suddenly crowd surf much to their surprise. It wasn't much of a surprise then that just when Matthew played the last notes to their fifth song, Nathan chose to jump in the crowd.

For a while, Matthew felt safe, realizing that nothing would happen to him or the rest of the band as they started the next song, a couple of more song and the concert would be once again over, they would try to calm down and hop in their little van to go to the next venue. Letting out a breath of relief, Matthew listened to what his brother had to say but kept his eyes on the crowd and flashed some of the girls on the front row a genuine smile and a wink after they had screamed his name on the top of their lungs.

However, even that genuine smile and receiving an equal genuine smile back from his fans in front of him couldn't scare away the bad feeling he was having, now on stage more than he had felt it backstage. Matthew shook his head out of his thoughts again and noticed that his brother had stopped talking for once, taking this as a sign, Matthew slowly strummed his bass and nodded at Mateo, taking the opportunity to start the next song.

Before Matthew knew it, they were starting on their final song of the night, the fact that nothing had happened yet made him leave his guard down, realizing he had just been overreacting and let the nerves for the show take over his common sense. Head banging with the song, Matthew gave it everything he got before he would slink off stage and try to unwind again.

In front of the stage in the mean time, security was having some trouble keeping one of the somewhat older fans away from the stage. A young boy, who looked like he was around the age of 25 was desperately trying to get on the stage itself, then again, security didn't have eyes everywhere and soon, some of the fans started to crowd surf, taking all the attention away from the guy in the front who carefully climbed over the barrier between the crowd and the stage.

Seeing that all of the sudden, one of their fans was on the stage, Nathan frowned and followed the guy with his eyes, seeing that he was going over to Matthew and swung his arms at him in some sort of hug. Nathan stopped singing and ran towards his older twin brother, pouncing the guy from his brother.

Matthew on the other hand, had a whole different experience with the hug, taking a step back but not missing a note of his bass. Matthew was pulled in a hug by the man once he had reached him and before his mind could register it, the air was cut from his lungs and he was thrust forward with a sharp pain in his chest, tears sprang in his eyes for a moment as he took a shaky breath, his hands letting to of the bass in his hands because of the shock. Before Matthew could even say anything, the object that had previously stabbed him in the chest was removed, making him wince slightly, hoping that no one would see it, the concert was almost over, it would be stupid to fall on his knees now and give up.

Taking a step back, the boy in front of him smirked and then hid the weapon as soon as he could, Matthew frowned and took a painful breath, showing a smile at the man before he jumped off the stage and ran away through the crowd again. Nathan looked worried at his brother, who had stopped playing during the hug but decided to let it drop until after the show, Mateo and Dan had in the meantime started the interlude of the song, giving Matthew some time to register what had all just happened before he started to strum his bass again, a painful look in his eyes.

Slinking off the set, Matthew stumbled towards the small room they had occupied before. His hand was on his chest, clenching it and trying to stop the bleeding that had started the moment the weapon, what he guessed was a knife, had been pulled out of the fresh wound. Tears sprang in his eyes and he leaned against the wall and tried to block the pain out of his system even though he knew that it was useless. Thank god he was wearing one of his black shirts and so, the blood was not immediately visible to his brother, Mateo and Daniel.

“Matthew!” Nathan's voice rang through his ears as he took a deep breath and noticed that his eyesight was getting blurry. Suddenly he was pulled in a hug by his brother, not expecting it, Matthew yelled out in pain, not blinking away the tears of pain his time, he tried to lift his arms up to push Nathan away but failed because of the loss of blood and strength.

The next few minutes went by quickly, Nathan had pulled back from the hug, realizing there was something wrong with his brother and had started to panic when there was blood all over his white shirt he had chosen to wear that night. In a matter of time, Nathan had stripped down until he was in his bare chest and pressed the tshirt against Matthew's wound, trying to stop the bleeding as the eldest twin was slowly slipping away. Yelling at Mateo and Daniel to call 911, Nathan tried to keep it together but couldn't stop the tears trailing down his cheeks and falling on Matthew's closed eyes.

Time of death : 1.17 am