Status: i really like this idea, and would love your feedback !

Ordinary Boy

Chapter Three

It was Harry's first day at the park when there were actual people there. It took Louis about 2 days to train Harry, he actually had a pretty good memory and considering he had watched the movie so much with the little boy Louis first saw him with, it didnt take him long to learn how to improv certain things and just play out the scenes in general.

Harry was in the middle of the Hook scene when he saw Zayn sitting where he sat just a week before. At the sight of this Harry almost feel over taking Louis with him but luckily Louis caught him with an added,"Curly what did I tell you about daydreaming?" to play it off as part of the scene.

"Sorry, Peter. Where's Hook?" Harry continued the scene with ease not paying attention to Zayn, but he could feel him looking at him. It wasnt like an irratated or dirty look stare just an admiring one but it still made Harry nervous because Zayn knew how he felt about Louis.

After the Hook scene Harry looked over to where Zayn had been but was surprised when he found him and Liam talking, they broke character alot in this park but Harry was learning the ways to play it off from Niall. Zayn looked a little flustered if Harry was honest, almost like he knew Liam. He was going to have to ask him about that later though.

"Curly, whos that?" Louis said jumping in place next to Harry.

"Thats Zayn, he's my bestfriend, practically my brother honestly." Harry said turning to Louis.

"Do him and Li know each other?" Louis asked crossing his arms as if he knew something Harry didnt.

"You know I have no idea, he's never mentioned him if they do know each other." Harry said.

That was the end of that conversation when they were attacked by a group of 7 year olds wanting to sword fight and fly with Peter Pan.


The next day Harry was off because he was still in school so they couldnt have him working everyday especially with it being the end of the school year. He was at Zayn's house and they had just ordered pizza, they could live off the stuff if you havent noticed, they were studying for there drama exam, well it wasnt actually an exam, there was a written part with vocab and some basic history stuff but they had to perform something too, so Harry and Zayn paired up for it of course.

"Vocab or scene first?" Zayn asked.

"Actually before we get started I wanted to ask you something." Harry said with curiosity running through his words.

Zayn literally froze and Harry could see the panic in his eyes.

"Mate? You alright?" Harry said now concerned.

"Yea, fine just I haven't told you about him..." Zayn said looking down into his hands.

Harry just looked at his bestfriend with raised eyebrows and question in his eyes. They told each other everything, 'no secrets' was what there friendship was based on.

"Dont be mad, I was going to after graduation actually. I just wanted to make sure it was like settled, if that makes sense." Zayn said sort of giggling.

Harry barely ever heard Zayn giggle, laugh yes, giggle no.

"Well can you tell me now then?" Harry asked the curiosity back in his voice.

"You;re gonna laugh..." Zayn said hiding his face in his hands.

"I promise I wont. Just tell me." Harry said now more anxious than anything.

Zayn inhaled deeply and exhaled with a loud whosh sound.

"Okay. Well one night I was just on the computer and was on omegle, just harmlessly talking to the normal people I found. So then I figured why not try to find some people from here so I put 'England' in the common interest thing and well the first few were those perverts that want to have like typing sex so i disconnected them obviously and then I found one normal person but they were really boring, then after that more pervs but then I found another normal person who was really nice and actually really interesting, we talked for like 2 hours Harry. It was literally one of the best nights I had ever spent on that website. Then when we both had to go because it was getting late and I did have school the next day and he had work and we wanted to keep touch because we both agreed that we found the other interesting and friendly so we took it to facebook. From there we talked almost every day, then that turned into texting and when I found out that he lived so close we were planning on meeting. We had skyped a few times so it wasn't like we never saw each other, but never in person. Then when I went to see you the other day and see how you were doing with being with your boy toy..." Zayn winked and Harry punched his shoudler playfully.

"Continue you jerk." Harry said.

"Well he saw me sitting there and came up to me and asked what I was doing there and I told him how I knew you and was there for ''support'' on this your day, and well we have a date Friday after you guys gets off from work." Zayn said smiling probably one of the biggest smiles Harry had ever seen him smile.

"Wait did you tell him about me and Lou?!" Harry screeched.

"Really? Really Harry? I just tell you how I have a date with this boy i've been talking to for like 2 months and you ask me that." Zayn said with glaring eyes.

"I kid mate. Congrats!!!"

Harry was really happy for Zayn. It looked like things were turning in the right direction for the both of them right now.

"Should we start with that scene now?"


"So how's it feel to finally be done with all your exams." Niall said slapping Harry on the back.

"Relieving, to be honest." Harry said shutting his locker.

"I know how that feels, I think we all do at this point." Liam said coming in the locker room.

"Are you guys coming with me and Zayn tonight?" He asked addressing all the boys.

"You're finally meeting him!? Thank the Lord!" Louis shouted raising his arms over his head.

"Yea actually, he's Harry's bestfriend. Small world right?" Liam said with a tinge of pink to his cheeks this time.

"Well then wouldnt you guys want to be alone for your first date?" Niall asked.

"We talked about it and we figured it would be best if we all went together, so we could all get to know each other and stuff." Liam said shrugging his shoulders.

"But then were like third wheels in a sense." Harry said quite awkwardly.

"No, Niall can bring Olly and then Louis and Harry. It'll be like a triple date." Liam said clapping his hands.

Harry and Louis shot each other a look of panic which Niall obviously noticed the tension and said,"Jeese you two, it wont be like you two are on a date, just you'll have each other." With that Niall left to go call Olly, and Liam left to go pick up Zayn.

"Did you tell them?" Louis said as soon as he heard the door shut.

"No!" Harry said putting his arms up defensively

Louis could tell Harry was lying, they may have only knew each other personally for a week but they just clicked so fast they were already noticing the others habits and tells.

"Harry.." Louis said like a parent trying to pry information from there child.

"Okay! I told Zayn and thats it."

"But he could of told Liam, and then he could of told Niall!" Louis said.

"Whats the big deal anyways?" Harry said really confused and sort of hurt that Louis was making such a big deal over this.

"Because the last time I told them I was fooling around with a boy and they met him they hounded him to no end and scared him off, and I dont want them to do that to you, if they did I wouldnt be able to forgive them.." Louis trailed off.

Harry felt his heart skip and didnt know what emotion had come over him but he took Louis' face in his hands and kissed him, a deep, meaningful kiss.

Louis must of felt whatever emotion Harry felt because he kissed him back, hard and deep.

"I'm sorry, I just dont wont to chance anything and lose you." Louis said with a single tear escaping his eye.

Harry took his massive thumb and swiped it away,"It's okay babe, take your time, as long as you need, and believe me you can't lose me. Since that day you named me a Lost Boy there was no losing me. I'm yours whether you like it or not."

They both chuckled before kissing one more time and Louis replying,"And I'm yours."

After that moment Harry felt like had had just won gold at the Olympics.
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Well what do you guys think? What do you think of the other pairings. :)