Status: i really like this idea, and would love your feedback !

Ordinary Boy

Chapter Four

Harry woke up to the sound of his alarm clock, it was the last time for a while he would have to hear that stupid thing. Today was Graduation. Harry laid in bed for awhile thinking about everything that happened this past weekend.

Dinner on Friday night had went better than Louis and Harry expected, but after that was a different story. Zayn and Liam really hit it off, they were talking and laughing it was like they had known each other their whole entire lives. Then you had Niall and Olly who wouldnt stop feeding each other whatever was on their plates. Harry and Louis were flirting excessively somewhat trying to put out any hints to the other 3 boys, who would soon know the truth, they would give each other such adoring looks and no one noticed that they were holding hands under the table. It was the best triple date that any of them had ever been on.

After the date Harry went back to Louis' so they could be alone. Harry and Louis were in Louis' bedroom rolling around on the bed, lips never leaving one anothers when Niall walked in and asked if they wanted to go to out, but when he noticed what was happening he quickly left shutting the door with a slam.

"Oh god thats not good." Louis said grabbing his shirt from the floor.

"What? Why? How did he even get in?" Harry said grabbing his shirt from the night table next to the bed.

"He has a key and because Haz, he's gonna call Liam and then there gonna come here and either interrogate you like a fugitive or worse." Louis said his voice cracking,"They can hurt you, i WONT LET THEM!" he screamed.

Harry grabbed Louis and snuggled him so his head was in the crook of his neck,"Babe they wont hurt me."

" 'M scared." Louis mumbled after a broken sob.

"Why?" Harry said rubbing his back trying to calm him down.

"I just, I dont want them to scare you off Harry. If I lost you I would be a mess and I dont know what I would do without you. I know its only been about 2 weeks but I cant picture my life without you and if they messed that up I think I would kill them." Louis said looking into Harry's deep green eyes.

Harry placed a kiss to his forehead,"Louis they cant scare me off, I wouldnt be able to handle not seeing you, so dont worry."

They just stood in Louis' room holding each other. They were laying down when they heard the door to Louis' flat bang open, accompanied with,"WHERE?" and then they saw Liam in the door way, Niall behind him with glaring eyes, and a pleading Zayn begging him to stop.

"Let's go, out right now." Liam said ripping Harry from the bed.

"Li! STOP!" Louis shouted.

"Lou! What dont you understand they hurt you EVERY TIME. Every time you either fall to quick or give to much trust, and they always end up hurting you in the end, and I cant see you go through that a third time!"

"Liam, Im not gonna hurt him, I promise. You can ask Zayn. Please, just stop. Cant you see how happy we make each other. Please!" Harry pleaded.

"How long?" Liam glared at them. "How long has this been going on."

"A week." Louis whispered out.

"Well Harry you want us to let you be with him then I guess me and Niall are gonna have to ask you some things first." Liam smirked over to Niall.

Liam dragged Harry to the living room throwing him on the couch.

"So you kept coming every day so you could peep on him, is that right?" Stern words from Niall.

"Not to peep, just to admire. I was gonna try and work up the courage to ask him to coffee or dinner but its not that easy."

"How is it not that easy, you've probably done it a million times, lover boy." Liam crossed his arms.

"Jesus Christ, of course. WHY DOES EVERYONE FUCKING THINK IM A WHORE! IM NOT!" Harry shouted face getting red.

"Yea because were suppose to believe that." The duo simultaneously said.

Harry looked over to Zayn for help who looked absolutely terrified.

"It-its true. He isnt like that." Zayn broke out. Getting stern and glared looks from Liam and Niall.

"He's never been with a boy. He's only had like 3 girlfriends and the last one was when we were in grade 8, so its been awhile."

"Ohh is that so." Liam said.

"Yes it is so. I know I may have that look but Im nothing like that. Never have been and never will." Harry said strongly.

Everyone was quiet for awhile, they were all in there own thoughts. Louis with fear and aggravation over his face, Liam and Niall seemed as if they felt guilty, Zayn still looked a little scared but was quickly calming down and Harry just wanted to go over to Louis and hug him so tight and tell him he wouldnt ever leave and not to worry, but figured he would wait until one of the guards said something.

"Okay. Listen we're sorry we didnt mean to blow up on you, its just every time Lou does this he gets hurt, we should of realised you werent like that." Liam said with Niall nodding behind him.

"So can we forget this ever happened?" Niall asked.

Everyone nodded.

Saturday and Sunday were sort of damage control days. Harry spent some bonding time with Liam and Niall on Saturday playing football, while Zayn and Louis went out shopping. Sunday, Harry decided he would make them all dinner over at Louis' place as a fresh start to the week.

It went well except for Louis almost burning the shortcakes for dessert, but everything else was amazing to all of them.

Harry finally decided to get out of bed and get ready. He didn't have to be at rehearsals until 12 so he still had an hour and a half and the actual ceremony wasnt until 5. Harry got in the shower letting the warm water run down his chest and flatten his curls. He couldnt stop thinking about how it would be if Louis was with him, at this very moment, but he needed to stop because he wasnt in the mood to handle any problems .

When Harry got out he stepped into his boxers. He still had time so he figured he would straighten up his room, making his bed, picking up the clothes on the floor. Time was going by quick after that so Harry through on his pants, grabbed his shirt and went down to the kitchen to make himself something to eat, nothing exciting just eggs and toast.

Harry was in his car when he told Zayn he was on his way. It took barely 10 minutes to get to Zayn's house. Harry beeped and saw Zayn moments later coming out the front door and soon into the passenger side of his car.

"Today's the big day." Zayn said smiling.

"Yup, our last day in that school, with those people." Harry said staring out at the road.

"Thank God." They said together.

Rehearsal had went well, they had already done it 3 times so everyone was used to it by now. Harry was back at home now sitting at his desk sealing the envelope he had addressed to himself. It was probably a really cheesy thing to do but he wrote himself a letter, he wrote everything he was feeling at that exact moment, in the last week. He wanted to be able to read it in a few years, or even a few months and remember how this felt because you only graduate high school once.

He slid the envelope into the small shoe box under his bed where he kept all his sappy stuff as Zayn called it, but Harry didnt care he liked saving important stuff. I guess you could say he learned that from Gemma.

Harry took another shower and texted Louis telling him how he couldnt wait to see him and Louis replied with how proud of Harry he was even if he wasnt with him from the beginning. Harry decided to wear black dress pants, black shoes, and a white button down shirt.

He sent a picture to Louis for approval and thats what he got along with things that Louis wanted to do to him later, which included unbuttoning the shirt with his teeth, and other very, very bad things, but in a good way.

Harry grabbed his cap and gown and headed to the car. Mum and everyone was leaving soon after but the students needed to be there 20 minutes early to get in line.

When Harry and Zayn got to the school they sat in the car for a few minutes taking in everything thats happened to them in there highschool years. The friends they made but that they know they will never talk to again after tonight.

When they finally got out of the car they went inside to the gym and parted ways to there proper place in line. They waited for their cue to walk out to the field. They got lucky because for once in England it wasnt raining, it was sunny and just the right temperature.

Everyone was sat in the very uncomfortable seats on the lawn. Families and friends were in the bleachers looking over the field. Harry saw everyone, his Mum, Robin, his dad, Gemma, Liam was there for Zayn, Louis was there for him, and Niall too. Harry couldnt help but smile because of how happy he was at that moment.

They started to call everyone's name, 250 students were going to be called up on that stage, and out of those 250 students Harry, and most of the other students, would only keep in touch with maybe 2 of them for the rest of their lives.

"Zayn Malik." the principle called his bestfriends name.

Harry shouted and smiled for his bestfriend, along with everyone else in there class and on the bleachers.

Many names passed before Harry was called up to the stage, he looked over to his Mum who was smiling and had tears of joy running down her face, he looked over to Louis who had a huge smile on his face as well. So with that all Harry could do was smile.

After everyone had gotten their diploma they all headed to the parking lot to take pictures. Harry and Zayn walked over to their families who had almost grown as one since the two boys had met in primary school.

They took pictures, Louis kissed Harry with a million kisses. Liam kissed Zayn with a million kisses and Niall said he felt left out because Olly wasnt there, so the four of them attacked him with 4 millions kisses.

All Harry could think was that he didnt know if this night could get any better but if it did he thought his heart would burst because of how happy and loved he felt. And not to mention how much love he felt for a certain blue eyed boy who was holding his hand.
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Wow, sorry ihavent updated in a while. I just started school so it maybe a little longer for each update but im going to try and write on the weekends. Anyways im in the process of writing Harry's letter so look out for that sometime today!