Ignite Tattoo

As I opened the door with Travie behind me we walked in and turned on the lights. I walked over to my station. I had on my black and white striped skinny jeans with a red vest with red heels. My makeup was a simple red lip and black eye-lined winged eyes and my hair was like a pin-up girls in a ponytail with a little curl at the end with a hump on the top of my head with my bangs. Travie was at the front desk when my 7 a.m. came in. I had everything out and sterilized.

"Hey its awesome to see you again Ivy. Let's get started okay." I say to the red head. I put the stencil on her back. "Any reason you're getting this?" I asked her as I started.

"It's for my twins at home. The vines intertwined represents the bond between them and me. I love my girls.'

"Aww how old are your girls?" I ask.

"They'll be 3 next Friday." she said.

"Aw, I bet they look like you. Pretty red head like you." I said.

****3 hours****

"Alright I'm done." I wipe the excess and she gets up and goes to the mirror. I hand her a smaller mirror so she can see the tattoo on her back.

"I love it." she says."Thank you. I'm telling all my friends to come here." she hugs me and thanks Travie.

"I love seeing you make peoples days." he kissed me.

"Get a room." Jared said coming through the door.

"Nah, its his shop. He makes the rules." I say and kiss him again, this time more fiercely.

"Rina. Can I talk to you." Jared asked.

"Sure." Travie goes to the office in the back. "What's up."

"Did you really suggest that Rain work at Tony's?"

"Well I said, oh so very bluntly, that she needed a job. I didn't know they had an opening, Tony made it legit though. And what's wrong with her working there?" I said.

"Chris is what's wrong." he said. "I don't like him."

"Hm, do I hint a bit of jealousy?"I joked.

"What?" he said shaking his head. "No, who's jealous?"

I cocked my eyebrow and looked intently at him, in his eyes. I could tell he was lying.

"You like her don't you." I said.

"Rain?" he said. "Honestly she's like a breath of fresh air around here. I snapped at Cam," I rolled my eyes."In front of Rain the other day and I didn't go after her to apologize. She took the couch blanket too."

"Ew she can keep it." I grimaced.

"I know you don't like Cameron but-"

"Really how can yah tell?" I said sarcastically.

The door opened and Cameron came in.

"Sorry no hoes allowed." I said. "Or can you not read the sign outside?

"Then maybe you should leave." she replied.

"Excuse me. You are not on my to be nice to list so I have no problem beating the living shit outta you." I said.

"Whoa no beating anybodies shit in here. Jare you know Rina has a short fuse, get Cam away from her." Travie said coming to block me. "Babe calm down."

"Know what I'm going in the office." I say walking off.

"Cameron isn't allowed in here if she's not getting a tattoo." Travie said.

"Travie I'm sorry." Jared said.

The door opened again and in walked Rain. I jumped up from the office chair and walked to my station staring down Cameron. Rain sat in Kind's chair.

"Who works here?" Rain asked me.

"A really high pitched, hyperactive girl named Kind. You'll like her. She's coming in soon." And after I said it Kind walked in with her short self.

"Oh hi hi hi! I'm Kind." she said. "Hi Rina, hi Jared, hi Travie."

"What about me?" Cameron said.

"Who said that?" Kind said looking around cluelessly. "I only see people I like. Wait let me turn on my bitch sight. Oh Cam I didn't see you there." me and Rain laughed. Travie and Jared smiled at us. Jared got glared at and hit.

"Ow." he said looking at her. "What?"

"Let's go. I have an appointment."

'What's it for? Your fake ass? Or is it your boobs? Or are you spending daddy's money to go shopping again?" I said. That made everyone but her laugh.

"Fine. Jared we're done. If you're going to let her keep talking to me like that we're over."

"You act like I can control my best friend's girlfriend, are you nuts. You do love me don't you? Then why sentence me to such death?"

"I like your insight of me Jared." I laugh.

"I'm serious Jared. Me or your friends." she said in a distraught voice.

"You're not serious are you?"

"OF COURSE I'M SERIOUS!" she shrieked.

"I'm sorry. No wait no I'm not. I'm sick of you putting my friends down, especially Rina and Rain! What did they ever do to you?"

She ran out of the Travie's tattoo shop in a flourish.

"Wow, Jared you finally grew some and stood up to her." Travie said gave him a man hug. I rolled my eyes, I will never understand those.

"So how about we celebrate him growing his kahones and go to Tony's tonight?" I suggested.

"Sounds great." he said. I saw him look at Rain and Rain look at him.

"I'm not working tonight and neither is Chris can he join us?" Rain asked.

"Sure why not?" I say and look at Travie. "If you ask him for anything tonight I will not be sleeping with you for three months and I will know if you went somewhere else."

"I swear I won't." And he kissed me deeply. "I don't think I can go three months without you my love." he kissed me again.

"Alright, alright." Kind said. "Lets get back to work." she smiled.

"Hmm who sounds like she's actually being the manager of this place finally?" Travie joked and everyone laughed and we all talked while we waited for customers and then we went closed up a little early and went to Tony's.
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^Rina's outfit