Status: i really like this idea, and would love your feedback !

Ordinary Boy


"Haz can you take Christian for a minute, I need to use the toilette." Gemma had asked her younger brother before the almost identical younger version of him grasped his tiny tiny hand in his uncle's huge one.

"Sure." Harry said back plan and simple.

"Uncle Haz! Uncle Haz! Look over there!!" His miniature had said pulling him forward.

Christian was 5 years old and in his 'obsessed with Disney phase' as his sister called it. Harry was guilty of watching all the Disney movies with Christian lately and when Gemma told them that she had found this Disney themed park not to far from there little town of Holmes Chapel, Harry swears he was more excited than Christian was.

When Harry looked up and saw what character Christian had pulled him up to, he wasnt surprised. He had been watching the movie (animated and real) every night before going to bed, and Harry was right there with him. In all honesty Harry had a crush on the boy who wouldnt grow up even if he was fictional. But who doesnt fall in love with one fictional character in there life? Right?

"PETER!!! PETER PAN!!" Christian was shouting furiously to the man wearing the green tights, green 'dress', and that hat that made Harry laugh even in the movie.

"Well hello! Whats your name?!" The boy in the costume said turning around.

"Christian!!!" his nephew said with nothing but excitement in his voice.

"Well Christian do you want to be a Lost Boy?" Peter Pan had said placing a hat on his nephews head.

"Yea!!! Can Uncle Haz be a lost boy too!?" Christian was now jumping up and down the excitement never leaving his voice.

Peter Pan was looking at Harry now, and Harry couldn't help the gasp that came from his mouth. The boy's eyes were nothing like the films. His eyes were the brightest of blue, and his golden skin made them stand out even more. His hair a sandy blonde that lay just over one of his eyes, but he flicked it out of the way every few minutes.

Peter Pan was the definition of gorgeous. Real and Fake.

"Uncle Haz!!! Are you okay?!" Christian was saying pulling Harry out of thoughts and back to reality.

"Yea, j-just thinking of what our Lost Boy names could be." Harry said letting Peter Pan place a hat on top of his curls.

"Dont worry Matey, I know exactly what your names could be!" Peter Pan replied quickly, while jumping up on the near by bench pulling out the foam sword from his belt loop.

"Lost Boy Fox for the you.." he said tapping Christians shoulder with the foam sword and Christian giggling happily.

".. and for you.. hmm... Lost Boy CURLY!!" Peter Pan had said now tapping Harry's shoulder, Harry also giggling.

"Christian! Harry!" Both boys turned simultaneously to see Gemma standing where they had departed earlier.

"Well, Fox and Curly that must be your grown up. Until I see thee again!" Peter said jumping down from the bench and bowing to them both, who reciprocated the action.

"Bye!!" Christian had yelled pulling Harry back to his mother.

"Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting." Peter Pan yelled back to them.


Harry, Gemma and Christian were on there way back home when Gemma had put in her 'Younger Days' CD that she had asked Harry to make her. Gemma had this weird way of remembering her teenage/childhood years, she remembered them by songs and movies and of course any sentimental thing she had saved.

"Just a day. Just an ordinary day. Just trying to get by. Just a boy. Just an ordinary boy."

The bubbley voice echoed threw the speakers in his sisters car.

"OH! I loved this song so much!.." she squealed, "Actually it used to remind me of Peter Pan and Wendy when I listened to it. Harry, you do know there one of my favorite love stories right?" She said taking the turn out of the parking lot.

Harry ignored whatever she said after that because when she mentioned Peter Pan his mind went right to the gorgeous blue eyed guy he had seen earlier that day and Harry could tell you this, this was not an ordinary day and Peter Pan sure as hell wasn't an ordinary boy.
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Let me know what you guys think!! I personally (and Brianna too) love this idea and well its Louis as Peter Pan so who wouldnt love it.