
Lovesick Fool

“Eight days.” Sophie mumbled, resting her head on the back of the couch. Ren laughed loudly as Sophie openly complained. It had been a good few days since her and Ryan's fight, and her and Michael's very inappropriate meeting between the sheets, and while she never told Ryan a single thing, the two had been on awkward terms since he had gotten home.

“Hey, you were the one who wanted to do this. Why don't you just cave, I mean come on it's Ryan, he'll probably just say you have to have sex with him.” Ren said dismissively, changing the channel.

Sophie shook her head, “No way. He is not winning this. Like you said, it's Ryan. He'll cave soon.” Ren shrugged, she had to give it to Sophie, it was true, more than likely Ryan would be the first to cave. Ren was surprised Ryan could go longer than a day without having sex as it was. Sophie then turned to Ren and said quickly, “But seriously, this sucks! I mean... this morning he felt the need to walk around with a towel around his waist and that was it.”

Ren grinned, “So tease him back.”

Sophie smirked, “And I know exactly how to do it.”

Ren stood from the couch and said, “Well that's my cue to leave.”

Sophie chuckled and asked, “Where do you keep sneaking off to anyways?”

Ren stayed silent for a few seconds before she admitted, “I've been seeing someone.”

Sophie grinned and jumped up from the couch, “Seriously? Who? Do I know him? It is a him right?”

Ren chuckled, “Yes it is a him. His name is Zach, and no you don't know him and no I'm not introducing you because it's not serious. Yet.” Sophie grinned, she was happy for Ren, ever since Jason, Ren had been in a dating slump.

Sophie returned to the bedroom as Ren left, pulling her favorite pair of sky high heels she owned from the shelf she slid them on, slipping into something much more appropriate she pulled a very short robe on over top of it, before she made her way into the kitchen just as she heard Ryan's car pull up. She smirked to herself and reached up into the cupboard, looking for the steak seasoning as the door opened and closed.

“Hey Soph, you home?” She turned, glancing over her shoulder as Ryan stopped in the door to the kitchen, his eyes raking up and down her body, before he said, “Hi.”

She smirked, “Hi.” She turned and said, “You're gonna have to grill, because I'd rather not light the house on fire.”

Ryan laughed, knowing that this was probably true, Sophie had never been good with a grill. He made his way toward her, wrapping his arms around her he trapped her tightly between his body and the counter, before he kissed her, his lips grazing her neck. He mumbled, “Damn I missed you.”

Sophie smiled and ran her hands through his hair, before she pushed him away from her and said, “Our bet, you remember? You're not caving are you?”

Ryan sighed, before he smirked and said, “Nope. I'm gonna go change because I smell like chlorine, then I'll cook the steaks.”

Sophie nodded and let him go, seasoning what she needed before she handed him the plate, and mixed up a salad. Less than twenty minutes later Ryan came back into the house, and Sophie laughed to find him completely naked as he sat down at the table. Sophie slowly undid the tie to her robe, letting it fall to the floor, leaving her in a pair of bright red underwear, and a piece of fabric wrapped around her chest, tied in a bow at the front. She smirked at Ryan and sat down, being sure to lean forward as often as she could, giving him view of her chest. Ryan groaned lightly, but ate his dinner in silence. Knowing full well that Sophie knew exactly what she was doing to him.

Ryan put the dishes in the sink, planning on doing them tomorrow, before he turned back to Sophie, who was leaning against the counter with a coy smile on her face. Ryan smirked at her and said, “So, what's for dessert?”

“Well originally it was supposed to be me, but,” Sophie shrugged her shoulders, still smiling, and finished her sentence with, “So there is none.”

Ryan nodded and smirked, “Well I'd offer to go get some, but I'm rather enjoying this lack of clothing situation.”

“I bet you are.” Sophie said, smirking, as she turned away from him, her heels clicking against the floor. She made it no further than the door to the living room when she turned, about to cave, only to find Ryan standing right behind her. Carefully he trapped her between him and the wall, kissing her hard. Sophie smirked against his lips as he tugged on the fabric, pulling it loose.

“I am so sick of this bet.” He mumbled against her lips, making her smile.

“So am I.” She told him between kisses, only to stand stunned as he pulled away from her and walked back into the kitchen. She mumbled, “What the hell?”

Ryan grinned as he came back, and held up a bottle of ice cream syrup before he said with a boyish grin, “Dessert.”
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thought I'd give this one an update again :)
and i wanted it to be a happier more light kinda fluffy update
since its been a while since they've had a good update