Status: i really like this idea, and would love your feedback !

Ordinary Boy

Harry's Letter

21st of June 2012

I cant believe im really writing this. I just need to put my thoughts and how i feel down on paper, so i can read this later in life some time. I dont know when maybe one day when im upset or just want to remember how i felt at this moment.

Well today's graduation day, you only get to do this once right? so i plan on making it one of the best days of my life. As happy as i am to leave, it does sadden me a bit, i mean ive spent almost my whole life with these people up until now. Its not like i didnt have any other friends beside Zayn, we were both kind of popular i guess, like we didnt go to much parties or anything just everyone knew who we were and alot of boys always told us how the girls would swoon over us. Speaking of Zayn he won the award for class athlete in the yearbook, I won best hair of course, and then we won bestfriends. I dont know how my years in high school would of gone if it wasnt for Zayn.

Tonight is the last time im going to see all these people, like i said before. Maybe not the last time, you know in a couple of years i may see them in the grocery store shopping for their family, or with their special someone, and we might reminisce a little or just a small passing smile of recognition. Whatever it may be most of these people have probably helped me be the person i am today. Not everyone was good to me or Zayn all the time. Of course there were the jealous people who thought we were stuck up and thought we banged ever chick we laid eyes on, when in reality neither of us would go near a girl in that way. Some people knew we were gay they had just figured because "two lads like yourselves would have girls on your arms everyday if you were straight." yup thats what Sam, our other drama buddy, had told us one night when we decided to go to a party.

Enough about school tho.

The last 2 weeks of my life have been the best of them all, minus exams and studying. I met Louis of course, those blue eyes were burned in my brain the minute i saw them when i was with Christian. When Niall came and pointed me in the right direction to get the job application i couldnt be more happy, i will never forget what he said to me that day,"
Thank you for helping me find my love, I would never stop looking for her." He was in character of course but im the one whos going to have to thank him one day.

Speaking of Niall, him and Liam didnt like me very much when they found out that me and Louis were involved but im sure you remember that (well of course you do you are me and i am you, okay what am i saying just stop Harry. jeese). They were just being protective i understand that now.

Oh yeah, Zayn couldnt be any more happier with Liam too, since they met at the park they literally have been with each other every second.

Everyone's really proud of me, Mum, Gemma, Dad and Robin, all of them. Im not sure why really but thats all theyve been telling me for the past week. Maybe ill find out one day... i hope i do.

Now onto the most important part of this letter..


We've only known each other for about 2 weeks now, and have been involved for about one, but i cant stop thinking about him ever. He's always on my mind whether its just the thought about his feathery hair, his eyes, anything really. I really hope he'll be my one and only because i think i've already fallen (pretty quick i know) or i am falling i dont know but i want to be with him every second, and the thought of someone hurting him makes me want to kill whoever that person might be.

I think he may feel the same way, and by what Liam said how he falls too quick then maybe he has or is. I really hope so. God I love him so much.

I havent told him yet but i think i'll wait a bit, make it special when i tell him. Im thinking maybe tonight, but then again thats not waiting a bit is it? well i guess ill just say it when the moment feels right.

The only thing i have left to say is that im really happy at the moment and i think ive been like this and still am because of Louis, when he smiles i smile and i know thats corny but what can i say.

I should go get ready now...

Signed, Self

wow, did i really just put signed self.. okay now im going to get ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
well heres Harry's letter, i didnt want to make it that long so i got right to the point.