Status: i really like this idea, and would love your feedback !

Ordinary Boy

Chapter One

Harry felt his phone buzzing against the place he had set it on the table. It was Zayn calling, probably to see where Harry had been for the past week and a half. You see Zayn was Harry's bestfriend. They told each other everything, did everything together, they were literally joined at the hip since they met that day in primary school.

"Hello." Harry answered simply.

"Mate! Where have you been? Are you alright?" Zayn rushed, and Harry could here the curiosity and concern in his bestfriends voice.

"Yea im fine just been doing some studying for exams and stuff." Harry answered honestly. He was studying for his exams he had coming up next week, he would usually study with Zayn, afterall they did have all the same teachers, but Harry wanted to switch it up a bit. So he took his studying where he would have nicer view.

"Mate, where are you?" Zayn could probably hear all the noise coming from where Harry was.

"Ummm, im..." Harry stuttered trying to tell his friend.

"Harry... are you at the Disney park? Is that where you've been going all this time?" Zayn easily figured out his best friend. Harry had of course told him about Peter Pan and how Harry was just so mesmerized by the boy who played the character all too well.

"Mate, you've bought a ticket each time, just to see that boy?" Zayn said sighing out.

"Well, not exactly... I bought a season pass." Harry confessed.

He could literally see Zayn roll his eyes, thats how well they knew each other, without even seeing one another they knew how they other would react to something.

Zayn had started to say something but Harry was too distracted by the boy in question who was just about to climb up to the tower and search for Captain Hook. Harry knew the routine, he had only seen it about 8 times. Harry smiled to himself in slight embarrassment.

"...Harry? Are you listening to me?" Zayn questioned knowing Harry had zoned out.

"Huh? Yea, Zayn I have to go, i'll call you later." Harry rushed not wanted to miss Peter Pan's speech. He loved the boys voice, it was so angelic.

"Har-." He didnt let Zayn finish and hung up the phone turning a bit to set it back on the table. When Harry turned back so he could see the boy from Neverland, he was blocked by a white shirt with a golden yellow belt and slash from the shoulder, the costume had matching gold shoulder fringes, and red bottoms. When he looked up to see who this character was he noticed the blue eyes, but not as blue as the Neverland boy's and deep brown hair with a bit of blonde on the tips.

There was no doubt this had to be Prince Charming. Harry was expecting him to ask if he had seen his Princess, Cinderalla, but he didnt. The boy looked no older than 18 a young age for a character at this park Harry thought.

"Hello." The boy towering Harry had said.

"Hi...." Harry nearly whispered.

The Prince sat next to him on the bench.

"Listen I know im not supposed to break character and all, but I've noticed you've been coming here almost everyday and watching my friend over there."

Harry didnt respond, he didn't know what to say, he didn't think anyone had noticed him. Oh no what if the golden boy, who was now fighting the Captain, noticed he had been coming. Harry's hands had started to clam up at the thought and his breathing speed up a bit.

"Dont worry, he hasn't a clue he gets to caught up in his role." Charming had said obviously noticing Harry's tense muscles.

"Im not saying anything but since youre here almost everyday, why dont you check out the front desk, I think you might find what you need." He was standing now bowing and said.

"Thank you for helping me find my love, I would never stop looking for her." and clicked away on his dress shoes.


Harry went to the front desk before leaving and looked around not exactly sure what the older lad had meant when he said he would find what he needed. The dark haired, middle-aged women at the desk had noticed Harry wandering.

"Can I help you with something?" She said a welcoming sound in her voice.

"Umm, Im not really sure." Harry replied not even knowing what he needed to find.

"Hmm, if you need something dont be afraid to ask." The women said going back to her computer.

"Well, I guess im kind of looking for something." Harry answered sheepishly.

"Oh! I know, Niall told me about you. Here you go love, have this in as soon as possible, and we'll get back to you." She winked.

Harry looked down at the papers she had just handed him and the word 'Application' was written boldly at the top.


"Niall, stop!" Louis had yelled. Niall was spinning his towel and snapping it at his bum, which did not feel good at all.

"Oh come on Louis, lighten up!" Niall shouted.

"Will you two stop." Liam said coming in the locker room in his towel.

All three laughed at this familiar routine at the end of a work day. They had all started working here at the same time, all starting off as strangers to one another but over the past 2 years, they've gotten so close they were like brothers.

"Oh, Lou you have a mighty big fan, you know." Niall said slipping on his jeans.

"What?" Louis replied quite confused.

"There's this boy and he's been coming almost everyday for the last 2 weeks. He sits in the same spot with his school work and watches you. He watches you with the kids who come up to you. He watches when you do the Captain Hook scene. Every time he watches it he has this wide smile on his face like its the first time he's seen it, but in reality he could probably recite every word if you asked."

Louis shyly blushed and asked the harmless question bouncing around his head,"Who is he?"

"I dont really know. I talked to him today and I told Patty to give him an application. I just went and talked to her to see if he went to get it and he did." Niall said shrugging his shoulders.

"What does he look like?" Louis asked wanting to know who this mysterious fan boy was.

"Well, he has uncontrolably curly hair. He doesnt look to much younger than us, and by the books he had I would say he's in his last year of school before Uni. He's quite tall, a little lanky." Niall said describing the boy.

"Ohhh." Louis said not wanting Niall or Liam to know that he knew exactly who this mystery boy was.

It was Curly. Louis knew it the minute Niall said he had curly hair. For some reason that boy wouldnt leave Louis' mind since that day he was here with the little boy he had named Fox. Apparently Louis was fogging up the boys thoughts as well if he had been coming back every day to watch him.

"Louis! Lou!! HELLO!" Liam said waving his hands is front of Louis' face.

"Oh, sorry." Louis said pulling his shirt on.

"Well come then, we're gonna be late if we dont leave now." Liam said.

And with that the three of them were headed out, leaving there characters behind. Niall and Liam joking around in front of Louis, but Louis was to caught up in his thoughts to mess about.

What was his name?
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I hope you guys like this! I couldnt stop thinking about what i was going to do in this chapter at work so im excited to finally finished it and post it !