Shades of Moons

The Fourth

"So your sister, Cal, she's really something," Ricky Freton commented as Callisto drew close enough to hear. He whistled under his breath as he watched down the corridor where Europa was placing her books into her locker. She had to push onto her toes to get to the upper shelf of the fixture and the older boys groaned as she stretched.

David Shadet spoke, "No offense Cal, but damn there are some things I'd like to do to your sisters. Both of them are hot as hell." There was a general consensus among the surrounding boys.

The brunette shook his head. "First of all, you all know Ganymede has a boyfriend. No none of you are getting any of that. Plus, she's leaving in five months. She tells me all the time. 'The second I graduate I'm picking up my bag from the house and you'll never see me again,'" he said, raising the pitch of his voice at the end to do a poor impression of his sister.

"So then the little one is free game?" Ricky asked, hope tainting his tone.

Callisto just shrugged. He was about to ask who was crashing at his place after practice when a light tap on his shoulder caused him to turn. Europa was standing there, smiling at him.

"Are you planning on waiting after practice for me or you gonna get a ride with one of your friends? Ganymede is supposed to talk to you, but I figured I'd just did it."

Cal glanced around the group that was surrounding him. The crowd of eight were all glancing between the boy and his sister, but mostly his sister. With a sigh, Cal voiced his previous thought, "Who is crashing at my place tonight?" After a collective agreement of spending the night with him Callisto turned back to his sister. "I think I'll be okay."

Europa nodded, smiling still. "Io is going to stay with me and the car. Gany is going to get a ride with someone, probably Ben. I can get pizza or something on my way home from practice?"

"We'll be fine, Europa."

This time she shrugged. After kissing her brother's cheek, she caught up with a small huddle of girls further down the hallway.

"Sorry to tell you, Callisto," Aaron Perkin said, "but I'm just coming over because you live with her." His eyes were still glued to the blonde's body as she retreated from them, now giggling at something her friends were saying.

"Try and keep it in your pants, please?" Callisto said, glaring at his friends. "Let's not talk about my family anymore." He shoved his hands into his pockets as the guys backed off and picked up on a new subject: the previous nights baseball game. The brunette boy couldn't explain why he was angry at Aaron's comment, but deep down he knew.

If his friends were coming over just for his sister, then things weren't perfect.