
Everything But Her

Ryan rolled over, trying but not succeeding in turning off the obnoxious beeping that woke him up. Groggily he sat up slightly, fumbled around on the nightstand and ripping his phone from the charger the moment his hands found it, before he squinted and shut the alarm off. With a sigh he laid back down, face in the pillow as a knock rang through the apartment. Pulling himself out of bed Ryan made his way carefully across the dark hotel room, and pulled the door open, not bothering to check who it was through the peep hole. He squinted at the light of the hallway and took in Jamie's scowling face.

She pushed past him and walked into his hotel room without so much of a word, making Ryan mumble, “Well good morning to you too.” As he let the door shut behind her before he flicked the light on and sat down on the bed, head in his hands.

“It's three in the afternoon genius.” She told him, reaching into her bag for something. Jamie turned and threw a news paper at him, making him jump slightly. She paced back and forth slowly before she said venomously, “For someone who wants to be taken seriously as an athlete you have a funny way of showing it.”

Ryan looked down at the news paper, and sighed. A large picture of himself, beer in one hand and girl in the other, was facing him, with a large title of 'Olympic athlete?' under it. He looked back up at Jamie and said, “I'm a guy okay? I like to unwind sometimes. You can't punish a guy for this.”

She scoffed, “Try me. I can make you wish you never even joined swimming Ryan, I have that power.”

Ryan sighed, it was true, he knew very well that Jamie had the power to make or break his entire career. Beijing, nearly two years ago, had been his career highlight, but now he was setting his sights on the 2012 Olympics and he wanted nothing short of multiple gold medals. With a slight sigh Ryan stated, “I know. Look can I get dressed and packed now, because we leave soon?”

Jamie this time sighed, glancing down at Ryan, who was sitting in just a pair of boxers, before she said, “Whatever. Be ready in an hour. We're leaving then, with or without you.” Ryan muttered something incoherent and waited until Jamie let herself out before he stood, and pulled his already packed duffle bag onto the bed. With a sigh he made his way into the bathroom, where he stood under the steaming hot water for nearly twenty minutes.

Had he really had that much to drink last night? Hadn't he only had two beer? Or was it more than that? At this point he couldn't remember, the only thing he could remember was calling Sophie, and the end result was the dial tone. Vaguely he could remember the girl from the bar, but he knew he hadn't done anything more than possibly kiss her. It wasn't something he was proud of and that was the only thing he could think of as he towelled off and changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

With a grunt he shoved the rest of his things into the duffle bag and pushed his hand through his wet hair, before he slung the bag over his shoulder and left the hotel, checking out and getting into a cab. He pulled his phone out as he waited to arrive at the airport, and typed a quick apology to Sophie before he paid his fair and made his way into the airport, knowing Jamie would likely scowl him before once again being late.

Jamie sent him an annoyed look but didn't speak as he threw his things into the overhead compartment of the plane, before he sat down beside her, and leaned his head back on the headrest, plugging his headphones into his Ipod. He closed his eyes and let his mind go blank for the first time since he woke up that morning.

Upon arriving back in Florida, it was already dark out, and Ryan knew that Sophie would likely be sleeping, so he made his way up the steps and into the house as quietly as he could, waving lightly to Ren who was sitting in the living room, a cup of something steaming in her hand. Ren waved pathetically back before turning back to the television as Ryan set his bag outside the bedroom door, carefully prying it open. He watched as Sophie turned slightly, and upon seeing him standing in the doorway she turned back to the window. Ryan sighed and pulled his shirt off, discarding it on the floor as he fumbled with the button on his jeans.

He brushed his teeth quickly before coming back to the bedroom, crawling into the bed, wrapping his arms carefully around Sophie, who for a moment seemed to relax and lean into his touch, before pulling back away slightly. Holding back a sigh Ryan rested his head gently on her shoulder, resisted kissing her skin, and let his eyes fall closed.

Sophie normally would have been glad Ryan was home, usually she waited up for him, and the moment he walked through the door she was in his arms, but tonight was very different. It wasn't the drunk call she had gotten the night before, it wasn't even the picture Ren had shown her of Ryan's hands all over another girl, it was the way the smell of Chanel perfume filled her nostrils the moment he put his arms around her that sickened her. After all, not once in her life had she ever worn, or liked, the smell of Chanel perfume.

- - -

“What do you want to do tonight?” Sophie turned as Ryan walked into the kitchen, wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her jaw swiftly before he moved past her and grabbed a cup from the cupboard, filling it with milk. She shrugged and continued to stir the pasta on the stove.

“Do you wanna go out or stay in?” She asked, praying he would say he wanted to go out.

Ryan shrugged this time, wiped his arm across his mouth before he said, “Let's go out. Some of the guys want to go to this bar out by Jason's. We should check it out.”

This was not exactly the idea of what Sophie wanted to do tonight but instead of voicing this she simply agreed, “Sure. I should make sure Ren has her keys then.”

“Might be a good idea, we could be pretty late.” Ryan told her, confirming her thoughts, before he put the milk back in the fridge and sat down at the table. Sophie turned and looked over her shoulder at him, taking in his striking blue eyes and light hair, and the way he was so good looking and knew it was something she oddly found charming about him. Ryan turned, catching her eye he smiled, “I know, I'm pretty stunning huh?”

Sophie laughed and flicked water at him off the spoon she was holding, making him laugh, stand from the table and wrap his arms around her, picking her up from the floor he carried her kicking and screaming into the living room before he fell on top of her on the couch. Their noses pressed together he reached up, and tucked hair behind her ear, before he kissed her lips quickly and smiled as Sophie said, “You're squashing me.”

With a smirk Ryan wiggled on top of her, making Sophie squirm before he braced his arms under her, keeping his weight off of her, before he rested his forehead against hers and smiled brightly, “You know, you're beautiful right?”

Sophie flushed lightly before she said, “You're not so bad yourself Mr. Lochte.”

“Awh thanks.” He told her, grinning ear to ear as Sophie leaned up and kissed him quickly.

“Now get off of me, the pasta's probably over cooked.” She told him, laughing as he heaved a dramatic sigh and sat up, allowing her to get up off the couch.

Less than two hours later Ryan walked into the bedroom, and grinned again at Sophie, who's eyes caught his through the large mirror above the dresser. Ryan put his hands on her hips and kissed her softly before he said, “You”

Sophie smiled and glanced back at the mirror and gave her choice in outfit a once over. She tried not to note the fact that in her opinion the dress she was wearing was a little too small for her, but it hit just above the knee and plunged low in the neckline, but not too low, paired with a pair of heels that made her small 5 foot 3 height raise to a 5 foot 7, she knew she had made a good choice. She turned, taking in Ryan's choice of ripped jeans and a tight fitting blue t-shirt, and at that exact moment she knew tonight was not going to be a good night at all.

- - -

“Oh come on Soph this is bullshit!” Sophie turned the moment these words left Ryan's mouth, and narrowed her eyes, glaring hard at him. She slipped her heels off, and tossed them by the door, before she made her way into the bedroom. Ryan followed, knowing his choice of words only pissed her off even more.

Sophie unzipped her dress, but stopped before she pulled it off and said, her voice seething, “You're dumb enough to flirt with another girl right in front of me then you're dumb enough to sleep on the couch!”

Rolling his eyes Ryan grabbed his pillow and said, “Fine, whatever, have it your way.”

Out of pure anger Sophie reached onto the dresser, and threw a coffee mug that had been holding her make-up brushes at the wall beside Ryan, who jumped and turned to look at her with wide eyes. She glared at him and said, her voice scarily calm, “Don't you dare put this on me! Why do you always, always have to do this?”

“Do what?” Ryan asked, as if it were the most ludicrous comment he had ever heard. Now it wasn't just Sophie that was inexplicably angry.

With a roll of her eyes Sophie let her dress hit the floor, leaving her in just a bra and underwear as she rooted through the dresser for a shirt. Slipping a tank top over her torso she said, “Somehow, right when I think we're actually starting to act like a real couple, you do something to fuck it all up just like you did tonight.”

“That's so not fair Sophie. It's not my fault you take everything so damn seriously.” Ryan stated with annoyance, reaching into a drawer for a t-shirt.

“I'm sorry that I don't think its okay for my boyfriend to flirt with other girls right in front of me Ryan!” Sophie told him, slipping on a pair of shorts before she made her way toward the bed, trying to get away from him as far as she could. In an attempt to distract herself she ruffled the bed sheets and shook her pillow.

“You're blowing this all way out of proportion.” He mumbled, running a hand through his hair.

Sophie finally lost it, reaching forward her hand connected with his cheek with a loud cracking noise. Ryan rubbed his cheek as Sophie said in anger, “Do not tell me I'm blowing this out of proportion Ryan.”

Smirking Ryan told her, “You're sexy when you're mad.”

Wanting nothing more than to slap him once more, Sophie tried to hold back the small smile she could feel coming, but instead of pretending to be angry at him she just told him, “And you're hot when you're being an asshole.”

Ryan half smiled, half smirked, and grabbed her hips, pulling her tight against him. Sophie shook off the bad feeling she had the moment he pressed his lips against hers, and with a single quick movement Sophie was feet off the ground and on her back on the mattress.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this was a bit of a longer one :)
Anyways, if there's anyone actually interested I've been thinking of posting this as well:
Let Me Fall