
Jared paced back and forth before me. He'd never looked so frightened before. Half of his fear was from being a father and the other half was because he would probably never see his potential child. Even though the child would have Cameron's horrible genes, he/she would still have Jared's. The child still had a fighting chance of being a good person. The very idea of Cameron corrupting an innocent child sickened even me. I could only imagine what it did to Jared.

"How could this happen?" He cried as he practically fell on my bed. "She said she was on the pill... Oh God...what if you..? Oh God.." My cheeks turned pink from the mention of last night. He had a right to be scared I suppose, but I was on the pill myself. Of course he didn't know this yet. Plus, I distinctly remember a condom. I remembered every little detail about the entire event. It was something magical that would forever be in my memories. When I explained how protected we were, Jared felt a little relieved. "What do I do?"

"Go see her." I heard myself say. It would hurt me, but I knew this was the right thing to do. This wasn't about Jared's or my feelings anymore. If there was a child and it was his, then that was all that mattered right now. Jared, too, saw this and shrugged rather than fighting.

"Can you please...go with me?" He asked. "I mean, don't go in her house or anything...just knowing you're in the car will help." I nodded and almost a second later he was calling Cameron. She answered a little too quickly. "Can we talk?......Yeah....Okay....Okay...I'll be right over just-....yeah?....Okay, I'll leave now. Why there?...Oh, right, right....Okay, bye...Uh...back to you." I stared at Jared as he spoke to Cameron, smiling a bit at the fact that he didn't say he loved her back.

After receiving a hug from Rina and a supportive pat on the shoulder from Travie, Jared began driving with me. Honestly he wasn't in the right mind to be driving, but I wasn't about to stop him. We made it to a park near a really nice gated neighborhood, which I assumed was Cameron's. Jared explained to me that her father was angry about a 'street rat' impregnating his daughter, so they couldn't meet at her house or her parents'. Cameron sat on a bench where Jared decided to park and I sank in my seat. Luckily, she hadn't noticed me.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes. It was a little painful to watch. Soon Cameron flew forward, burying her face in Jared's shirt. She was crying so much it almost looked sincere until she looked up and smirked at Jared. He comforted her the best he possibly could. Something he had whispered through her off the deep end, though.

"What do you mean it's still over?!" She demanded, pushing herself from him. He sighed as he placed his hands on her shoulders.

"I mean...I'll still be here to support you and our child, but I can't be in a romantic relationship with you." He explained. Cameron's eyes narrowed. She attempted to speak, but Jared shook his head and placed his index finger on her lips. "I just...don't think it's the best idea. I...I have something to admit. If I don't get it off my chest, then it will eat away at me for the rest of my life. I have to tell you now more than ever.... Last night... I cheated on you. I know saying I'm sorry doesn't make it better, but I'm sorry--I really am." His words made me sink more and more in my seat.

"What?!" Cameron yelled, jumping to her feet. "You cheated on me?! Me?! Who could possibly be better than me?! That little girl?!" Jared now rose, too.

"Don't insult her, Cameron." He warned. She was obviously not used to the stern tone he was now using with her. "I'm the one to blame, not her. And for another matter, how many times did you cheat on me with your dad's friend?! Don't play the victim here. You wronged me, too. This entire relationship was a joke."

"Jonathan? He was a favor for Daddy...you know that, babe." She replied innocently, fluttering her lashes. "I fucked him, Daddy got some money. You know how that is. I couldn't just refuse. Daddy would have cut me off and...I'd have nowhere to go. Travie and Rina hate me so much..." Cameron's eyes watered as she spoke now. "What did you expect? I'd have nowhere to go if Daddy didn't pay for my apartment! You couldn't take me in!" Jared rolled his eyes at her. Finally he saw through her little act. "It was only one time and you know about that--honest."

A few minutes passed and Jared finally ended the conversation before it got too ugly. He entered the car and we left for an unknown neighborhood yet again. Jared said he needed to settle something and meeting up with his older brother would help him. After about forty minutes we arrived at an animal hospital, where Jared's brother apparently worked.

Once again I was left alone in the car. This time I could neither see nor hear Jared, though. He would remain gone for the next fifteen minutes before coming back to the car angrily. Moments later a man with similar features followed. One could definitely tell that they were related, but they didn't look exactly alike. The man smiled and waved at me as if he'd known me for years. I smiled back sheepishly.

"So you're the girl I've been hearing about lately?" He joked. "I'm Alex. I have to be the one to tell you this because it's just too funny. The baby isn't Jared's. It's some douche-bag's. I know everyone's sayin' wait for the test, but--trust me--I know. I heard Beckett himself talking about it a few days ago when he brought his python in. He said they went off to some cabin two months--Remember Jared? When Cam was visiting her poor, sick uncle? Yeah, that was bullshit." A sigh of relief escaped my lips, but Jared still looked troubled.

"Now that I think about it...we haven't really had sex except for the past few weeks. And she told me she hadn't had a period because of her new pills." He recalled. "I can't believe that lying bitch has been cheating this entire time! I had to feel fucking guilty for no reason!" Alex shrugged and half-hugged Jared.

"If you feel too bad about it get a DNA test in six months." He offered. "I have to get back to work. Lunch break's over. Nice meeting you, Rain!"

My arms were crossed almost the entire way home. I couldn't believe how today went. Today was supposed to be a good day for Jared and me, but Cameron had managed to ruin it. A part of me wished that last night hadn't happened; that Jared and Cameron were still together. At least then he would be happy and the drama would stop.

When we arrived at the apartment Travie and Rina had left a note on the door. Apparently they had gone out for dinner with Travie's family. We had the apartment to ourselves. The braver side of me thought of this as an opportunity to brighten up Jared's day, but the more logical side of me saw it as a chance to let Jared be alone with his thoughts. Sometimes the braver side was stronger than the logical. These were rare occasions.

The moment Jared and I were in the apartment I kissed him roughly. Oh how I'd missed feeling his lips against mine! This had been something I'd craved all day. Jared held me tightly against him and kicked the door shut as he pushed me against the wall. He seemed to be letting all of his frustration, stress, etc. out in this kiss. This lasted for quite a while and throughout the kissing he had removed both his own and my shirt. Somehow he also had enough skill to be making his way to his bedroom.

Now inside his bedroom he began removing my bra, which I was a little embarrass about. Being so exposed was not something I was used to. Of course the warmth of his chest against mine outweighed the nervousness. Finally we took a breath, during which Jared took the opportunity to lay me on his bed and remove his jeans. Each touch felt as if they sent electric shocks throughout my body as he removed mine slowly. The want for him grew more and more.

"You're so beautiful," He whispered in my ear before kissing below it. "So...innocent. I love getting to do this to you." As he spoke, Jared began to caress me in all the right places. "Do you want to try something a little different?" My head nodded nervously without me telling it to do so. Jared half smiled and walked to his dresser, where he pulled handcuffs from a drawer. Next came a blindfold. My eyes widened at how kinky he was. I would have never guessed. "Is this alright? I sort of want to play a game with you." Once again I felt myself nodding.

Very carefully Jared covered my eyes and handcuffed my hands behind my head, to his bed's headboard. I felt my nerves getting the better of me. He kissed my neck and stomach to tease me a little. Apparently this game was to make me squirm. Not knowing where or when he was going to touch/kiss was exciting and making each second between the touches torture. Finally I was begging for him and he obliged. This was one of the most exciting experiences of my life.

Unfortunately we had to go from the fantasy world to the real world right after this.