
It'd been days since Cameron had last contacted Jared. I'd like to say that he was better off and ecstatic, but that would be a lie. Jared went straight to his room after work every night (or afternoon depending on his shift) and he barely spoke to anyone, even Travie. We were all getting a little worried about him.

After a week of silence he finally came out of his room. Jared's eyes were lit up and there was a bounce in his step once again. Finally he seemed to be completely over her! If it wasn't for my concern for Chris' feelings I probably would have made my move.

"Well someone's a ball of fucking sunshine." Rina joked. Jared grabbed a beer from the fridge and then his wallet from the counter. "Where you going? Oh and next time pick up your stuff okay? Not bitching...just warning you."

"Going to see Cam again. She finally wants to make up." He replied. Almost instantly Rina and Travie's eyes snapped to Jared. He seemed to sink to the floor. "I know things were bad before, but I set boundaries now. Cam won't be doing that anymore. She knows how I feel now...it was miscommunication and for that I'm sorry...if I would have told her-"

"Fuck that." Travie interjected. "Any bitch knows when she's being a bitch. It wasn't like she didn't know what she was doin' was wrong." I nodded in agreement and kept my nose buried in my book. Rina groaned with annoyance before storming off to her room.

"I'll be getting ready!" She yelled out before slamming the door. "Jared, you and your street walker stay away from me tonight!" Sighing, I looked up from my book to see a distraught Jared. He looked at his cell phone and sighed. Even though I was angry with him, I couldn’t help but feel sorry that he was upset.

“Maybe I should just tell her I’ll see her later,” He murmured, looking to me for advice. Once again I let out a sigh.

“Go ahead and see her. The damage is done.” I offered. Jared sat beside me on the couch and scratched his head.

“Do you think going to Tony’s would be as stupid and risky as I think it would?” He asked I nodded and laughed a little. “I thought so,” We both laughed together, which felt nice. It seemed to be so long since we had done this. “Rain… I know tonight is your only night off this week and you probably don’t want to spend it around Cam…and probably not around me, but…well, will you go out with us somewhere? It’ll be fun. You can even bring Chris…” My eyes widened at his words. Was he serious?

The whole thing seemed a little weird, but I agreed. After all, I did need a night out with Jared even if Cameron was there. Having Chris there was also a plus. Maybe tonight would bring me closer to Chris and further from Jared. God knows I needed it.

After changing into a simple black skirt and black tank top complimented with fishnets, heels, and my usual makeup we were off to the club. Cameron and Chris were going to meet us there. Being alone in a car with Jared was both awkward and relaxing, which sounds like an odd combination. It seemed like it had been an eternity since we last had a heart-to-heart. This car ride fixed that.

When we arrived at the club and found Chris immediately. He was by the bar drinking already, but Cameron was nowhere to be found. A little while later the men decided to by me some drinks, which I only accepted to make them happy. I had no idea what I’d gotten myself into at the time. Soon I became a little tipsy, and then I was completely drunk. This was a feeling I had never experienced before, so maybe that was why it got so out of hand.

Cameron ended up showing up somewhere between my tipsy and drunk stage and was all over pretty much every guy except Jared. It seemed like she only agreed to date him again just to hurt him. The girl definitely lived up to her reputation as a cold-hearted bitch. Clearly Jared was in pain and feeling guilty for mouthing off to Cameron, as if she was a parent rather than a girlfriend. It was sickening. The alcohol blurred out all of this at some point though.

By the end of the night it had been enough time to sober up a little bit thankfully. By this time it was nearly five in the morning and Jared had just about enough of Cameron’s actions. Once again he ended the night by yelling at her. The only difference was that this time he took me by the hand and put me in his car. He was actually concerned for me. Even Chris didn’t seem to care much. He actually found the way I was acting hilarious apparently.

Jared helped me out of the car and to our loft by basically carrying me and—when we were inside—carrying me to my bed. I giggled like a crazy person every time I looked up at him. It wasn’t my fault---he was just really handsome and I was still a little gitty from drinking. Jared stroked my cheek as he sat beside me on my bed. Everything from then on happened so quickly I could hardly keep up.

“I’m sorry I haven’t treated you better…” He muttered as he continued to stroke my cheek. I giggled again and blushed. “I just get a little…weird with you. I want you to know I do care about you. I just…can’t hurt Cam. It’s…complicating. I know you’d be much better for me than her.”

“You mean that?” I asked with my eyes growing wider by the second. In what seemed to be in slow motion, Jared leaned down to me and kissed me. Even though the kiss only lasted a second it seemed to last forever. I knew what this was, though. This was an action brought on by alcohol that would become a mistake by tomorrow. I didn’t want to be a mistake.

Unfortunately simply telling myself this didn’t stop it. Before I knew it he was on top of me; kissing me everywhere. I wanted to resist, but I couldn’t make myself do it. It was partly because I wanted him so bad for so long and partly because of the alcohol. At least for me it wouldn’t be a mistake in the morning. It would be something I treasure forever. After all, it was my first.


I woke the next morning in his warm arms. His body looked so much better now that the light was peeking through the blinds and revealing him to me more. Immediately I hid underneath the blanket feeling ashamed of my body. Surely it was nothing compared to Cameron’s or even his. My movement made a sleepy groan escape Jared’s lips. His body stiffened for a moment.

“Last night...” He said under his breath before jumping up from the bed and dressing himself quickly. “Oh God I’m so sorry Rae! I’m so sorry I took advantage of you like that!” I sat up on the bed, still covering myself with the blanket. “Please forgive me…and please don’t tell Cam!” The sound of her name made my heart sink.

“I…I wanted to…” I whispered with my eyes watering. “It was special to me…it was…my…f-first… Please don’t mention her to me right now…don’t ruin it…” Jared’s expression changed entirely. He sat beside me on the bed and held me closely. For once in my life I felt safe. It was so nice to feel this. “Am I just...n-nothing now?”

“Of course not.” Jared assured me softly. He kissed my forehead. “Consider Cameron gone, okay? Please just…don’t cry. I can’t see you cry. Anyone else…just not you.” I nodded frantically as if it was my only means of communications. I looked at the door with embarrassment. What would Travie and Rain say when they saw us both come from my room looking the way we did?