Status: i really like this idea, and would love your feedback !

Ordinary Boy

Chapter Five

It'd been a week since graduation and graduation night. The reason graduation night is a whole other thing is because it was, it was like a separate event and this is what happened.

Louis and Harry were on their way home from the bonfire at Zayn's house when Louis made an unexpected turn down a gravel road. The road led into the woods which you think would creep a person out but Harry wasn't creeped out in the slightest. He thinks he wasnt because he was with Louis, but who knows. They drove through and ended up on a cliff just looking over the very small city. You think it wouldnt be much because it was such a small city and the lights weren't as great as they would have been in London or Paris but it was 'a sight to see' Harry thought. Maybe it was so special because he was with Louis, again he wasn't sure but thought thats why.

Harry didnt know why but alot of things felt better with Louis, it could be the simplest thing in the world and it felt special when he was with Louis. Harry assumed this is what love felt like, he knew he had fell for Louis the moment he first saw him. He's not going to say it was 'love at first sight' because he didnt know, but now that he thinks about it all the time he swears he remembers feeling a wave of something hit when he did see him that day when he was named Curly.

When they stepped out of the car Harry knew it was perfect in every way possible. The air was warm yet cool at the same time, after all it was England. There was a slight breeze that would pass through ever so slightly, every once and a while. The lights that they saw over the city and above them in the sky were perfect. Harry thought for a few minutes about the stars and the moon and how they have and they will forever spend eternity together. No matter what the moon would always have the stars and the stars would always have the moon. Yes, of course Harry was seeing stars that might have already died but it was nice to know that those stars that died would make new stars, so still the moon would have a piece of every star it ever meet no matter what.

Harry was hoping him and Louis could be that way. That they could be together for life and whatever came beyond that. Harry didn't realise how long he had actually been thinking until Louis cleared his throat,"Babe, are you okay?" he looks genuinely concerned when he asks Harry, so Harry tells him hes okay with a nod and a kiss.

They sit on the hood of Louis' car and just look up to the sky, up at the stars and the moon, and Harry tells Louis about how they would always have each other. Louis giggled because he loved how Harry put so much thought into the simplest of things like this. After, he said very quietly,"I wish we could be like the stars and the moon." Harry smiles at this even though Louis cant see and agrees with him, by kissing him.

They kissed for awhile, the moon shining on them. Harry swore that the moonlight changed Louis' eyes to a different shade of blue, a deep blue like the sea on a calm night. But if you asked Louis he would tell you the same about Harry; That the moon changed Harry's eyes too, that they looked like a lush field with the only light shining was from the moon, and the fireflies around.

They continued to kiss, and it got hotter under there clothes so they decided to lose a layer or two (mind you that all they had on were t-shirts, and jeans.) They made out for awhile shirtless on the hood of the car, then Louis mentioned something about moving into the back seat, Harry wasnt sure what he said exactly but he planned on moving them back there anyways. They shut and locked the doors, even though they were the only ones out there, but Louis could be a bit paranoid at times.

They kissed even longer while in the back of the car, removing there pants half way through. There wasnt much room but once Louis had Harry on his back everything moved very quickly. There were moans and groans and a lot of "Fuck Lou!" and "Fuck Haz!" There was no doubt that the car was rocking back and forth in time to Louis' thrusts, and there was the steam on the windows and Harry even added the iconic hand print. Later, much later, during the night Harry would mention how that happens in the Titanic and then he would ask Louis if he could draw him naked just like Jack had asked Rose and Louis would say yes just like Rose did.

Evidently that was the first time they had sex with each other. After when Louis was laying on Harry, with his ear pressed to his chest listening to the heartbeat and Harry's massive hands in his hair he would mumble something that Harry couldnt make out but was sure it sounded like 'I love you'. Harry would mumble it back and Louis would lean up and kiss him. Louis quickly shot up after that, grabbing his jacket from the front and grabbed a small box from his pocket.

"You're not gonna ask me to marry me are you?" Harry questioned.

Louis laughed,"No, well not yet anyway."

"Hey, I call doing the proposing." Harry would reply with a smile.

"I got you something. A graduation present." Louis handed Harry the small black box which did have a ring in it, just it wasnt a wedding ring or an engagement ring, it was special. A promise ring. It was a silver band. Harry hadnt noticed there was an engraving until Louis pointed out that he should look on the inside of the ring. So Harry did, and he read what was written. "Forever is a long time." It was Harry's favorite quote from Peter Pan, and he couldnt help but smile and slip it onto his finger.

You think it would sound bad but, both Harry and Louis knew what it meant to them and thats all that mattered really. After they would get dressed and Harry would drive back to Louis' and they would sleep together (not literally just in the same bed and snuggled together) for the night and into the morning. Harry would say 'I love you' and Louis and would say 'I love you too' about a million times. Neither of them minded because they loved each other that much, that no matter how much they said it, it wouldnt equal to the amount they felt.


Harry was in the same spot as he was last Tuesday morning, and he was sure he'd be there the Tuesday after, and after that and so on until him and Louis got there own place together or until Harry was official moved in. He should probably tell you how Zayn and Liam were doing.

They were going strong as well. Zayn was doing the same as Harry and spending as much time at and/or with Liam before Uni. Harry nor Zayn were leaving for Uni but they knew once that they started they would be crammed with work. Harry still has his job at the Disney park, and Zayn also got a job there four days after graduation, he was also a lost boy. At the park the other employees and even Patty in the office knew the five of them as 'Peter and the Lost Boys' or just 'The Lost Boys'. It sounded like a gang or something, but it wasn't, obviously, it was just two couples and their friend who's boyfriend wasnt home much because he was trying to launch his music career.

Niall missed Olly alot but he could survive as long as he had the four of them. Sometimes Louis and Harry thought that Niall would spend the nights at Liam and Zayns and they would let him join in, in whatever they were doing because of how lonely he was. And by join in they mean a threesome. Harry once told Louis that he thought they would be the pefect couple (or would it be threesome?) together because they all clearly loved each other very much. Zayn was absolutely head over heals for Liam who seemed head over heals for both Niall and Zayn and Niall seemed like school girl when he was around them as a pair.

Niall would soon admit that him and Olly had broken up before he had left and that he really did love Zayn and Liam. They would work it out and they would be a three part, and Harry would tell Louis that he thought it was adorable but that if Louis ever thought a third person was okay in there relationship then he was absolutely mental, and Louis would tell him that there he wasnt capable of loving anyone else other than Harry and Harry would smile and they would kiss.


"I wanna take you on holiday." Louis told Harry one day when they were sitting on the couch watching some ridiculous game show.

"And I wanna go on this holiday." Harry would reply with a smile reaching his ears.

"2 weeks, and we're going." Louis would answer.

"Where?" Harry would ask.

"It's a surprise Curly, you're gonna have to wait." Louis would kiss Harry again and then they would turn off the TV and move into the bedroom for the rest of the night making loud noises and the head board would bang against the wall but they didn't care and they would do this every day until there holiday.
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AHh!! im sorry i havent updated in awhile, i was going to last weekend and got caught up in stuff! i hope this makes up for it. Im really trying to stick to this every two weeks thing but be prepared just in case i dont ! sorry :)