Status: i really like this idea, and would love your feedback !

Ordinary Boy

Chapter Two

Harry gave the lady at the desk, whos name plate read Patty, the application the next day. He didnt stay long that day since it was a Friday, and he missed Zayn so they had planned a ''Boys Night''. He stayed long enough to see the Captain Hook scene then ran off to meet Zayn.


"What kind of pizza do you guys want?" Anne, Harry's mum, called from the bottom of the stairs.

Harry and Zayn bickered a bit on whether to get cheese, or veggie, or bacon pizza. They settled with half cheese and half veggie. Anne was surprised at this because the two never got veggie, and the one time they did they had barely touched it. She guessed because they were getting older things were changing.

"So, Harry tell me about Peter Pan." Zayn said with a wink and in a taunting voice. You know the voice your friend would use when they mention the person you like in front of your parents or an older family member.

Harry's cheeks were then brushed with a light shade of pink at the question and mention of the blue eyed boy.

"Theres nothing to tell. Grab the controllers." Harry answered trying to ignore the flutters in his stomach and change the conversation that was about to happen.

"Oh C'MON man, you've been going there everyday afterschool, you bought a season pass for goodness sake! Harry you like him." Zayn said grabbing the controllers from the entertainment stand, handing one to Harry.

Now Harry's cheeks were bright pink, almost red. Zayn was the only person who wasnt family, but then again Harry considered Zayn to be like a brother, that knew that Harry was gay. Ugh, Harry hated that word so much. It didnt matter what someone was, what label was put on them, love is love and no on should be judged by who they love. That was Harry's motto.

"...and what if I do.." Harry muttered out.

Zayn looked at Harry a little confused on why he sounded so upset, almost shy or disappointed about the matter.

"Styles whats wrong?" Zayn said before even turning on the xbox.

"Zayn.. he's older than us, at least 20 or 21. Plus why in the world would he be interested in me, i dont even know if he's into guys. And you know I dont have the guts to go up and talk to him, and he can't break character anyways.." Harry trailed off.

Zayn could swear he saw Harry's eyes getting glassy. "But didn't you apply for a job there? Thats at least a god start mate." Zayn said while putting a comforting hand on his bestfriends shoulder.

"Yeahh, I guess." Harry shrugged.

"Harry! Someones on the phone for you!" His mum had yelled from where Harry was assuming the living room.

"Be right back mate." Harry said getting up the go see who was calling. Zayn was already here, Gemma was out, and his mum was obviously home. So who was it?

Harry took the phone from his mother who returned to the kitchen.

"Hello?" he said in that voice someone would use when they dont know who is on the phone and want to sound friendly.

"Hello, is this Harry Styles?" the person on the other end of the phone had said.

That sounded so familiar.

"Yea this is him." Harry said still trying to figure out who the voice was.

"This is Louis Tomlinson from the Disney Park and Patty just wanted me to inform you that you got the job." the person named Louis had said.

The voice was still familiar but he didnt know anyone names Louis.

"Oh thats great! Umm, when do I start?" Harry's voice almost cracked at his excitement.

"You'll come in Monday after school, and you'll be trained by either myself, Niall or Liam. You'll probably start as a park cleaner like I did, but then again you may be put as a character." Louis had said professionally but laid back.

"Okay, Thanks." Harry said.

"See you on Monday Curly. "

"Seeyouthen." Harry rushed out before he choked on his own tongue.

It was Peter Pan.


Harry was never this nervous before.

After Harry had gotten off the phone he ran up to tell Zayn what had just happened and Zayn was all smiles while he told Harry how "everything happens for a reason." and "this must be fate."

Zayn saying how this must be fate had put Harry's brain in all sorts of havoc for the rest of the weekend and during school that day. Harry was sure Zayn was just over reacting, or just generally excited because if Peter Pan, Louis , was in fact attracted to boys then this could possible be Harry's first boyfriend.

"Harry Styles?" he heard a voice say which interuppted his thoughts, which he was actually really thankful for at that point.

"Yea?" Harry said standing up to face the man with deep brown eyes and hair.

"Ahh! Come with me!" The man said as he started to walk for Harry to follow.

"Im Liam by the way. Louis and Niall are just in the locker room. As you can probably tell the park isnt opened on Mondays. Only staff, for cleaning and any new additions we may have." Liam said his voice very friendly and welcoming.

Harry nodded as Liam continued," I play Prince Eric, you know from the Little Mermaid? Yea thats me, and Niall is Prince Charming but I think you already knew that because he was the one who told you to get the application, and Louis is of course Peter Pan. But you knew that too yeh?" Liam said looking at Harry this time.

Harry gave a shy nod accompanied by light pink cheeks and a half smile.

"Louis had suggested to Patty that you be a lost boy. I guess you came here a few weeks ago and Louis had already met you. Well thats what he said anyways." Liam said it as to brush it off. But Harry was not about to brush off the fact the boy he had a crush on had basically requested him to be a lost, meaning they would be together all day and he remembered him.

Harry nodded again before Liam stopped in front of the place he knew all to well.

Neverland .

Before Harry could ask Liam what they were doing here he was gone. He literally disappeared. Harry then felt a pair of hands covering his eyes, the person slightly shorter than him but still tall enough to reach his ear because they whispered,"Are you ready to be a lost boy? You never have to grow up, you can listen to stories all the time and you get to help me fight Captain Hook."

Harry could feel the goosebumps rising all over his body, he felt the shiver run down his spin. He knew who it was of course.

The hands left his eyes and when Harry turned around to meet those blues he was left shocked when they werent there, then when he turned back to face the 'Neverland' sign again he met them. He and Louis were nearly nose to nose, he could feel his hot breath, thats how close they were standing.

"Hi, im Harry." He got out without falling to the ground.

"No, no, no. You're Curly, the lost boy." Pan had said backing away now.

"Aren't you Louis?" Harry said questioningly.

Louis was now running to the bench he was jumped up on that day.

"Number one rule of being a character Curly, never break character." He shouted a sweet tone to his voice.

If not breaking character meant he had to stay with Louis all day than Harry surely wasnt going to.


Harry was laughing loudly when he was in the locker room with the other 3 boys. Niall was hitting Louis with a towel and Louis was running aorund screaming like a teenage girl and according to Liam, Harry better get used to this because it happens almost everyday.

Harry didnt know if Niall swung that way, but he would understand the needs to snap the towel at Louis' bum, it was soo much better than Kim Kardashians, Harry just wanted to squez-. Harry shut up you told yourself you werent going to think like that when you started working here.

"Mate you alright?" Niall had said now snapping the towel in front of Harry's face.

"Oh, yeah sorry." Harry said turning back to the locker that was now his so he could hide his blush that he felt over his cheeks. Harry wanted to slam the door of the locker on his head too but he figured that wouldnt be too good of a first days impression.

"Wanna grab a bite with us?" Liam said shutting his locker.

"Uhh, I dont know, I should really get home and study for my english exam I have tomorrow. The last one i'll have to take for a while." Harry said a smile coming in at the end of his sentence.

"Last year of school before Uni then?" Niall said now standing next to Liam.

"Yea, thank God." Harry said shutting his locker.

"When's your last day or Graduation I guess I should say." Louis finally chimed in the conversation.

"Next Monday." Harry said again with such relief.

"We'll take you out for a celebratory night then." Louis said with a suttle wink.

A wink .
Nuh Uh, that boy did not just wink at me , Harry thought.

Harry agreed with a nod.

"We should get going." Liam said walking towards the exit, Niall not to far behind.

"I'll be there in a sec!" Louis called.

And after they both heard the loud bang of the door close, Louis pounced on Harry, pinning him against the lockers and attacking his lips with kisses which Harry gave right back.

When Louis finally pulled away, minutes later, he licked his lips, winked and whispered,"See you tomorrow Curly."

He then skipped off leaving Harry breathless.
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So what do you guys think of aggressive Lou? ahah. I thought it was nice twist, which you should know i do alot, putting twists in things that is.