Moving In

The grip on my suitcase tightened as I looked back at Aunt Blue's house. This was my last item to load into one of the cars before leaving. Even though the loft wasn't far from Aunt Blue's house--only fifteen minutes--I felt like it was the biggest move of my life. After all, Aunt Blue's home had become the only stable thing about my life since my parents' death. Letting this go was difficult. As a young adult, this was something I simply had to do.

"Wait up!" Aunt Blue called from inside. A medium box was in her hands, decorated with dusk and a few stains. "I forgot to give you a present!" I smiled as she opened the box and pulled out a photo of my parents--Phoenix and Trinity--and a mushroom bong with a few colors. It looked beautiful to me and I didn't even smoke. "This was your father's present to your mother when you were born." The thought of Phoenix giving Trinity such a thing as present for such an event seemed silly, but knowing what it meant to the two of them I felt honored to have it.

Moments later I was in Rina's car with a man named Jared while Travie was probably already at the loft with my stuff. He'd left ten minutes before with most of my things. Rina's large black pickup truck had done the job with everything else. I sat in the middle of the back seat while Jared and Rina sat in the two front seats. The entire time I was looking at the rear-view mirror to see Jared's face. He was so incredibly handsome! And that voice!

"You ready?" Rina asked with a smile, interrupting my thoughts. Jared seemed to be torn from his thoughts as well. I nodded in the backseat and waited for them to move, so I could get out. When I exited the truck, Jared caught me off guard.

"We don't really know each other that well, do we?" He asked with a smile. My cheeks turned pink from simply his tone. He then grabbed some of my things, leaving me with nothing to take inside. I felt sort of guilty having him carry my things, especially since I didn't know him well. "It's your first time moving away from home...allow me. Anyway, I figured we better get to know each other a little better since we'll be room-mates now."

"Good idea," I replied. How stupid are you? That's a stupid reply! "How do you know Rina and Travis?"

"I met Travie in elementary school at some camp for poor kids like us," He joked as he set my things in the bottom floor's only bedroom. "I didn't really know Rina until the move, actually. I mean..I was there for her when she called me sometimes, but I was only really close with Travie. We used to call and write to each other and--back when Myspace was cool--we were all online talking. Then with Facebook...how do you know them?"

"That's so weird! I'm almost the opposite!" I exclaimed, which made Jared laugh. "I met Rina when I started visiting my grandparents when I was about twelve....then she introduced me to Travis and he did my first tattoo for me a few years later." Without thinking I raised my shirt a little to show him the snowflakes on my hip. It was a rather large design when I had first gotten it, but now it doesn't seem large at all. Jared's eyes widened before he laughed and I lowered my shirt. "Nice! I love the way Travie shaded the swirls in the wind."

For hours the two of us talked in my room while he helped me unpack. I was surprised at how easy it was to talk to him about things. He was the only person I could talk to about Phoenix and Trinity. It was a little funny explaining to him why I called them by their names rather than calling them 'Mom' and 'Dad,' though. After I talked for a while, Jared would talk about his life. We both might have had completely different backgrounds, but we could easily relate to one another. Pain was always able to do that with people.

Hearing about Jared's siblings made me curious about what they looked like. His sister Maddie was so close to my age that I feared he only would see me as a child. After all, my age was almost exactly between theirs. As for his brother, he sounded almost exactly like Jared. I couldn't wait to meet him. Jared's mother sounded a bit strange, but then again who isn't strange? She was sort of inspirational seeing as she turned from a neglectful alcoholic to a good mother again. It might have taken her a while, but better late than never. Poor Jared and Alex never got to see her full potential as a parent. They of course didn't mind.

Somehow all the talking had made the process of unpacking go by rather quickly. By nighttime we were all finished. This gave me a chance to go out with Travis, Rina, and Jared. Well, in all honesty Jared probably wouldn't have left me alone. He was just that kind of guy. He was even better than I imagined! How was that even possible?!

"Where to tonight?" Travis asked. Luna held his arm tightly and shrugged at the same time as me. "Jared?"

"How about Tony's?" He asked. Travis smiled.

"A dive bar on Rain's first night?" Travis joked.

"A dive bar's perfect, Travis." I assured him, smiling. It was more than perfect. From what Jared had told me, this was his favorite place. Tony was a large Italian man that absolutely loved the group and always gave them deals. I'd never been to a dive bar, let alone a club. Starting off small seemed best.

"Call me Travie. You know me well enough for that." He replied before grabbing his car-keys.

When we arrived at the bar my eyes lit up. It reminded me so much of Jared that I couldn't help but smile. I immediately understood why it was his favorite place. In the background a jukebox played Highway to Hell by ACDC while some people played pool, some watched sports, and some simply enjoyed the location with drinks and/or food. Nervously I grabbed Rina's arm. I wasn't quite sure that I'd fit in here.

"Who's this pretty little thing?" A man who I guessed was Tony asked as he cleaned some cups with his tattoo-sleeved arms. "Jared finally got himself a girl to be prouda?" Jared shook his head and laughed.

"You know Cam's a girl to be proud of." He said with a smirk. My heart sank to the floor. Cam? Who the Hell was Cam? Why hadn't he mentioned her before now? Was she important? "This is our new roomie, Rain Orchard. Her parents were hippies." The more Jared spook, the sicker I became. Tony extended his arm to me and almost too quickly I shook his hand. His grip was tight.

"Cam's a pistol to put it nicely." Tony replied with a laugh. He looked me over for a second. "This one looks like a lost puppy er somethin'. I won't bite, sweetpea." A nervous laugh escaped my lips. "Since it's your first time here I'll give ya anything off the menu for free."

"Oh...n-no that's not-" I started.

"Okay, I'll pick." Tony interrupted. The others laughed at my distress for a moment.

Tony left us to prepare God-knows-what for me, but my eyes were searching the bar. Was this Cam going to be here soon? Apparently I wasn't the only one thinking this because Travie asked the same thing. Cam was short for Cameron, too, apparently. She was definitely going to be here. The very thought made my eyes narrow. What was so great about her, anyway. Well, we would see.

Sure enough the most gorgeous woman had to be Cameron. The tanned, tattooed brunette walked to Jared like a dancer. Her pin-up attire added to the sex appeal in my opinion. Without bothering to pay anyone else any attention, Cameron wrapped her arms around Jared's neck and kissed him passionately. It seemed to drag on for hours before they stopped breathlessly. By this time, Tony arrived with my food.

"Thank you..." I murmured as I sat at the bar, feeling completely invisible. Rina sat beside me for a long while, letting Travie play pool with Jared and Cameron. At least she cared. "I want to leave..."

"It'll be okay. That bitch'll leave soon trust me. She does it at least once every two weeks." Rina assured me. "Only know Jared has you to come crying to." Even I laughed at the thought of Jared crying to someone, let alone me. Rina winked just before Travie came to steal her away. "I'll be right back!"

"No, you have fun!" I called out. Knowing that I'd skin her alive if she didn't, Rina listened to me.

Hours later I had just about had enough of Jared and Cameron's disregard for everyone around them. Unfortunately no one was able to drive me home without everyone having to leave. I wasn't about to ruin everyone's night just because mine was ruined.

"Are you going to be looking at those two suck face all night?" A male voice asked. I jumped and blushed, turning to the source. The man was behind the bar with Tony. "Name's Chris." I nodded and muttered my name just as I glanced over to Travie and Rina. Travie kissed Rina gently before coming our way. "The usual, Trav?" Travie nodded, Chris handed him two small bags of something, and Travie was off. Chris looked to me and shrugged. "Sorry 'bout that. You know the dude needs his stuff. Anyway, you don't look too good. Do ya need a ride home?" Normally I'd refuse the offer, but I was miserable. Plus, Travie seemed to know this guy.

My first night moved out and my crush on Jared had grown, my heart seemed to feel stabbed, Travie got his fix, and I was driven home by a twenty-eight year old drug dealer. That's LA for you. After texting Rina to let her know I was home and safe I did something bold. Chris asked for my number and if I'd like to go on a date and...I said yes! The hurt from Jared clouded my judgement, making me disregard the fact that I knew nothing about this man and the fact that he was nearly a decade older than me.

After what seemed like the strangest day of my life, I laid down in my new bed and drifted into a deep sleep. Of course I was woken on and off throughout the night by Cameron's moans. It almost seemed like she wanted me to hear.
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http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk179/h3aRtLeIgH/book/R%20and%20R/mushroombong.jpgThe Bong that belonged to Rain's Parents.

http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk179/h3aRtLeIgH/book/R%20and%20R/RainsParents.jpg Rain's Parents.

http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk179/h3aRtLeIgH/book/R%20and%20R/mu_2bedroom_loft_unit.jpg The loft