
The Difference Between Glittering and Glowing

You’re not a unique snowflake.

Crystal shape of splendor, structure impossible to imitate or duplicate, captured perfection.

There are so many of them out there. Glinting, shining. Not two of them are alike; every single one is different from the next.

But you’re not one of them.

They ensnare your gaze, their radiance piercing. Do you wonder why you’re not like that? Why you’re not shining so brightly, not catching anyone’s attention.

They are cold though. Very cold. A price they have to pay for their icy grandeur.

It’s almost mockingly how they glitter, a field of inimitable brilliance. And you can’t be like them. You will never be like them.

Because you’re too warm on the inside. That thumping lump cradled in your ribs glows, with compassion, with love. Heat radiates from its every beat.

You’re not a unique snowflake.

And they are so beautiful. They are so wonderful. Shining so brightly.

But when they melt? What then?

Watch. Keep watching. They shine for now. They are all frozen forms of success and radiance. But they’re all cast in the same mold. They’re just hiding it at the moment.

Keep watching. Keep watching.

Now, can you see it? See how they melt?

Dissolve into droplets, splash out on the ground.

You’re not a snowflake at all. You’re not something that’s so perishable. Not something formed into a one of a kind shape with the true identity of being identical to every other droplet once melted. Not a faux beauty, not a fake uniqueness.

You’re not a unique snowflake.

But you are, truly, one of a kind.

So keep your heart aglow.