"Wrath's Career"

Act one: Scene two Rodger meets Wrath

Scene: Two:

At a nearly deserted park, sits Wrath alone on a wooden bench. She watches the joggers who run in pairs sprint across her view of a man who sits across her. He is alone starring at the ground and he watches the ground in a sad, angry - glare. He looked up and bared an expression of dismay.
(Lifts herself off the bench and waits for another pair of joggers to pass, she approaches the man, and sits down next to him and stares at the ground as well)
So, What’s buggin you? You look like you were told some bad news. And it’s already twelve-thirty.
(Lifts his head, surprised)
What does it matter to you? You don’t care. Besides you couldn’t undo time, tell my boss how sorry I am for yelling at him. You couldn’t get my job back nevertheless the promotion I yearned for. But never got It was given to Bryan, The new kid. I wish I could have pushed him off the Empire State.
Wow you’re not like the other’s… (crosses arms in approvable)
What? Really, how so? I’m just like all the other men in New York. Loveless, Jobless. My cat doesn’t even like me Mr. Frankie won’t even let me pet him. So how am I any different from any other person?
You know how I don’t care, and you tell me so. So that’s how you’re different. So what’s your name?
Umm, Rodger. But I still doubt you could do anything about my job. Or the fact that I just screwed up on the first date with Grace.
(Scratches neck)
No, I never said I would help, that’s not in the job description. So you are the reason why Grace fled the restaurant. And had a Sex on The Beach.
(angrily) What? She had Sex on the beach? With who?
You’re so stupid. That’s probably half your problem. You get angry and you don’t listen. Now stop acting like a hot-tempered old lady
(blushes) Oh… (Looks down) Sorry I just don’t know how to control my anger.
Obviously, maybe you should try taking deep breaths.
I don’t think breathing will help. It’s just that I don’t think. I say what I think and don’t mean for it to be blurted out in a spat of anger.
Then you obviously should THINK before you just blurt out words of stupid.
Well, it’s not that simple… I –
(interrupting)(sternly) Shut up. Yes it is.
(stands up and faces Wrath)
You know what? (pause) You’re just as bad as I am. You think you know how to connect with people but you don’t. (pause) You’re no help.
(walks away)
(still sitting) Well I tried (at the audience) Maybe I shouldn’t have called him a “Hot tempered Old Lady”