The Magic Act

Who Am I?

"A-And for my n-next trick," The Magician called out to the Audience. He pulled a bundle of cards out of his suit pocket, holding them up for the crowd to see. "I will first pull a card out of this deck!" Moving his hand over it he plucked a random card out of the stack; an Ace of Spades. He displayed it high in the air for a few moments before tossing it aside. The crowd looked bored as it fluttered to the ground. A bead of sweat rolled down his face and he swallowed hard. "Now the very card I pulled out, what was it?"

"Ace of Spades!" Someone shouted. He sighed, at least one person still had faith in this awful performance. With his right arm, he reached behind his ear, discreetly trying to take another Ace of Spades from an extra deck hidden in his sleeve. But as he went to pull it out, the cord holding it there snapped, sending the entire plethora of cards twisting and twirling to the ground. Had he pulled it too hard? Or too fast? He'd not a clue, all he knew is that he just ruined his trick.

The crowd started booing and hissing. They came to see The Great Gerald in his astounding act, but all they got was this bumbling idiot. People throw empty cups and balled up candy wrappers, half-eaten bins of popcorn and crushed flyers. The Magician took a few steps back, covering his face with his arms and shouting for them to stop.

They ignored his cries.

Eventually security had to come in and put a stop to it before it got out of hand. Gerald was grateful to them, and personally shook each of their hands. Slowly he took his place back on stage and unsheathed a sword. The blade shimmered a faint blue in the stage light, and it seemed to fade in and out. This caught and held everyone's attention. They all had their eyes fixed on it.

"Now, if you don't mind, I'll need a volunteer." Three people raised their hands.
The Magician scanned through them, pretending he was deciding who to call up, even if he had already chosen someone before the show.

Gleefully he called on a young girl, in her early twenties. As she walked up the aisle, everyone stared at her. Watching her bright yellow dress sway side to side as she moved, her glistening brown hair swish, her golden high-heels clanking softly on the carpet, and her fiery crimson eyes as she gazed at the Magician, smiling. It was completely silent as she scaled up the steps gracefully and stood next to him.

He took a step forward, pressing an indent on the wooden stage. A trap door slid open a few feet behind them, and a table rose out of it. Everyone stared in amazement. Gerald turned to his beautiful volunteer and said,
"My lady, may I ask your name?" She twisted a lock of her hair with two fingers.
"Kitty. My name is Luli Kitty."
The initial awe seemed to have faded as the crowd grew bored once more.

Not for long, Gerald thought grinning ever so slightly. "Well then, Luli, it is such a pleasure meeting you." He said, then gestured towards the table.
"Could you please lie down on this?" Luli nodded and moved over to it; sitting at first, then pulling her legs up and lying flat.

"For my final trick, I will bring this poor soul back to life!" He raised his arms high and grinned cheerfully. One of the members of the audience stood and pointing a finger.
"She ain't dead ya moron! Who're ya tryin' ta fool?!"
Gerald simply folded his arms together.
"Not yet."

The guards looked up from the audience and gazed skeptically at him for a moment, then put their hands on their guns and started towards him. This man was insane! He's going to kill someone, this isn't what Boss hired him for! The Magician had already turned around and raised the sword high in the air. Luli started to panic as thoughts filled her head. What if something went wrong? What if he really didn't know what he was doing? Maybe he was just another nutjob looking for easy money? She swallowed hard and closed her eyes tight.

The guards pulled the guns out and cocked them, aiming for Gerald's head as they slowed down for a good shot. Confusion grew among the people as they wondered if this was part of the act. A smile creased The Magician's face as he thrust the blade downwards.
The men pulled their triggers.

But nothing happened, the guns didn't fire. They rushed towards the stage, but it was too late.

The sword was in her heart.

A pain rushed through her body as the blade seemed to pierce her skin. She felt her mind numbing and her vision fading. A warm liquid flooded around where the blade punctured her skin. Though she could no longer see anything, she knew what it was.
Then nothing.

Gerald pulled the sword out and raised it in the air; the red liquid staining the blade and dripping down as he held it up. The crowd didn't know how to respond to this. Hadn't he just killed her? This was madness! The guards, coming out of their shock, rushed onto the stage. But none of them could approach him. There seemed to be some sort of wall between them and the "act". If it could be called that anymore.

"Now, my audience! She is dead... would you not agree?" The crowd still didn't know what to do. Some hurriedly tried to leave, but the door wouldn't budge. Gerald gazed at them skeptically. "You know... it's rude to leave in the middle of a performance!" His devilish smile chilled them to the core as they quickly retook their seats.

"Better." The Magician turned to face the now dead woman. Her beautiful brown hair hanging over the edge as she sat there, motionless. Dead. Gerald clapped his hands. A bright flash of light emitted from his palms. People covered their eyes to prevent it from blinding them. Once it had faded and they, hesitantly, put their hands down; the blade he had moments ago was gone. Murmurs of confusion wafted throught he crowd gently, but none of them would speak louder than a hushed whisper. They were terrified and baffled.

Gerald waited for them to be silent before continuing. He took out a vile of blue dust and shook the contents around inside the container. A heavyset cork plugged on the top kept it from spilling out. Everyone stared at the item with unhidden interest.

"Now I will bring her back to life. Watch and do try not to stare directly at me when I sprinkle it on Mrs. Luli's forhead." He moved back towards the table and uncorked the vial; a strong lavender scent immediately filled the room. A chorus of "ahhs" erupted from the spectators. This relaxing smell was a welcome change to the damp odor and tension in the room. Gerald smiled cautiously as he sprinkled a few dashes onto Luli's head. On contact with her skin, the particles instantly glared luminously. For a second time the audience had to cover their eyes.
A few moments passed and the light started to dim. Everyone stared at her, waiting expectantly for something to happen.

But nothing did.

Moment after anxious moment they watched; but there was no effect. They looked to Gerald and, seeing his face display the same shock they had, began panicking—fearing for the girl's life. However, Gerald's alarm was only a ruse.

The Magician rose his white-gloved hands into the air and pressed them together. "Awaken, Mrs. Luli Kitty." Seconds later, Luli was sitting up with her hands pressed against her forhead. The blood on her shirt had faded, but the tear was still visible. As was the scar on her skin where the blade had impaled her. The Audience stared in amazement. Everyone in the room was still taken aback. No one knew whether to clap or flee in terror. But one by one, they applauded. Magic was an illusion... it all had to be fake and staged... right? If so it was expertly done...

Gerald turned to the audience and bowed while Luli continued to sit there. She seemed dazed and somewhat thrown. Moving her hand to the tear she felt a cool moistness from where she assumed the blood would be. But there was none; only water soaked her clothing there. She felt a haze rush into her head and couldn't think straight. She wasn't, and couldn't be, sure of anything that had just happened. All she knew for certain is that she had just died.

But she was still alive.