Drama, Drama, Drama....Isn't there more than this?

"Wakey wakey!" Rina's voice called from the kitchen loudly. The sound of something hitting a pan came again and again until I finally decided to get up. Was she always like this in the mornings? "Breakfast!!!!!!!!" Rolling my eyes I walked to the counter, grabbing some bacon, eggs, a biscuit, and combining them into a sandwich with cheese. Rina did the same just as Jared, Travis, and Cameron entered the kitchen. Despite the hour Cameron was still gorgeous. "Nice bed-head, Cam."

"I'd rather have bed-head than poor manors in the mornings, thank you." Cameron replied with a humph before looking in the refrigerator for something suitable to eat. "Baaabyy," Jared smiled at Cameron's pout as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Don't you have anything healthier to eat? I can't risk losing this body you like so much. Unlike some girls I actually care about my appearance." The tension between Rina and Cameron was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

"Excuse me?" Rina retorted. "Rain's skinny as Hell and so am I."

"Uh," Jared said awkwardly to change the subject. "Sure babe. I'll go get you something." Cameron squealed with joy and bounced before kissing his cheek and running off to his room. "Please, Rina, play nice? I really care about Cam you know."

"Then get your bitch on a leash." Rina muttered, eying me. "And if I hear the sound of you two fucking again I swear I'll come in there and drag her outta here myself. Got it?" Jared's eyes went to the floor before he nodded. My eyes went to the ceiling. It was so irritating seeing a man like Jared turn into this spineless creature because of a girl like Cameron.

"Uh, Rain?" Jared started, clearing his throat. "I saw Chris take you home last night and I just thought I'd warn you--he's not the type you want to be seeing." I snorted at his words.

"Like you're one to tell me who to see." I said blankly as I rose from my seat. "Like you said yesterday, we don't even know each other." Rina laughed a little, but I looked to my feet. What the Hell was wrong with me? Why was I saying such mean things? After everything we had shared with each other I knew saying this would bother Jared. Maybe I wanted it to bother him. "Sorry...I just..don't like being told what to do."

"Understandable." Jared replied. He scratched his head and looked around. "Uh, does anyone need anything from the store?" Travie shook his head and chuckled.

"You're so whipped it's sad, bro." He joked. With that Jared was gone. Soon Travie, too, was gone for work.

While Cameron was upstairs for the next twenty minutes Rina and I joked about her. Apparently Rina only was noisy to bother Cameron and let her know how it felt to be woken up by irritating noises. For that I loved Rina even more than before, which I didn't think was possible. We continued to joke about the couple and how loud they were. Even though it was easy to joke about Jared and Cameron's sex life it actually hurt me terribly.

Cameron walked down the stairs gracefully in a colorful skull dress trimmed with black lace that looked like it was actually a long shirt rather than a dress, combat boots, and fishnet tights. She looked flawless enough as is, but the makeup was the icing on the cake. Her plump lips were red and her eyeliner was simple and winged. Rina was dressed in purple skinny jeans to compliment the pink highlights in her hair, a Pinkie Pie tank top, and some black/white checkered heels. Her makeup was more dramatic and black with nude-toned lips. Unfortunately I was still in skull and crossbones pajama shorts with a black tank top and no makeup. Around these two I felt inadequate.

"So you're the new roomie?" Cameron asked. I nodded and sipped my orange juice, which somehow made Cameron raise a brow and smirk. She reminded me of Ursula from the Little Mermaid looking in the mirror before the wedding when she did so. I know, I know, I'm immature. "Well aren't you just adorable? With a little makeup you'd be damn beautiful." Rina's and my eyes widened. Was she actually complimenting me? Cameron leaned down on the counter so she was inches away from my face. "How old are you again?"

"Nineteen." Rina replied for me in a snarky tone. Cameron rolled her eyes and looked back at me.

"I'm only going to tell you this once, and you better feel pretty damn special for getting a chance to correct yourself." She started sternly. Rina's eyes narrowed, but my lips simply formed into an amused smile. "I see the way you look at Jerry and I don't like it. Stay the fuck away from him or I'll end you, got it? You're a little girl; leave this to a woman. That's what Jerry needs."

"Someone sounds scared." Rina pointed out with a laugh. Cameron rose and laughed as if that was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard.

"Oh, no, no, little girls." Cameron replied. "I just don't feeling like putting in the effort to keep his mind off her. The less I have to blow him, the better." My cheeks turned red out of fear and embarrassment. Maybe I wasn't grown up enough for Jared like Cameron said. After all, how willing was I to do that as often as she was?

"Okay, slut." Rina started, stepping forward to Cameron. "If Rain wants Jared, she'll get him. End of story. Besides, she doesn't even want him. She's got Chris McKinley after her now. Get off your fucking high-horse and stop thinking everyone wants your man. I didn't want him two months ago, Cassi at the bar didn't want him two weeks ago, and Rain doesn't want him now. Calm yo tits, fo." Laughter burst from my lips at Rina's last sentence. That had been such a joke to us for so long it was hilarious hearing her say it during a real fight. Of course it wasn't serious, but Cameron apparently thought it was.

"Wow." Was all she could reply.

For the next ten minutes the three of us exchanged irritated looks before Jared arrived. He placed three grocery bags on the counter breathlessly. While Cameron was upstairs she had been on the phone commanding him to buy her food for when she stays the night. Her payment for such things was obvious by the way she nibbled his ear and eyed me--flaunting him. Rather than add fuel to the fire, I shot her a goofy grin and a thumbs up.

Rain Midnight Orchard never goes down without a fight.

Throughout the day Rina helped me job hunt since it was her day off. Jared went off with Cameron while she had a shopping spree with her father's money. She needed someone to hold her shit while shopping, right? After hours and hours of searching, Rina finally suggested an amazing idea for me. At least someone could do that out of the two of us!

We went to Tony's where Chris was cleaning to prepare for the night to come. He smiled at me and almost instantly was with us. Even though I didn't care for him as a boyfriend like he obviously wanted to be, I had to admit it was nice having a man--especially his age--treating me like this. It made butterflies in my stomach go on a flying spree.

"Seeing ladies like you two has definitely made my day brighter." Chris said with a bow. "What brings you here to grace me with your presence?" Rina smacked his arm and Chris nodded with a laugh. "Okay, okay. So what's up?"

"She needs a job," Rina stated.

"Rina!" I cried. "Don't be so blunt!"

"Well you do!" She reminded me. Chris chuckled at us both.

"It just so happens that Tony's asked me to find a new hot little thing to be our waitress." He replied. "Can you start tonight?" Just as I was about to reply, Tony himself came from the back door.

"Rain, isn't it?" He asked as he grabbed my hand and shook it roughly. "Is Chris tryin'a hire you without askin' me?" He roughed up Chris' hair for a moment before turning to me again. "Tonight right? Let's see what you can do."

Weeks passed. Chris and I grew closer as Cameron and Jared did the same. The more I saw her, the more disgusted with her I was. Last night I actually walked out of my bedroom to get some water and saw them having sex on the couch! Not only was that painful to see, but it was disgusting and completely disrespectful to everyone in the loft! If Rina or Travie would have walked in on that, Cameron would never come over again.

When I woke in the morning, Cameron and Jared were still on the couch in the morning. I purposely was loud as I prepared my breakfast to wake them. Obviously, it worked. Jared jumped from the couch and covered himself quickly. Cameron, on the other hand, had no shame. If she wasn't such a horrible person perhaps her body would have actually looked nice naked. The personality took away from her looks entirely by now.

"R-Rain," Jared stammered. "I'm really sorry."

"Why?" I asked blankly with a fake smile. "You two just got carried away. If it was Chris and me I'd want you to be cool with it."

"If it was Chris and you that'd be sick. He's nine years older than you." Jared snorted. My eyes went to the ceiling.

"And Travie's three years older than Rina." I pointed out.

"Three and ten are two completely different numbers!" He practically screamed.

"Jerrrrryyyy," Cameron whined from the couch. "Who she fucks is her business. Now come over here and-"

"Cameron just give me a minute, alright?" Jared snapped. Both Cameron and I were in shock. "I hate when you do that! I mean can't I get one God-damned word!" Cameron huffed before grabbing her things and leaving in nothing but a blanket that didn't even belong to her. "Fuck!"

"It's okay," I assured him in a low voice as I approached him. Jared shook his head and turned around.

"No...it's not.." He muttered. "She's going to be pissed."

"Who cares?" I asked in a rather defensive tone. "She was being annoying and you were annoyed for once! What's wrong with that? she treats you worse all the time." Out of irritation I went to my room with my breakfast and locked the door. I didn't feel like dealing with drama today.