Love and Drugs

"Travie? Honey where are you?" I asked. It was after midnight and he still hadn't come to bed. I saw him look back from in the kitchen. I knew what he was doing and turned around to go back to bed.

"Rina wait." he says. I stop but I don't turn to see him. "I'm trying."

"I know you are." and walk away from him to our bedroom. Rain sees this. I smile weakly at her. "It's okay." I mouth to her.

Yet when i get back to the bed I'm sobbing quietly and pretend I'm asleep when Travie comes to bed. I can't sleep so I go in the living room and eat some vanilla ice cream on the couch. Durarara comes on when my alarm clock goes off. I had a client at 7 this morning, she wanted a pixie on her ankle. As I was getting ready I was in the bathroom taking a shower. I heard the door open and Travie call my name.

"Yeah I'm in here. Just shampooing my hair." I open the curtain to see him undressing.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked.

"Nope not at all. Come on in." I say as I rinse the conditioner outta my hair. As he gets in he moves me from the shower head. "Uh what are you doing?"

"Since we're in here I need some water too." he smirks. I turn to face away from him. I grab the soap from the little rack we had hanging in there, he grabs my ass."Travie!"

"What? I know you like it when I do that." he smiles.

"Yeah I know, you just caught me off guard is all." I kiss him and as I kiss him I bite his lip slightly. He shudders. "And I know you like that." he grabs me and hold on to me. He is really hard. He kisses my neck and holds onto me tighter, practically molding me into him. "Travie. Travie. I have a client at seven."

He sighs and lays his head on my back. I could feel the exasperation coming off him.

"We'll continue this later though." I say. Before I got out the shower he kissed me fiercely.

"I love you Rina." he kissed me again, this time more gently.

"I love you too Travie." with towels on we went in our room. We passed Jared and his lackey. "Good morning Jare. Morning lackey." I smile and she's left with her mouth wide open as I wave bye to them before I shut our door. Then I opened it again."And if i find out you had sex with HER on our couch again she's not allowed here anymore."

"Luna we didn't." Jared says. I cock my eyebrow. I hold up the trash's black bra.

"I should've burned it, but then you wouldn't feel like this. Never again Jared. You hear me."

"Yeah loud and clear Rina." he sulks away with the filthy trash he dragged in here.

Travie closes the door. "Rina you could try to be nicer to her."

"Never in a million years honey. Can't stand people who think they can get their way just cause they were raised that way." I say. "We have thirty minutes before we have to be at work. Wanna play?"

His mood changed drastically from serious to playful.

"Let's." and he kissed me.